2023 Ottawa South Branch (OSB) Hybrid AGM Draft Minutes

PIPSC HQ - 250 Tremblay Rd Ottawa

DATE: Wednesday October 18, 2023    TIME: 6:00 – 7:45 p.m.


DRAFT Minutes


  1. Chair: Lucienne Bahuaud

The Chair welcomed members to the AGM.  The Chair provided the Land Acknowledgement for the Unceded Territory of the Algonquin Nation.    Procedures were covered for a hybrid meeting, the use of the microphones for translation and virtual attendees.  Virtual attendees were advised to submit questions via the zoom “chat” or interactively.

  1. Roll Call of Executive Members:


President: Madeline Blais (RMG - NAVCAN retired)

Vice-President & Treasurer: Rob Wloch (CRA)

Secretary & Member at Large: Xuede Chen (CRA)

CRA Rep: Yannick Effe Bibang (CRA)

NAVCAN Rep: Michael Diec (NAVCAN)

Member-at-Large: Chris Siu (CRA)

Member-at-Large: Jack Stalica (NAVCAN)


  1. Thank you to Juli Kwan past Member at large for OSB Executive as she has now stepped back from Executive.


  1. Introduction of Guest Speaker

NCR-IT Region AFS Representative Allaudin Alibhai


  1. Adoption of the Agenda - Agenda translation was updated by Chair.

Motion to approve Updated Agenda:

Moved by: Arnold Smith;

Seconded: Michael Gracequist;



  1. Adoption of Minutes of 2022 OSB AGM .

Apologies given as the French translation of the minutes has not been received by OSB and is pending receipt from PIPSC.

Moved by: Jack Stalica;

Seconded: Yannick Effe-Bibang;



  1. Business Arising from the 2022 Minutes: None.


  1. By-Laws –  No submission for by-laws.


  1. Elections : 4 Positions


Description of voting process and four OSB Executive positions up for election were provided by the Chair Lucienne Bahuaud and  Election Chair Yannick Effe Bibang. 


DOTS was used for election process.  Some test runs using the clickers were done to ensure results were correct.  The voting by the virtual attendees was handled by DOTS remotely.


Vice-President Position:  Rob Wloch was nominated by Mike Diec.

Rob Wloch was acclaimed as Vice President


NAV CAN Representative Position:  Mike Diec was nominated by Rob Wloch

Mike Diec was acclaimed as NAVCAN Representative


Member at Large Positions (2): 

Chris Siu was nominated by Arnold Smith

Arnold Smith was nominated by Chris Siu

Chris Siu and Arnold Smith were acclaimed as Members at Large.


All positions commence January 2024 for 2 year period.


10. Report of the President – Madeline Blais

Thanked the members,  the Chair, invited guest speakers, LMB,  PIPSC staff,  and the Executive of the OSB.

OSB held a hybrid seminar in May at PIPSC location as convenient for using LMB. 

OSB shared in a joint Branch event with Gatineau Branch at Mont Cascades Water park  in July and hope to participate next year. 

We have booked one movie event for Nov 12 with guest speaker and notices has been posted and emails should be sent to members in the near future. 


NCR Council was held in April where Centreville Branch and OSB submitted a motion for an increase in amounts identified in the Financial Policy that can be spent per member for an event.  This was to be brought to the AGM in Montreal but the Board of Directors has already actioned the Policy change and we are waiting for the updated Policy. 


Some OSB members in attendance tonight will also be attending the PIPSC AGM to be held in Montreal in November.


In the past 3 years there has been a substantial decrease in member engagement and in the number of stewards.  PIPSC has been holding steward schools and focusing on the recruitment of new stewards.  If interested in becoming a steward, please submit your name.  If you have work concerns, there are a list of Steward names on the website Member Tools – Find a Steward.


The number of RANDS have increased.  New employees may not know that they are paying dues, but have not yet signed up for union membership.  Under Member Tools – How to Become a Member, they can register.


The Retired Member Guild (RMG) is a venue for retired members to remain engaged and active in the union.  Service Plus has partner companies with discounted products and services.  It is free to join for regular members and retired members.


We have a visibility item for distribution and those on-line will be contacted to received their item.  Many thanks to Chris who has organized the purchase and distribution.


We will be working to improve things and are open to your suggestions and recommendations.


Thank you for attending tonight.


            Motion to approve the Report of the President.


            Moved by:  Yannick Effe-Bibang; 

            Seconded: Jack Stalica;         



11. Dessert Break – 10 minutes


12. Financial Report: Treasurer – Rob Wloch


The Financial Report covered the expenses from October 2022 AGM to December 2023.  The cost of the AGM tonight was estimated as we don’t have final costs.  If the subsequent Financial Motions are passed tonight, then that will affect the Financial Report and carryover amounts.   The Report does contain the estimates of the movie event as we have signed that contract and will have more OSB Executive expenses and AGM expenses for remainder of the year.


Motion to approve the Treasurer Report

Moved by: Rob Wloch;

Seconded: Yannick Effe-Bibang;



13. Financial Budget: Treasurer – Rob Wloch

The Financial Budget estimates the expenses from January 1 2024 to December 31 2024.  It estimates the cost of  member events; executive meeting costs and support for other Groups and Sub-Groups.  The 2024 allocation will be determined by December 31, 2023 and is dependant on a formula based on the number of members in OSB.  We have about 3000 members in OSB.


Motion to approve the Treasurer Budget

Moved by: Rob Wloch;

Seconded: Yannick Effe-Bibang;



14. Financial Motions:

Financial Motion 1: That the OSB contribute to the Legacy Foundation Scholarship Fund. 

Lucienne Bahuaud  spoke to the Motion.


Moved by: Rob Wloch

Seconded: Arnold Smith



Financial Motion 2: That the OSB contribute to the Ottawa Food Bank. 


This will need to be referred to the Board of Directors for approval.


Moved by :Rob Wloch

Seconder: Arnold Smith



15. Speaker Allaudin Alibhai – Very informative update on Bargaining,  Canada Life Medical Insurance Plan conversion from Sun Life,  proposals at PIPSC AGM to increase the member fees and retired member fees;  PIPSC finances and PIPSC staff potential strike.

16. Adjournment - M: Jack Stalica; S: Rob Wloch; Carried.