Monday April 8, 2024 5:30 pm




Present: Cory Graham, Terri Gobeil, Pramesh Selliah, Chris Freeman, Mo Khakbazan (Zoom), Kevin Jacobs, Brent Maine, Josh Fidelek, Blair English (Zoom), David Hakes (Zoom)

Regrets: None


  1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 17:58


  1. Approval of Agenda

Moved by Terri Seconded by Pramesh



  1. Approval of Minutes:

     a) Last meeting -  February 29, 2024

Moved by Kevin 

Seconded by Chris



  1. President’s Report

     a) PRE meeting March 8th Calgary

         Pramesh attended and provided an update: New PIPSC director of finance, collective bargaining still occurring, PIPSC              looking to hire a director of HR, Nancy McCune volunteered to be Parliamentarian.


  1. Treasurer’s Report (Jason) Report on file

Current account balance $X

Jason will present Budget for 2025 for the AGM.


  1. New Business

     a) Selection of WASM delegates for PRC-We have 22 delegates, still waiting for few to confirm the attendance.  There will             be information on how to get to Canmore from Calgary airport.

     b) Ideas for how use allotment – everyone was to bring ideas-Pramesh is looking at ordering some promotional items and             to send out reminder e-mail.  Cory is re-sending the info for the fork/knife set.

     c) Discussion re: reusable cutlery

        Motion by Brent to allocate up to $X for reusable cutlery

        seconded by Josh.


     d) Branch Delegates for the 2023 PIPSC AGM

         The Branch President advised who went to the 2023 PIPSC AGM from the Branch.

         A motion was made by Brent that he be automatically made a delegate to the 2024 PIPSC AGM. Seconded by Chris.

         After discussion the motion was withdrawn.

         A lengthy discussion occurred at the meeting.

        Selection criteria for National AGM delegates has been under development by a Committee of the Executive and is in the          final stages prior to implementation for the 2024 AGM.


  1. Old Business

     a) Branch AGM Planning Committee Recommendation

          i) Venue: Holiday Inn Express

          ii) Date: May 9, 2024 an E-mail for the registration will be sent on April,11th.

          iii) Resolutions  - submission from Exec.   Brent to send his Resolution to the exec to get posted. (he already sent to                      Chris and Kevin)

          iv) Constitution requires 3 weeks notice

          v) Election Chair – Christine- only have one name so far.

               1. up for election:  Mo, Pramesh, Brent, Kevin, Jason, Josh

     b) Selection criteria for National AGM delegates – update (Dave/Pramesh/Chris) Pramesh to send out the e-mail again and           give April, 18th deadline reply with comments.

     c) Engagement 

          i) Bomber Game 2024 (Jason)

          ii) Airplane Museum 2024 (Kevin) – Kevin to look at other options for member engagement.

          iii) Valour Game (David) May or June 2024-

     d) Standing Events

         Motion to defer discussion of standing events to next meeting (due to time limitation).

         Moved by Cory

         Seconded by Josh


          i) Steward Appreciation Oct 2024

          ii) Winnipeg Open House, December 2024

          iii) Brandon Open House, December 2024

     e) Volunteer Opportunity

          i)Branch registered/accepted to volunteer at MB Harvest (just need to select date(s)) – Cory

               1. Shirts for those that volunteer - Jason


  1. Round Table:

-Josh put forward a motion to have some t-shirts printed (made) for $X design (art work) print and all included and the art work to be approved by exec)

Seconded by: Chris

Motion Carried


-Kevin and Blair attended to the SP group AGM

-Terri SH Group still on the table for their contract.

-Chris: working to get the retired member group activated again.

-Pramesh-was at IT president meeting on April, 6th.  There is going to be a committee set up on how to use the training fund they received by the TBS.

-Cory: MAGE is also still in bargaining with the employer (province)


  1. Next meeting dates/time

Zoom meeting on May 2nd.

a. May 9th AGM

b. June 6

c. September 5

d. October 3

e. November 7

f. December 5 Open House

g. December Dinner (guest)


10. As there was no further business the meeting was adjournment at 19:25