The Treasury Board and PIPSC have established a joint Steering Committee whose mandate is to ensure the success of the Technical Committee. It is comprised of an equal number of employer and union (PIPSC, IBEW, ACFO, CAPE) representatives, and co-chaired by PIPSC President Debi Daviau.
The mandate of the Technical Committee is to develop all agreements and documents needed to support the implementation of an Employee Wellness Support Program during the next round of Collective Bargaining. It is comprised of an equal number of employer and union (PIPSC, IBEW, ACFO, CAPE) representatives, and co-chaired by a senior PIPSC staff member. The work of the Committee is currently scheduled to be completed by September 2018.
Internally, PIPSC has set up an Advisory Team (3 Institute staff, 6 members from the Core Public Administration Groups and 3 from the Agencies, including one for the AFS. Three Group representatives sit on the Technical Committee on behalf of the Advisory Team). It directs and approves the work of Institute members who sit on the Technical Committee. It will provide the tentative EWSP language and program design to representatives of the PIPSC Strategic Bargaining Committee, who will in turn forward the text to the Group bargaining teams for ratification and inclusion in their respective collective agreements.
Published on 24 April 2019