MEETING MINUTES – November 13, 2018


Stephen Lucas Sous-ministre | Deputy Minister

Martine Dubuc Sous-ministre déléguée | Associate Deputy Minister

Carol Najm SMA, Services ministériels et finances (DGSMF) | ADM, Corporate Services & Finance (CSFB)

David Grimes SMA, Service météorologique du Canada (DGSMC) | ADM, Meteorological Service of Canada (MSCB)

Jacqueline Gonçalves for Nancy Hamzawi SMA, Sciences et technologie (DGST) | ADM, Science & Technology (STB)

John Moffet SMA, Protection de l’environnement (DGPE) | ADM, Environmental Protection (EPB)

Dominique Blanchard SMA, Affaires publiques et autochtones et services ministériels (DGAPASM)| ADM, Public and Indigenous Affairs and Ministerial Services (PIAMSB)

Vince Ngan for Matt Jones SMA, Bureau de la mise en œuvre du Cadre pancanadien | ADM, Pan-Canadian Framework Implementation Office

Hilary Geller SMA, Politique stratégique (DGPS) | ADM, Strategic Policy (SPB)

Catherine Steward for Isabelle Bérard SMA, Affaires internationales (DGAI) | ADM, International Affairs (IAB)

Sue Milburn-Hopwood SMA, Service canadien de la faune (DGSCF) | ADM, Canadian Wildlife Service (CWSB) – (absent)

Heather McCready Responsable de la mise en application de la loi p.i. (RMAL) | A/Chief Enforcement Officer (CEO)

Sylvain Paradis Dirigeant principal de la gestion des ressources humaines (DPGRH) | Chief Human Resources Management Officer (CHRMO)


Nathalie Clément DG, Service de développement des employés et de mieux-être l DG, Workforce Development and Wellness Services

Éric Saint-Onge Directeur, Relations de travail, santé et sécurité au travail et gestion de l’incapacité | Director, Labour Relations, Health and Safety and Disability Management (absent)

Julie Bourbonnais Gestionnaire, Relations de travail ministérielles | Manager, Corporate Labour Relations

Virginie Martel Conseillère principale, Relations de travail ministérielles | Senior Advisor, Corporate Labour Relations

Catherine Simard Conseillère, Relations de travail ministérielles | Advisor, Corporate Labour Relations (Observer)

Sophie Gendron Conseillère, Relations de travail | Advisor, Labour Relations (Observer)


Waheed Khan IPFPC (Président, équipe nationale de consultation) | PIPSC (President, National Consultation Team)

Bill Sukloff IPFPC (Vice-président, équipe nationale de consultation) | PIPSC (Vice-President, National Consultation Team)

Todd Panas STSE-AFPC (Président national) | UHEW-PSAC (National President)

Shimen Fayad STSE-AFPC (Vice-présidente nationale) (absente) | UHEW-PSAC (National Vice-President) (absent)

Greg Phillips ACEP (Président national) | CAPE (National President) (absent)

Karen Brook ACEP (Agente de relations de travail) l CAPE (Labour Relations Officer)

Kate McKerlie ACEP (Représentante locale) | CAPE (Local Representative)

Vivian Gates ACAF (Agente de relations de travail) | ACFO (Labour Relations Officer)

Paul Cameron FIOE (Gestionnaire des affaires) | IBEW (Business Manager) (absent)

The following notes are reflected in the order of the original agenda provided before the meeting, and not necessarily in the order of discussions.

1. Opening remarks

The Deputy Minister (DM), Stephen Lucas, welcomed members of the committee, and it was agreed with the bargaining agents that Todd Panas, National President (UHEW) will be co-chairing the meeting. The DM encouraged participants to use the language of their choice and asked members to introduce themselves.

The DM subsequently acknowledged the changes in the senior management team since the last meeting:

• John Moffet appointed to the position of ADM for EPB;

• Helen Ryan, new Associate ADM for EPB;

• Diane Campbell, new Associate ADM for MSC;

• Heather McCready, A/Chief Enforcement Officer;

• Nancy Hamzawi, appointed to the position of ADM for S&T;

• Nathalie Clément, new Director General (DG) of WDWS.

The DM also welcomed Karen Brook from CAPE as a new committee member.

Todd Panas, UHEW, indicated that he would like to revisit the duration of the ECCCLMCC meetings as there are many topics to be discussed. As other LMCC meetings are approximatively three hours long, UHEW advised that members of the committee need to be more diligent in their time commitment. UHEW also thanked the DM for his responsiveness to unions’ emails. Martine Dubuc, Associate DM, thanked Waheed Khan for his involvement and commitment to various departmental activities and committees. PIPSC also mentioned that they attended the first meeting of the staffing committee, agreed to at the previous LMCC, and that they had meaningful discussions.

2. Review and approval of agenda

The agenda was reviewed and discussed by the members. The DM gave the main points of the discussion and the agenda was subsequently approved.

3. Follow-up actions from last meeting

a) Action items: 4(a)(iii) and 4(c)

The action items document from the last meeting of May 15, 2018 was sent to the members prior to the meeting. The committee members reviewed the actions and concluded that all of the actions were completed.

Waheed Khan, PIPSC, noted management’s response to his recommendations regarding Phoenix at the previous ECCCLMCC and recommended that this information be shared with his counterparts. The DM agreed to share the information (see annex).

b) LMCCs frequency (standing item)

The list of LMCC committees’ frequency was provided to the members prior to this meeting.

Kate McKerlie, Local Representative for CAPE, advised that some branches are proactive but that there are outstanding issues to discuss. The DM proposed that best practices be developed.


3.b) HRB to gather LMCC best practices from ADMs/RDGs and develop best practices document.

b)(i) Regional LMCCs’ effectiveness

Todd Panas, UHEW, questionned the effectiveness of Regional Labour-Management Consultative Committees (RLMCCs) as RDGs do not have the delegated autorities to make decisions on issues raised by unions at these committees. It was suggested that a hybrid model, like the one used in the Ontario region, be explored and that the terms of reference be reviewed, if required. The DM noted that LMCCs are hosted differently and agreed that a discussion should take place between members to discuss their effectiveness.


3.b)(i) ADM, SPB, and RDGs to discuss the effectiveness of the RLMCC with the bargaining agents.

c) ECCCLMCC May 15, 2018 minutes

The minutes from the May 15, 2018 ECCCLMCC were sent to the members for their comments. The final minutes were approved.

c)(i) Secretariat support for LMCCs

Kate McKerlie, CAPE, indicated that the last minutes were sent for comments several weeks after the meeting and asked if the minutes could be provided to committee members for review closer to the meeting. The DM agreed that a 3 week timeframe was reasonnable.

Furthermore, Karen Brook, Labour Relations Office for CAPE, also brought to management’s attention that the intranet links are only accessible within ECCC and hence, an alternative should be considered when sharing documents with bargaining agents (i.e. providing attachments to emails).

4. Communication & engagement

a) Update from the Respect Liaison Office

The DM noted that the respect liaison officer role (RLO) was created more than a year ago and is a succesful initiative. Both respect liaison officers, Sylvie Richard and Corinne Boudreault, provided an update on the activities of the Respect Bureau since the last meeting. They informed the committee members that as of the end of September 2018, 133 employees visited the Respect Bureau. There also have been intensive activities to promote the services of the Respect Bureau. The bargaining agents acknowledged the Respect Bureau’s contribution to a positive culture change and further asked about the message that is being conveyed to employees on fear of reprisal. It was explained that the message conveyed to employees is one of reassurance and personalized to their situation. This allows the creation of a safe place where employees can gain trust in the process and feel safe to share their experiences. This is also in line with the Respect Bureau’s mandate, which is based on the following four principles: confidentiality, impartiality, informality and independence.

Waheed Khan, PIPSC, highlighted the importance of addressing the fear of reprisal and changing the culture of the public service, where employees can bring up their concerns without the fear of reprisal and judgement. In this regard, he suggested the removal of the word “alleged” that prefixed “bullying and harassment’’ in the respect bureau’s report. It is not a complaint process, and thus if someone says they have been harassed, it should be noted as such. The word “alleged” sends a message of doubt and judgement.

Todd Panas, UHEW, asked how the triage of cases is made by the RLOs. The DM reassured the bargaining agents that he trusts the RLOs’ judgement and that employees are referred to the appropriate resources available to them, which includes union representatives. It was also highlighted that 10% of employees that come to the RLOs are referred by unions, and vice versa.

Karen Brook, CAPE, inquired about the strategy to connect with employees in remote regions. The RLOs mentioned that they had visited many regions and would continue to do so in the next fiscal year. They indicated that WebEx sessions are organized to reach employees in isolated locations, but that the participation rate is low and would benefit from more visibility. Corinne asked for the unions’ support to promote the RLO services to their members.

Bargaining agents inquired about the renewal of the pilot project. The Associate DM acknowledged the project’s success and confirmed that the department took the decision at the EMC of October 17, 2018 to make the Respect Bureau permanent. The DM also added that the RLOs’ leadership has been critical to the success and thanked them for their work and presentation.


4.a) Bargaining agents to assist the Respect Bureau and encourage participation of employees in remote locations to Respect Bureau’s WebEx sessions.

b) Labour-management symposium

The DM suggested that the topics of diversity and inclusion or respectful and healthy workplace be explored as a theme for the next labour-management symposium. He asked for the creation of a sub-committee with representation from both senior management and bargaining agents. Overall, it was agreed that two to three representatives from each side be identified to form the sub-committee. The DM asked the sub-committee members to bring forward topics of discussion before the end of December. Todd Panas, UHEW, respectfully requested to the DM that the duration of the symposium be extended to one and a half days. The DM agreed that one day would allow for meaningful discussion.


4.b)(i) Bargaining agents to name a member to co-preside symposium with DM.

4.b(ii) Bargaining agents and management to identify two to three representatives to sit on the sub-committee.

4.b)(iii) Sub-committee members (bargaining agents and ADMs) to identify key topics to be discussed at the symposium prior to the end of December 2018.

c) Respect day and fear of reprisal

The DM noted that the 4th edition of the national respect day will take place on November 29, 2018 and that a webcast will be hosted to raise awareness.

Todd Panas, UHEW, voiced his concerns regarding employees not expressing themselves for fear of reprisal. The DM acknowledged the importance of respect in the workplace and that ECCC leadership needs to continue building such an environment. Todd Panas, UHEW, mentioned that Health Canada developed a poster to raise awareness on fear of reprisal and encouraged ECCC to have a similar poster. The DM found the idea of a poster interesting and noted that the department has already consulted the unions on an ECCC customized poster and will continue its work towards improving the workplace.


4.c) Following consultations with unions, Respect Co-champions, Nancy Hamzawi and Waheed Khan, to review the poster on fear of reprisal before final posting.

5. Staff development and effectiveness

a) Clerk’s report on safe workspaces

Todd Panas, UHEW, asked if ADMs could provide assessments regarding the level of respect within their branch on a semi-yearly basis to the DM to ensure that departmental practices are in-line with commitment. It was further recommended that a pulse survey and a town hall take place to address employees’ concerns.

The DM noted that ECCC already has an assessment mechanism in place to measure respect and health in the workplace, which is the Public service employee survey. This survey serves to report on issues and requires departments to follow-up on certain areas requiring improvement. Each branch has their own action plan to address key issues and shares regular updates with the DM and employees.

Waheed Khan, PIPSC, noted that the Clerk’s report serves to foster the dialogue. The report highlights some issues and that the tools available are not effective. He noted that employees are losing trust in the reporting/complaint mechanisms. The DM acknowledged the highlights of the report and encouraged continued dialogue. The Associate DM agreed and further mentioned that when visits are made to the regions, this topic is part of their discussions with employees. It is important to promote zero tolerance (lead by example).

In addition, Karen Brook, CAPE, reflected on a town hall hosted by Health Canada, where employees were invited to share their stories on accommodation process and exchange on this topic with their peers. The message conveyed during this town hall was empowering and should be considered by ECCC.

b) Mental health

Waheed Khan, Co-Champion, provided an update on the mental health initiative. The DM recognized that there is significant work that has been done by the Mental Health Committee.

Todd Panas, UHEW, commented that he would like to see more tangible actions, such as a joint return-to-work committee, and a peer support program. Sylvain Paradis, Chief Human Resources Management Officer (CHRMO), reflected on the Not Myself Today Campaign and its renewal. In addition to this campaign, the CHRMO explained that there are other ways to look at the mental health issue in the workplace as this is a complex and sensitive matter. As an example, Health Canada launched the ‘SOS Program’, which promotes a partnership with various stakeholders that allows to address issues, not only with a labour relations lens, but with an inclusive approach. Tools will be shared with the joint committee in the near future.

Kate McKerlie, CAPE, noted that the telework policy needed to provide flexibility from a duty to accommodate perspective. The conversation should be done proactively with employees in need of an accommodation. The DM indicated that the department does consider telework where appropriate and that this is one of the options to consider in duty to accommodate cases.

c) Statistics on violence in the workplace complaints and OCM

Further to UHEW’s request for statistics on the number of violence in the workplace complaints and Office of Conflict Management (OCM) discussions, the CHRMO advised that it could not provide such data, to protect the employees’ confidentiality. The numbers being too small would allow to potentially identify employees, breaching confidentiality and trust in the processes.

d) Work-life balance

Due to time constraints, the parties covered this item by discussing it during other agenda items.

e) Performance management

Due to time constraints, the parties agreed that this item, which is a standing one, was covered through discussions during other agenda items.

f) Employment equity

Kate McKerlie, CAPE, inquired about an ECCC departmental representative being identified to attend the persons with disabilities champions and chairs committee, chaired by DM Yazmine Laroche, and the commitment of the department for the international day of persons with disabilities.

The DM agreed that ECCC would continue to support government-wide initiatives for all employment equity groups.

Kate McKerlie, CAPE, also suggested that IT employees become more knowledgeable in adaptive technology and receive training accordingly through the Accessibility, Accommodations and Adaptive Computer Technology (AAACT) program.

6. Business transformation

a) Exit questionnaires and upward feedback

Todd Panas, UHEW, asked why ECCC was not taking advantage of this tool and proposed that it be a mandatory method done by a neutral party, such as the office of the Associate DM. The DM noted that management is proactive in many areas and reflected on the heat maps as well as the respect issue where interventions are done to address priorities as required.

The CHRMO further acknowledged that exit questionnaires are completed as part of the offboarding process and that reports are shared with ADMs to address any issues raised. As for the upward feedback tool, the CHRMO offered to schedule a meeting in January to discuss with the bargaining agents.


6.a) CHRMO to schedule meeting with bargaining agents to discuss upward feedback.

a)(i) Professional development program review

Waheed Khan, PIPSC, highlighted the absence of a developmental program for scientific employees and suggested that this should be reconsidered, given that ECCC is a science department. The DM noted that although the department recognizes the importance of training for employees, it is focusing on current priorities at this time. Bargaining agents received a list of the developmental programs within ECCC and thanked the CHRMO for the information. CAPE indicated that a meeting was scheduled on December 6, 2018 with management and asked if a contact in the Integrated Classification and Staffing Solutions Division (ICSS) could be provided. She also requested information on the number of ECCC employees by branch taking part in the developmental program. The CHRMO accepted to provide those numbers to the bargaining agents and encouraged discussion of ADMs with ECCC employees on EC programs.


6.a)(i) CHRMO to provide statistics on the distribution and participation of ECCC employees by branch.

b) Scientific Integrity Policy

Jacqueline Gonçalves, Director General of Science and Risk Assessment, provided an update on behalf of Nancy Hamzawi. She noted that the Scientific Integrity Policy was planned to be finalized by the end of the calendar year. Waheed Khan, PIPSC, noted that ECCC needed to adopt a modern scientific integrity policy that enables scientists to produce and share high quality scientific data with policy-makers and Canadians. He also noted gaps in the representation of visible minorities and women in the scientific field. He highlighted that the policy is for the entire department, not just for PIPSC members. It was requested that Branch-wide representation data be gathered and shared with the bargaining agents.


6.b) CHRMO to provide data by branch regarding gaps for visible minorities and women in science.

c) GEDS and employees’ voicemail

The DM noted that ECCC does not have control over GEDS and that bargaining agents are encouraged to communicate to their members the need to update their information. Carol Najm, ADM, CSFB, also noted that reminders are being sent periodically to change voicemail message and information in Envirotel.

7. Operational matters

a) Activity-based workplace

The ADM, CSFB, informed the bargaining agents that there is no activity-based workplace being implemented at ECCC. She added that CSFB has been in consultation with the unions for the past two years and there are currently four major accommodations projects underway. A dashboard that highlighted the employee engagement strategy for the real property/space reconfiguration project was distributed and further discussed by the committee members during the meeting.

The ADM, CSFB, also provided an update on the latest PVM town hall event. The ADM, CSFB, provided a one-pager, a Q&A document and requested interest from the bargaining agents to participate in the working group for PVM optimization. The bargaining agents noted that the town hall was a positive first step and expressed their concerns about the miscommunication of this project. They noted that sufficient notice should be given to employees when they are moving office space. The ADM, CSFB, agreed that clarifications are needed and will be provided at the CSFB LMCC. PIPSC thanked management for creating a working group for the PVM project and requested that working groups or committees including bargaining agents’ representatives be created wherever changes are made to facilities.

b) Contracting out

Due to time constraints, the parties agreed to not discuss this agenda item.

8. Closing remarks

The DM noted that there is space for creative discussion which serves to define priorities. As a whole, we should ensure we deliver our mandate to the best of our capabilities. Positive change takes time and ECCC is well committed to taking meaningful actions.

Todd Panas thanked all members for their participation and open and constructive discussions. In closing, all participants exchanged holiday wishes.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Drafted by Catherine Simard: November 15, 2018

Reviewed by Julie Bourbonnais: November 21, 2108

Date sent to bargaining agents: November 29, 2018

Date last comments received by bargaining agents: December 9, 2018

Final version: December 9, 2018


Phoenix/Pay Issues

Since the pay system has been centralized and modernized, a majority of employees are not receiving their proper compensation. Many have even lost their medical and health coverage, apparently for no reason. The terms of the new collective agreements have not been honoured and bargaining agents are using every possible means to encourage the employer to meet its obligations and pay its employees accurately and on time.

Grievances are denied using the rationale that “the information provided does not demonstrate that article 45 of the … collective agreement was breached.” This denial of obvious evidence of a breach of the collective agreements is completely disrespectful to the grieving employees and demonstrates the department’s unwillingness to acknowledge obvious pay issues that require timely resolution. This clear denial of reality is alienating ECCC employees and causing them significant mental distress.

The process to follow-up on pay issues is quite complex and hard to navigate. Most employees are unable to understand how their retroactive pay has been calculated. For shift workers, field workers and employees entitled to Northern Allowances, the challenge posed by Phoenix is even greater and the pain inevitably leads them to complain. Consequently, employees, managers and union stewards are spending a considerable amount of time following up on pay issues, which is increasing their workload and stress level. PIPSC has made a number of recommendations to management from time to time, which are summarized below:

PIPSC Recommendations:

1) Implement PIPSC-TBS agreement (Nov. 2017), as communicated by TBS, President Daviau and myself

Implementation of the PIPSC-TBS agreement is done on a government-wide basis; PSPC is the organization responsible for pay. ECCC continues to support PSPC. It is not within ECCC’s capacity to address this recommendation on its own.

2) Replace issue-based approach by individual-based (holistic) approach, to expedite resolution for employees

As stated during the HRLMCC of September 18, 2018, ECCC is building its capacity to better address employees’ pay issues. Since June 14, 2018, ECCC is one of several federal government organizations that benefit from the ‘pod’ service delivery model from PSPC. The pod is designed to help stabilize the pay system and better support employees by grouping together compensation advisors assigned to a specific department or agency who work together to process new/current pay transactions to alleviate the growth of backlog transactions at PSPC’s pay centre. At the same time, the pod strives to resolve employees’ pay issue from end to end as well as addressing issues in the backlog.

In addition to the new PSPC pod service delivery model, over the past year, ECCC has established an internal capacity to respond to the most critical pay cases within its Pay Liaison Directorate. ECCC is also currently building additional capacity to support employees adversely affected by the Phoenix pay system by hiring additional compensation advisors to tackle complex and long-standing cases in the backlog, from end to end.

Furthermore, ECCC is in the process of hiring three Branch Liaison Officers to work with our branches on proactively identifying and supporting employees with the highest-risk pay concerns.

3) Regular and timely feedback to the union on hardship cases that we bring to HR’s attention

The various consultation committees in place within the department provide regular feedback to bargaining agents on pay issues. Employees have resources to discuss their cases on an individual basis, including their managers as their first point of contact, PSPC’s Client Contact Center and ECCC’s pay liaison team (generic email box).

4) Dedicate qualified resource persons who can discuss pay file with employee facing hardship, and with union representative

Please refer to #2.

5) Dedicate qualified resource persons specifically for shift workers, who understand the issues of shift workers

ECCC has gained a more direct access to the PSPC pay centre through the pod model, in order to address operational challenges specific to our department, such as those that concern our shift workers, specifically where acting transactions are concerned.

In addition, ECCC has established a dedicated team of business/system analysts which provides assistance on the HR-to-Pay file. One of these senior analysts has been devoting at least 50% of his time over the past two years to the multiple challenges faced by employees with shift schedules, both in My GCHR and Phoenix. In the context of this work, many system-related issues faced by this community have been brought to the attention of the PSPC Phoenix system team and My GCHR, leading to the establishment of a dedicated “Schedule Working Group”. As an interim solution, ECCC has secured system accesses for dedicated timekeepers, in both systems, and provided detailed procedures and dedicated support towards their implementation. As a result of the work undertaken by the “Schedule Working Group”, a number of system fixes or corrections have been developed and will be tested by end-users over the coming weeks for implementation this winter.

6) Share monthly statistics, if available. This is not intended to increase workload but to take advantage of existing information, and may include:

a. Pending cases by classification (acting pay, retro-pay, parental, overpayments, medical/dental coverage, pay file transfer, pension, etc.)

b. New cases (type and numbers)

c. Cases resolved (type and numbers)

d. Emergency salary advanced & recovered (number of cases and amounts)

e. Grievances filed/resolved (case resolved, grievances put in abeyance, or denied)

The Working Group of Ministers made a commitment to be open and transparent about progress in addressing problems with the Phoenix pay system. To that end, a new version of the public service pay dashboard is being introduced. It has been redesigned to better track the progress being made in ensuring that public servants are paid accurately and on time.

The new dashboard is now available and updates will continue to be provided on a monthly basis going forward.

7) Emergency salary advance should be for the full amount of the missing salary rather than partial amount, if the issue has not been resolved.

Emergency salary advances are governed by the TBS Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment. As per the directive, the amount of the emergency salary advance is to be calculated to the approximate net pay entitlement for the pay period covered and in no case is to exceed two thirds of the person’s gross pay entitlement for the period. By providing 60% of the gross salary, the employee receives the approximate net pay entitlement.

8) Organize information sessions or training for employees on how to calculate their pay, including in particular, retroactive pay, like PSPC does.

Following are the current information sources available for employees on how to calculate their pay:

1) As a first step, employees are encouraged to discuss any pay issues they have with their managers.

2) ECCC has developed a comprehensive departmental Pay and Leave Guide to help employees and managers through various pay and leave-related processes. One section, “Understanding the pay cycle, pay calendar and pay stub”, provides links to helpful information to help employees calculate their pay.

3) ECCC employees can contact any of the following groups to obtain information on how to calculate their pay:

• ECCC HRMS Service Desk mailbox

• ECCC Pay Liaison mailbox

• ECCC Simply HR Service Desk mailbox

• PSPC Client Contact Centre (1-855-686-4729)

4) ECCC’s Human Resources Branch has created a series of short video vignettes to guide employees through the pay and leave processes. These informative, easy-to-understand vignettes were unveiled through News@ECCC earlier this year and are available on YouTube (see links below):

• Vignette 1: Pay and Leave Questions

• Vignette 2: Priority Payment Questions

• Vignette 3: Maternity and Parental Leave

5) As part of their onboarding, ECCC employees must complete the following Phoenix training modules put in place by the Treasury Board Secretariat.

• Course 1: Understanding the Pay Cycle, Pay Calendar and Pay Stub (30 mins)

• Course 2: Overview of Relevant HR-to-Pay Interface (30 mins)

• Course 3: Submitting Leave and Pay Requests (90 mins)

Additionally for Managers:

Course 4: How to Perform Leave and Pay-Related Transactions for your employees (90 mins)

ECCC is willing to provide additional information related to calculating pay that would be helpful for employees.

9) Clear communication to employees that no recoveries will be made unless the pay file has been corrected and recovery plan agreed upon with the concerned employee.

In June 2018, when the government made changes to the Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment to provide more flexibility for the recovery of overpayments, emergency salary advances and priority payments, the message was communicated to all ECCC employees via News@ECCC.

A section dedicated to these flexibilities has also been added to ECCC Pay and Leave Guide (Pay/Overpayments recoveries).