SP-NCR Sub-Group Annual General Meeting
Sheraton Hotel, O’Connor Room, 150 Albert Street, Ottawa
December 6, 2016; 18:00 – 21:30 Hrs


Sushil Dixit, President
Mike Farbod, Vice President
Waheed Khan, Secretary
Shamil Cathum, Treasurer
Stefan Palko, Member-at-Large
Aruna Dixit, Member-at-Large
Norma Domey, Member-at-Large    

1    Welcome Remarks - Sushil
Sushil Dixit, President of the SP Sub Group welcomed all participants and outlined the logistics for this AGM. He emphasized that this has been a critical year for the public service and achieving a fair collective agreement was a top priority for our members. He appreciated the hard work of the SP bargaining team, and said he was looking forward to an update from Waheed Khan who walked to the AGM from a meeting of the SP Bargaining Team with the Treasury Board Secretariat team.

2    Introduction of the Executive Members

Sushil introduced the Sub-Group Executive Members and thanked them for their contribution to the group’s activities during the year.

3    Review & Approval of the Agenda
Sushil introduced the Agenda and the motion to accept the agenda was carried (motion to accept by Réjean Simard, seconded by Tahir Mahdi).

4    Adoption of the 2015 AGM minutes meeting
The minutes of the 2015 AGM were accepted (motion by Stefan Palko, seconded by Shamil Cathum)

5    Update on SP Group Bargaining - Waheed
Waheed Khan, Secretary of the SP-NCR Sub-Group who is also a member of the SP Bargaining team and the PIPSC Sick Leave Negotiation Team, provided an update. He congratulated members on their active participation in mobilization activities that sent clear signal to the employer that the Short-Term Disability (STD) proposal originally put on the table by TBS under the previous Government was unacceptable. Consequently, while negotiations are continuing, it is evident that there will be no change to our sick leave system at this round of Bargaining. He reminded participants that the original STD proposal required that sick leave credits would cease to accumulate after September 1, 2016.

6    Report on SP-NCR SG Activities in 2016
Sushil highlighted a number of activities organized by the Sub-Group during the year to mobilize our members and to provide networking opportunities to members and their families. He expressed satisfaction with the large number of activities and thanked members of the Executive for organizing those activities and members for their active participation. These included lunch & learn sessions, leafletting, barbeques, summer picnic, movie, and other networking themes focusing on bargaining for supporting SP collective agreement, scientific integrity and sick leave.

7    Update on Finances
Shamil presented the Treasurer Report for 2016 and proposed budget for 2017. He answered questions from the floor. After discussion, a motion to accept the Budget of 2015 was carried (Motion to accept by Kathryn Marshall, seconded by Joanne Papineau). The Executive thanked Shamil for being very diligent in maintaining finances which has contributed to the sound financial health of the sub-group. It was decided that at the next AGM, Budget should be made available in both official languages.

8    Science Advisory Committee – Norma
Norma Domey, Member of the PIPSC Science Advisory Committee provided an update on the activities of the Committee. She said that the Board has approved the Committee’s workplan focusing on its priorities.

9    Elections
The following members were elected by acclaim for three year term:
•    Sushil Dixit, President and Waheed Khan, Secretary.
•    Members at Large: Joanne Papineau, Tariq Francis and Phil Wong.

10    Adjournment of AGM
The AGM was adjourned at 21:30 hrs (Motion to adjourn by Normal Domey, seconded by Phil Blagden).

Waheed Khan
SP-NCR Sub-Group
(819) 938-3752