Please join your local SH Halifax subgroup in a volunteer activity to set up, cook and clean up at Sunday Suppers, Christ Church Dartmouth. Location is 61 Dundas Street in Dartmouth.
From their website:
On Sunday afternoons we gather with our neighbours for food and conversation. Some weeks we provide the meal, other weeks the food is supplied by a community partner.
Dartmouth Community Fridge and the Wooden Monkey Restaurants host the meal once per month. Meals have also been provided by Dartmouth Lions Club, King’s College Chapel, Shifting Tides Play Therapy and others.
We regularly serve anywhere from 70-100 portions of food. Please consider joining us for a meal! We open our doors for coffee and tea at 3:00 pm, and serve supper from 4:00-5:00 pm.
Volunteer date: Sunday, March 23rd
You can choose between the following duties:
Set up: 3-4 persons arriving for 1400. Set up tables, chairs, coffee etc
Cooking: 4-5 persons arriving for 1300
Clean up: 2-3 persons arriving for 1600. Duties opposite of set up.
SPACE IS LIMITED. We will take names on a first come, first serve basis.
Please RSVP with your choice to
Darlene will respond to your email to confirm your choice.
The SH Halifax Subgroup participated in a similar volunteer event last year and for those who attended, they said how meaningful of an activity it was.