EWSP - Steering Committee Terms of Reference

Employee Wellness Support Program Task Force

Steering Committee Terms of Reference

As per the Memorandum of Agreement on Supporting Employee Wellness, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (the parties) are to establish a Steering Committee with a long-term focus and commitment from senior leadership of the parties.


  • The purpose of the Steering Committee is to ensure the intended progress of the Technical Committee to fulfil its mandate.


The committee will be comprised of an equal number of Employer representatives and Union representatives, while this may be altered by mutual agreement.  The Committee will be co-chaired by an Employer and a Union representative.


Employer Members

Union Members

Anne Marie Smart, Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (co-chair)

Debi Daviau, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (co-chair)

Caroline Curran, Assistant Deputy Minister, Pensions and Benefits Sector, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Paul Cameron, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 2228

Sandra Hassan, Assistant Deputy Minister, Compensation and Labour Relations Sector, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Rob Hawkins, Association of Canadian Financial Officers


Emmanuelle Tremblay, Canadian Association of Professional Employees


  • The Steering Committee will meet as required.
  • The members of the Steering Committee will endeavour to reach decisions by consensus.  However, per the Memorandum of Agreement, if an agreement cannot be reached within 18 months from the establishment of the Steering Committee, or at any time before that time, the parties agree to jointly appoint a mediator within 30 days.
  • Steering Committee members may be accompanied by technical advisors during the meetings.


  • The Steering Committee will be established within 60 days of signing the collective agreement.
  • The Steering Committee shall establish the Terms of Reference for the Technical Committee and approve a work plan for the Technical Committee with timelines for interim reports within 4 months of signing the collective agreement (September 5, 2017).
  • The Steering Committee members agree to extend dates and amend the Technical Committee’s terms of reference by mutual consent.