Minutes for the Vancouver SP Sub Group Executive Meeting

Date: May 29, 2024
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Earls Station Square

Address: 6070 Silver Drive, Burnaby
Phone: 604-432-7329

Tanya Evans
Denis Semail
Tim Powers - Regrets
Eric Crawford
Judy Hartman - Regrets
Lindsay Howes
Philip Bartha
Kate Shapiro - Regrets



1. Call to Order @545PM

2. Approval of the agenda – Tanya motioned, Dennis seconded

3. Approval of the meeting minutes for Feb 24, 2024 - Tanya motioned, Dennis seconded

4.Business arising from the Minutes

- Subgroup AGM proposed at the Delta in Burnaby the 17th of October 2024.

5.Treasurer’s report (Tim – provided via email)

- The subgroup has $8400 in the bank with only one unpaid bill of $282 for the February 1st Exec meeting dinner at Romers, and the claim from the upcoming meeting. 

4. National and Regional Updates

- SP Executive meetings
- recent movie mornings

5. Vancouver SP Sub Group Activities for 2024

- Ideas for what we want to do this year - $100/ building for ice cream before National Public Service Week - Tanya motioned, Dennis seconded
- Discussion about member engagement and recruitment for sub group participation (both stewards and executive)
- NPSW boycott, and outreach for members planned the week prior
-planning with VDLC Labour Day
- Pride events
- Visibility items (Rob)

6. Other Business

7. Location and preferred dates of next meeting

- Wednesday September 4th , 2024 is the next proposed date. 

8. Adjournment - Tanya motioned, Dennis seconded