September 6, 2024


The Nunavut PIPSC SP Group Iqaluit Branch will be
holding its AGM on Friday, September 6th from 6:00
to 8:30pm at Aqsarniit Hotel in Iqaluit. Please RSVP
Alia Bigio at by August 31st
to confirm your attendance. A meal will be served.
Looking forward to seeing you there!


Nunavut PIPSC SP Group Iqaluit Branch
Friday Sept. 6, 2024
6:00pm to 8:30pm

Item # Agenda Lead

1 Roll Call President/Secretary
2 Approval of the Agenda Secretary/ Treasurer
3 President’s Report President
4 Financial Report President
5 Approval of Budget President
6 Guest Presentation - Ray Paquette, CP Group VP and Lyne Larocque,

CP Group Quebec Rep


7 Election of Officers – 2 year terms

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary/ Treasurer

Ray and Lynn

8 By-law adoption President
9 Adjournment President


Election 2024 - Call for Nominations
In accordance with the By-Laws of the Nunavut SP Group Iqaluit Branch, a full slate of Executive Officers (as listed above) will
be filled by election at the 2024 AGM.
Role of President: The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Branch and of the Branch Executive and shall present
to the Annual General Meeting a report on Branch activities.
Role of Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of their duties and, in the absence of
the President, perform the duties of that position.
Role of Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for sending notices of all meetings of the Branch and of the Branch Executive.
The Secretary shall record minutes of meetings, including attendance, maintain records and correspondence of the Sub Group and
of the Sub-Group Executive and shall ensure that a copy of the minutes is filed with the Institute. The Secretary shall also be
responsible for submitting reports as required by the relevant Institute and Group By-Laws and Constitutions.
Role of Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Branch as required by Institute policy, prepare a financial
report for each meeting of the Branch Executive and each General Meeting of the Branch, submit a detailed financial statement to
the Institute as required, and prepare the request for the annual allowance of the Branch. Copies of the financial report shall be
available to all Branch members.
Nominations may be submitted in writing in advance or may be made from the floor of the Branch AGM. Each nomination must be
made by a member in good standing and seconded by another member in good standing. All nominations are to be sent to the
Elections Committee: