The IT Québec City Sub-Group will hold its 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on:
Wednesday, April 30, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
at the Le Rascal restaurant
5050, Wilfrid-Hamel Bd, Québec, QC G2E 5X5
Tel.: 418-654-3644
Please confirm your attendance online before April 22, 2025, at
A hot meal, refreshments and parking will be provided free of charge.
- Welcome and introductions
- Adoption of the agenda
- President’s Remark
- Approval of the 2024 AGM minutes
- Treasury
- Presentation of the 2024 financial statements
- Presentation of the 2026 budget
- Appointment of an auditor
- Elections:
- One (1) President position, 2-year term
- One (1) Secretary position, 2-year term
- One (1) Treasurer position, 2-year term
- Three (3) Director positions, 2-year term
- One (1) Director position, 1-year term
- Meal break at 6:30 p.m.
- Conference:
- Bargaining and mobilization
- Miscellaneous
- Distribution of door prizes
10. Closing of the AGM 9:00 p.m.
2025 Elections
IT Québec City Sub-Group
Call for nominations
Pursuant to the Constitution and By-Laws of the IT Québec City Sub-Group, take notice that one (1) President position, one (1) Secretary position, one (1) Treasurer position and four (4) Director positions on the IT Québec City Sub-Group Executive will be filled by election at the 2025 Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
Role of the President: To chair meetings and ensure that the agenda is followed and that parliamentary procedures and regulations are observed at meetings. To represent the Sub-Group at various events.
Role of the Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain a record of meetings for the period prescribed by the policies of the Institute. The Secretary makes sure to send a copy of the minutes to the Institute (one weeknight, about six per year).
Role of the Treasurer: To maintain the financial books in accordance with the Institute’s policies, prepare financial statements and prepare the annual allocation request (one weeknight, approximately six per year).
Role of the Director: To attend the Executive meetings (one weeknight, approximately six per year) and pass on information received to colleagues.
Nominations can be made in writing (a simple e-mail) before April 26, 2025, or at the Annual General Meeting. All nominations must be proposed by a member in good standing, and seconded by another member in good standing. Nominations must be sent to the Elections Committee, chaired by Danick Proulx, at
Example of nomination: To: Subject: Nomination for the IT Québec City Sub-Group elections Message: The following is the nomination of First name, Last name for the position of Position, proposed by First name, Last name and seconded by First name, Last name.