The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Hello WPEG Members,

You are invited to attend the Whiteshell Professional Employee Group (WPEG) annual general meeting (AGM) on November 14, 2024, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. The meeting will be held in the Front B300 Conference Room. 

Lunch is provided. Email any dietary needs or restriction to

A meeting invite will follow including an online link. In person attendance is preferred as this room struggles to support online services.  Please confirm your attendance with the meeting invite so that we can provide an estimate for ordering food. 

The standard AGM agenda is below.  Last year was an election year so we only have elections for vacancies this year.  Send any nominations to one of the executives. We also accept nominations from the floor at the AGM.  The current vacancies are the Vice-President and the Secretary.  Feel free to reach out to myself or any of the executives if you have questions or would like more information on union participation in general. 

If you wish to include an agenda items we request that you send it to prior to November 7.  

AGM Agenda

  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Adoption of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any intervening Special General Meetings
  3. Business arising from the Minutes
  4. Reports from the Group Executive
  5. Election of the Group Executive
    1. Vice-President - The Vice-President acts on behalf of the Chair in cases of her/his absence.
    2. The Secretary - shall be responsible for sending of notices of all meetings of the Group and of the Group Executive, the records of all minutes and correspondence of the Group and of the Group Executive, and maintaining membership records and the list of area representatives, branch and building representative list. The Secretary sends notices to the Group Executive, records minutes and correspondence of the Group, and of the Group Executive, and maintaining membership records and the list of area representatives, branch and building representative list.
  6. Any other business
    1. Bargaining Updated
    2. Investigate cooperating with CRPEG
    3. C&PD Presentation


Your WPEG Executive

Curtis Faucher
Saju Sam
Jason Martino
Chuck Kiston
Jesse Grodon
Laverne Wojiechowski