Nanaimo SP Sub Group
Minutes of 2018 AGM
April 16, 2019
Pacific Biological Station seminar room, Nanaimo, BC
1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 12:00pm. Fifteen members were present, including executive members Dan Leus, Sean MacConnachie, Mary Thiess, Linda Nichol, Nick Leone. Absent executive members: Linnea Flostrand, Lyse Godbout, John Candy.
2. Approval of Agenda – There were two additions to the agenda: Stewards, and Health and Safety. Motion to accept the Minutes: Passed.
3. Adoption of Minutes from 2017 AGM – Accepted unanimously.
4. Report from the President –
- A brief reporting was provided on the status of current bargaining and the new developing Wellness Program that is still being worked out. Some details of what it may look like were presented to AGM members. The Wellness Program is being dealt with separately from collective bargaining of the SP contract.
- Update on bargaining and whether a tentative deal is possible by June.
- Update on one item of the recent Public Service Survey – 60% of respondents in our region did not want to file grievances for fear of reprisal, meanwhile 20% of respondents reported experiencing bullying and harassment.
- Dan Leus has stepped down from the Union Management Committee (OR WAS IT UNCMC??). Judith LeBlanc has taken over that role.
- Upcoming and ongoing issues at PBS are office space and parking.
- There is a renewed campaign called “Do Better ………….” The idea is people can identify what they want done better.
5. Annual Financial Report – Review of Annual financial report: see attached.
The treasurer’s report was unanimously accepted. Possible activities to support members included Phoenix events, PBS children’s Xmas party, and the Pacific Biological Station (PBS) Summer BBQ.
7. Election of Vice President, and Secretary – Nick Leone was acclaimed as Vice-President (2-year term), and Linda Nichol was acclaimed as Secretary (2- year term).
8. Appointment of Members-at-Large – Sean MacConnachie, Tammy Norgard, John Candy, and Linnea Flostrand were appointed as Members-at-Large. These are one-year terms.
9. Stewards – More stewards are needed. Linda Nichol explained a bit about what is involved in being a Steward and emphasized that more Stewards are needed since she is the only remaining active Steward at PBS/South coast. Having more Stewards is critical to help spread the work load. Being a Steward provides many learning opportunities as well as a chance to develop lots of transferrable skills. Each person brings a different style to this role and having several Stewards helps bring diverse approaches, and offers more options for members. It was suggested that a Lunch and Learn about being a Steward and how to become a Steward would be worthwhile.
10. There is need for a member to join the OSH (Occupational Health and Safety) committee representing SP members.
11. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm.
Nanaimo SP sub Group AGM
April 16, 2019
Attendance List
- Linda Nichol
- Mary Thiess
- Dan Leus
- Shannon Obradovich
- Maria Surry
- Sean MacConnachie
- James Mortimor
- Nick Leone
- Lisa Christensen
- Karen Hunter
- Bruce Patten
- Henrik Kreiberg
- Tammy Norgard
- Wayne Hajas
- Michael Folkes