
Following negotiations on the new collective agreement, a tentative agreement was signed on September 16, 2023, between the VFS Group and the CRA.

You are invited to a presentation on the tentative agreement by Mr. Jean Couillard, VFS regional representative for the Quebec region:

Location: Trois-Rivières TSO, 2250 Rue St-Olivier Trois-Rivières

Date: October 31, 2023

Time: 9:30 a.m.

Local : Training room #214

Please respect the work agreement for office attendance. However, if office space is available, you can book a desk to work at the TSO all day, 48 hours before the event.

Alternatively, you can only attend the in-person presentation and telework the rest of the day. Your travel time will be on your own time.

You can also attend the presentation via zoom.

Zoom link : https://pipsc.zoom.us/j/92992913031?pwd=NUFhVWN6WS9LZWFIb3FGQ0tSMG53UT09

Please have your questions ready,

Thank you and have a nice day!

Your executive,

Andréanne Roux, President, VFS Trois-Rivières subgroup

Caroline Lacombe , Vice-President, VFS Trois-Rivières subgroup

Éric Déry, Secretary-Treasurer VFS Trois-Rivières subgroup