
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

2 August 2017
For Immediate Release CRA GTA modernisation plan risks harming staff and service, says PIPSC
2 August 2017
Fellow Members, I would like to thank everyone who was able to participate during last week’s ratification vote.
31 July 2017
SP - Tunney’s Plus Subgroup 2016 – Year End Dinner and Annual General Meeting- MINUTES Tuesday, Dec. 06, 2016    4:30 - 8:00 p.m. BC Bldg, Cafeteria
31 July 2017
Fellow SP Group members:
28 July 2017
Fellow Members,
28 July 2017
Group By-Law 8.13.1 states: One (1) Group Executive position shall be maintained for each region.
27 July 2017
SP-NCR Sub-Group Executive Meeting Tuesday, January 24, 2017; 18:00 – 20:00 Hrs Minutes 1. Roll Call: Aruna Dixit, Norma Domey, Sushil Dixit, Mike Farbod Stefan Palko, Shamil Cathum, Réjean Simard, Joanne Papineau, Phil Wang, Tariq Francis, and Waheed Khan were present.
26 July 2017
March 02, 2017 Fireside Bistro Attendance: Name/Employer/E-mail Lynne Quinnett-Abbott, Vice-President / ECCC /
26 July 2017
Hello, The PIPSC SP-Tunney’s Pasture Plus sub-group has teamed with the SP-NCR sub-group to offer a member appreciation and networking event…on a boat. Date: Tuesday August 15, 2017 from 7pm to 10 pm.
25 July 2017
NR members have ratified the Tentative Agreement. The next steps, currently underway, will require the employer to calculate the new pay rates and translate the new agreement prior to signing by both parties. This can hopefully be completed by the end of August.
24 July 2017
DRAFT MINUTES of Vancouver Sub-Group of SP Group, PIPSC Big Rock Brewery – 310 W 4th Ave Vancouver Wednesday, March 8, 2017 5:30- 8:20 pm.
24 July 2017
24 July 2017
DRAFT MINUTES of Annual General Meeting – Vancouver Sub-Group of SP Group, PIPSC White Spot Restaurant, 405 Dunsmuir St. Vancouver Wednesday, January 25, 2017 5:30- 8:40 pm
24 July 2017
Fellow NAV Canada members,
21 July 2017
Hello SP Stewards, Please find below a summary of new changes to our Collective Agreement. Thank you for all your work on the behalf of our members. Elizabeth Ptasznik SP Chief Steward
21 July 2017
The Bargaining Team hosted an information session on July 12 at the St. Elias Center in Ottawa and on July 13 at the Delta City Centre in Ottawa. We can’t express enough how pleased we were at the record amount of participation we had.
21 July 2017
A group of sixteen AV members from the St. John’s region recently picked a sunny Thursday evening (July 6th to be exact) at Quintana’s Restaurant to launch their own Sub-Group and conduct their inaugural AGM.
21 July 2017
20 July 2017
Fellow Members, Following the announcement of our tentative agreement we felt it was necessary to provide you with the attached additional information to ensure you can evaluate all the positive gains against the mandatory payout of our severance and reduction to our DIP properly.
20 July 2017
The Bargaining Team met on Wednesday July 5, 2017 to consider a Memorandum of Settlement that was offered by the company. Your Bargaining team and Group Executive agreed to unanimously recommend the acceptance of the settlement.