
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

10 July 2024
After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit
10 July 2024
After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit
10 July 2024
After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit
10 July 2024
After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit
10 July 2024
After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit
10 July 2024
After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit
10 July 2024
Return to Office Drop-In Information Session   Your local PIPSC representatives invite you to a drop-in information session to learn about the PIPSC response to the Return to Office directive and what you can do.   
10 July 2024
Item Topic and Discussion Action
9 July 2024
IT Quinte Sub Group AGM Minutes - 26, June 2023 Held in Belleville, June 22, 2023 Executives in Attendance: Bevin Stephenson               President Debbie Butler                        Vice-President
9 July 2024
The Employer is filing a request with the Office of the Pay Equity Commissioner to extend the deadline to post its draft pay equity plan.  According to the Pay Equity Act, the draft pay equity plan must be posted for a sixty days to allow for employee feedback.  The employer is seeking more time
8 July 2024
PIPSC-JCC RAD THERAPY Executive Meeting Minutes Monday 24th June, 2024 Call to order: Satya called meeting to order Location: JCC 3-88           Date:   24 JUN 2024               Time: 6:00 p.m.
5 July 2024
                                    Virtual Lunch & Learn                                                 Three Days Minimum Return to Office Direction  
5 July 2024
With the recent election of Shawn Gillis as our AFS Vice-President, the position of Ontario Region AFS Representative becomes vacant on July 1, 2024.  
5 July 2024
Dear colleagues,   On June 8, 2024, our AFS Group held its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is the supreme governing body of our AFS Group and our AGM delegates represent over 17,000 AFS members working at the CRA from coast to coast.  
4 July 2024
PIPSC and the NRC signed your collective agreement. This followed the NRC-TR Group’s ratification vote, as well as final checks and verifications.   This was the final step of the ratification process, which means the implementation of your new collective agreement can now begin.
4 July 2024
PIPSC and the NRC have signed your collective agreement. This followed the NRC-IS Group’s ratification vote and final checks and verifications.   This was the final step of the ratification process, which means the implementation of your new collective agreement can now begin.
4 July 2024
PIPSC and the NRC signed your collective agreement. This followed the NRC-LS Group’s ratification vote and final checks and verifications.   This was the final step of the ratification process, which means the implementation of your new collective agreement can now begin.
3 July 2024
The PIPSC National Elections Committee has announced a pause on the official results of the CP Group Elections, following a successful complaint.
2 July 2024
The IT election committee has verified the results for the 2024 elections. For the Vice-President position, 2,002 ballots were cast in the election. For the remaining 6 positions on the executive, 2020 ballots were cast.
28 June 2024
Hello CRPEG members, Your Bargaining team met with the Company on June 18-20. Both parties were able to present their proposals on various topics, including counters to some of previously presented proposals.