IT Quinte Sub Group AGM Minutes - 26, June 2023

Held in Belleville, June 22, 2023

Executives in Attendance:

Bevin Stephenson               President

Debbie Butler                        Vice-President

Dan Weaver                          Member-at-Large

Lisa Shears                           Member-at-Large

Doug Austin                          Member-at-Large

Hazra Hosein                       Member-at-Large/Secretary

Kevin Brunet                        Treasurer

Denise Martin                      Member-at-Large

Jamie Buell                           Member-at-Large

Mike Fisher                          Member-at-large


Shelley Shanessy                Member-at-Large

Chris Lammle                      Member-at-Large


Action By

  1. Opening Remarks

            Meeting called to order 6:50pm

           Bevin welcomed all those who could attend in person. 


  1. Approval of Agenda

President called for a Motion to approve the Agenda

Jamie Buell seconded. Carried.


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of the Minutes

Approval of the Minutes,

Hazra Hosein  previous minutes seconded by Dan weaver.  Carried


  1. President’s Report

Thanks to our Board members for their outstanding support: VP Deb Butler, Treasurer Extraordinaire Kevin Brunet, Speed Demon Secretary Hazra Hosein, and MALs Dan Weaver, Lisa Shears, Denise Martin, Jamie Buell, Shelley Shanessy, Doug Austin, Michael Fisher
Significant moments: donations to local food banks and programs very well received, welcome new board member (Mike), new steward (Lino), supporting local job action by education workers and PSAC members, various consultation with health care workers, scientist and ITs

2023-06-03 - attended IT AGM Gatineau
2023-05-02 - attended Kingston subgroup AGM for networking and discussion
2023-04-21 - walked picket lines with PSAC, brought snacks and drinks
2023-04-01 - subgroup presidents meeting, Victoria, BC
2023-03-22 - Unit LMRC (ATESS)
2023-02-02 – Bargaining update
2023-02-01 – CFB Trenton LMRC
2023-01-31 – Subgroup Exec mtg

Member issues - RTO, termination on probation, respect in the workplace, reaching out to members personally, UMCC, health and safety issues
If you become aware of new members in the workplace, please put us in touch.  We need to start succession planning for the next generation of active members, as many of us will be retiring within the next few years.
Thank you for attending tonight, and please enjoy the food, networking and information from our guest speakers.

  1. Financial Report

Kevin Brunet presented the Treasurer’s Report,.

Kevin moved the 2024 budget, seconded by Dan Weaver   Carried.

  1. Elections

Positions up for election:

Vice President:

Deb Butler     Acclaimed.


Dan Weaver          Acclaimed

Denise Martin       Acclaimed

Lisa Shears          Acclaimed

Doug Austin         Declined

Lisa Nominated Zarin Bari – Accepted,

Seconded by Mike Fisher

  1. AGM Guest Speakers
    Yvonne Snaddon and Stan Buday
    - Yvonne:  Digital Talent Platform

(Skill Repository – Canada Wide level); Contracting out.
- Stan Buday:  Gave an update on Bargaining
   - Impasse
   - Next is Arbitration – will take approx. 3 months to get an
     arbitrator and another 3 months for a decision.
   - Some items discussed: No Parity. No PSAC deal, Language

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn – Bevin Stephenson 8:40 p.m.



































