February 24 is International Pink Shirt Day!

To: All PIPSC Members at Environment & Climate Change Canada & Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

Dear colleagues and friends,

On February 24, I encourage you to take a stand against bullying by wearing pink. If you are on social media, please express yourself and use hashtags #PinkShirtDay #PinkItForward and @ECPIPSC

Bullying involves ongoing and deliberate misuse of power, by an individual or group of individuals, through repeated acts or verbal remarks, intended to intimidate, control and humiliate a particular person or a group of people.

Bullying occurs in many places and the workplace is no exception. It is a serious issue, as it hurts people psychologically or mentally and can have long-term impacts on those affected, such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and mental trauma. Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious or hidden.

Every day, choose to practice kindness. There are simple ways to practice kindness daily, such as smiling at someone, using kind words, paying-it forward, giving a compliment and standing up for others. These small acts can make a big difference.

Stand up against bullying in all its forms, and help protect our workplace every day by promoting Respect and Diversity & Inclusion.

Learn techniques on how to protect yourself against bullying. If you experience or witness workplace bullying, please report it by contacting your manager, Departmental/Agency resources or a PIPSC Steward.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.

Stay safe, stay well!



Waheed Khan

President, National Consultation Team
