August 22, 2024
250 Tremblay Road, Ottawa, ON
Meeting Code: H9NXGHTXZTN
9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Present: Manny Costain (Chair), Scott McConaghy (ATL), Renaud Guiard (QC), Nicki Ezechinedu
(PNT), Mike Chow (BCY)
Virtual: Michael Kenney (NCR)
Staff: Tony Goddard
Regrets: Mandy Chan (ON)
Land acknowledgement (Manny Costain)
1) Approval of the Agenda
Moved: Mike Chow Seconded: Nicki Ezechinedu
CARRIED by consensus.
2) Approval of Minutes of July 8, 2022
Moved: Scott McConaghy Seconded: Michael Kenney
CARRIED by consensus.
3) Board of Directors Update (Manny Costain)
4) INFO: Results/Approvals from Board meeting(s)
a. AFS Group (App’d Aug BoD)
b. CP Group (App’d Aug BoD)
c. Hamilton CRA Branch (App’d Aug BoD)
5) Standing & Priority Items
a. Policy on Institute Staff
A recommendation to revise the wording “staff member” to “staff resource” to reduce any
confusion associated with members and staff. The committee agreed that this policy is ready to
be sent to the Board for approval.
ACTION: Send policy for translation and Board approval (Tony).
b. Environmental Policy
A long discussion was held, debating the merits of PIPSC's need for an environmental policy. It
was felt that, since PIPSC is not an environmental organization, it should not dictate via a
policy. Consensus was that this policy, at most, should be an appendix to another policy and
titled a “guideline”.
ACTION: Recommend to the Board of Directors that this be included in another policy as a
guideline (Manny).
c. Policy on Better Together Funding (App’d Mar BoD)
A full review of the policy was conducted by the BLPC. Many recommended revisions have
been noted and will be forwarded to the Better Together Team for consideration before this
policy is revised.
● There was also concern that there was no indication of a control over applying to
multiple funds (i.e. Annual Allocations, applying to a Region or Group, Better Together,

22 August 2024 – BLPC Minutes


● How do members request a breakdown of where the monies are spent?
● General consensus was that Regional Directors must be part of the approval process.
● Childcare expenses (4-II-D) are covered by a separate policy.
ACTION: Forward policy recommendations to the Better Together Team for review. (Tony)
d. Policy on Election of Officers and Directors of the Institute
It was agreed that since any changes will only be effective after January 1, 2025 for the 2027
Board elections, a full review of the policy should be completed by the next BLPC. There was
consensus that the revised wording provided for article 6 is acceptable:
6. Ballots and Electronic Records   Distribution of Ballots
Not later than twenty-one (21) days before the day fixed for the end of voting, a list of all
the candidates per position in election, together with the appropriate biographical
sketches, all founded complaint offenses, the discipline taken and the offender’s name,
shall be published. Each member entitled to vote shall be notified that voting is open.
Discussion around restricting the nomination process for Regional Directors to members of the
potential candidate’s Region was satisfied that, since only those in the Region were able to
vote for the candidate, it would not matter whether the nominator(s) were in the same Region.
e. Policy on Conflict of Interest
The committee sees no issue with the proposed change.It was recognized that there are rare
situations where the declaration of a conflict could be confidential in nature. Any conflict needs
to be reflected in the open minutes of the Board to ensure the members are aware that the
conflict has been declared.
Board Motion:
Moved and seconded that any conflict of interest should be reported to the Executive
Secretary via email upon receipt of the agenda or notification of its publication in the
Board package.
This should be reviewed by the General Counsel and followed with a full discussion by the
BLPC before a policy revision is enacted.
ACTION: Forward to PIPSC General Counsel for comment (Tony).
f. CRPEG Group
Michael K reviewed the presented bylaws and identified various required changes, such as
adding an article 12 (model), changing “auditing” to “reviewing” and reviewing the requirements
for retired member participation. Michael agreed to work further with CRPEG for their next
g. Retired Members
Scott and Manny led the conversation around the identification and validation of Retired
Members. It is assumed that a member is “retired” and meets our definition once they leave the
Public Service. We do no investigation and we do not have access to the information required
to validate. It was suggested that, at a minimum, Member Services should request an
attestation from the newly retired member.
h. Northeastern Alberta Branch
Nicki to review and report at the next BLPC meeting.

22 August 2024 – BLPC Minutes


i. NWT Branch Amendments
Nicki to review and report at the next BLPC meeting.
j. Winnipeg & Southern Manitoba Branch
Nicki to review and report at the next BLPC meeting.
k. Communication Chair Role in Model Bylaws
After deliberation, it was decided that including the requirement for a communication chair may
not be best included in the model bylaws as it is not a requirement for every Branch or
Subgroup. It could be included in specific constituent body bylaws if and when required by that
l. NR Shirley’s Bay Subgroup
Michael K advised that this subgroup will be submitting their bylaws next year, after their next
m. Policy on Consultation
The added section 7 for Expedited Appointment of Organization Consultation Presidents was
reviewed and recommended for approval by the Board. The balance of suggested changes
were rejected.
n. NR Vancouver Island Subgroup
Mike C advised that this submission requires approval by the subgroup’s AGM.
6) New Business
a. Policy on Stewards
The policy changes were reviewed and it was agreed to send them to the Board for approval.
ACTION: Send revised policy for translation then to the Board for approval (Tony).
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 16h17