Since January of this year, your SUN MET Bargaining Team has been meeting with the Hospital to get you the best collective agreement possible. 

We are pleased to share with you that we have reached a tentative agreement. This agreement includes important improvements that the Bargaining Team secured for the SUN MET Group members. 

You will find all the information below. It is important that you take the time to review everything prior to voting and prior to asking questions of the Bargaining Team.

Please review the linked documents:

A lunch time information session has been scheduled for Monday, August 19, 2024 from 12 PM to 1 PM at  Dembo Meeting Room (located in T-Wing, basement level. Room #: TB62). The information session will conclude with a ratification vote via secret ballot.

Thank you so much for all of your patience during this process.


In solidarity,

Mike Stoller, SUN MET Group President

Jason Mariano, SUN MET Bargaining Team Member

Yvonne James, PIPSC Negotiator

Rukiya Mohamed Nur, PIPSC Negotiator