Quinte Branch Executive Meeting - February 13, 2024

Location: Birdy’s Restaurant, Belleville

Executives in Attendance:

Dan Weaver                          President

Deb Butler                             Vice President

Kevin Brunet                         Treasurer

Lisa Shears                           Member-at-Large

Jamie Buell                           Member-at-Large

Bevin Stephenson               Member-at-Large

Shelley Shanessy                Member-at-Large

Shannon Brown                   Member-at-Large


Denise Martin                       Member-at-Large

Hazra Hosein                        Secretary


Action By

  1. Opening Remarks – 5:40 pm


  1. Approval of Agenda as amended
  • Moved – Dan Weaver, Seconded – Lisa Shears, All in favour. Carried


  1. Approval of Minutes
  • Moved – Deb Butler, Seconded – Shelley Shanessy, All in favour. Carried.


  1.  Business arising from the Minutes:

- Scholarship discussion on how to implement.  Decide on criteria to give to a deserving individual with strong community service or involvement, IT program, PIPSC member with priority to local to Belleville / Trenton greater areas.  Bevin to prepare a write up for review to use as criteria for the Legacy Foundation to make the award on yearly basis until discontinued. *To be a standing item until presented and approved as a budget line item at the AGM for the following year.  


  1. President’s Report
  • no significant items since last meeting (AGM)


  1. Delegates to ORC
     - First weekend in April, Branch entitled to send 3 members, to canvas Executives for interest and select 3 candidates with preference to those who have not yet attended   


  1. Treasurer’s Report: 

- presented, spending plan updated

  1. Motion: Swag Spend $XXX.  To determine proposed items secretarily (suggest we use the Branch Google space https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#chat/space/AAAA5vqhP4E for discussion, and finalize items either by email or at next mtg). https://www.theredplanet.ca/ is good vendor to check for items. 

Moved – Dan Weaver. Seconded – Kevin Brunet. All in favour. Carried



  1. AGM Review
  • Professionalism
  • * Tabled until next meeting
  1. Meet the Executives Lunch N Learn – Winter Series
    Four sessions - sign in sheets, each event $XXX approved by PIPSC Lunch and Learn.  To provide pizza, pop and water

Trenton Group: 

February 22nd Health and Dental Overview, Harassment, Awareness, Leave Types, Collective Agreements

February 29th Harassment Awareness, Leave Types, Collective Agreement, Health and Dental Overview

Belleville Group: Jamie to let ppl into building, mtg held in Singleton Room, ID needed 

March 7th - topics

March 14th  - topics

9.a Motion: Attempt to give All gift cards in inventory to be gifted by end of the calendar year to participants of Branch events.

Moved - Kevin Brunet

Seconded - Deb Butler

All in favour. Carried.

9.b Motion: 2 Tim Horton’s gift cards to be given as prizes to participants at each of the upcoming 4 Winter lunch and learn events.

Moved - Kevin Brunet

Seconded - Jamie Buell

All in favour. Carried.


  1. New Business:  
  • Kevin will clarify reimbursement process and amounts for lunch and learns
  1. General Question / Round Table  
  • Lisa requested update to use her @live.com email address for union business


  1. Adjournment
    - Dan Weaver motioned to adjourn at 7:10 pm. All in favour.