DFO Winnipeg SP Subgroup Report - September 2021


Update from your 501 University Crescent SP Subgroup Executive

It has been without a doubt a challenging time for all members. We hope that over the summer you and your families had some opportunity for vacation and for those that had field programs, that these were successful. Please find below our second Subgroup report which we hope you will find helpful.

Post Covid

The FWI workforce has remained productive and maintained the ability to produce high quality outcomes under Covid conditions.  In preparation for post Covid work, the employer is and has been engaging members in a variety of ways for input to ensure a flexible, productive, and agile workplace with clear parameters for work arrangements.  We encourage you to participate and to share your suggestions at every opportunity.  Should you wish to remain anonymous and to have your concerns and suggestions brought forth by a PIPSC representative at our regional post Covid workplace meetings, please reach out to any member of your FWI SP subgroup.


Help Us Help You

Your FWI steward team is seeking your input on matters that concern you.  One of our roles as your representatives is to participate in consultations with the employer on your behalf.  Please contact us to share your ideas and concerns.  Let us be your voice. 

Local consultation occurs at the Winnipeg Union Management Consultation Committee while issues of broader scope are discussed at  regional, sectoral and national tables. Please use these links to access minutes from these consultation committees and let us know if you have any items that you would like to see on future agendas or if you have suggestions on how to improve our service to you.

(Note Intranet access is required for some links)

All UMCC: https://intranet.ent.dfo-mpo.ca/hr-rh/en/node/1132

Winnipeg LUMCC: records of decision are available on the “P”: drive in the W-LUMCC folder

Regional UMCC: https://intranet.ent.dfo-mpo.ca/cna/governance/rumcc/minutes

Arctic Region Transitional Subcommittee: https://intranet.ent.dfo-mpo.ca/cna/arctic/union

National UMCC: https://pipsc.ca/labour-relations/consultation/dfo

Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries and Harbour Management UMCC: http://intra.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/hq/fishmgmt/FHM-AE/index-eng.htm

Ecosystems and Oceans Science


Performance Management

In preparing for mid year reviews all efforts should be captured.  This includes initiatives outside of the core work objectives and associated performance indicator or standard. Recognition is important for participation in FWI service such as Public Service Action, Respect, Mental Health, Inclusivity and Diversity, United Way, Regional Huddle and Beyond Covid groups to name a few.  Members are encouraged to ask questions of their supervisor to fully understand the criteria that reviews are based on. Best practice is to send a follow up email to your supervisor for confirmation of changes to your original work plan and learning plan. Understand your Standardized Job Description.   Please contact PIPSC to assist you in the mid year performance management process should the need arise. 


Have you used your PC Professional Development Leave? PC employees receive up to 20.625 additional hours of leave with pay for Professional Development in a fiscal year. Use leave code 621. Refer to Article 18.04(c).

Travel status leave: Did you know that SP employees away for 20 nights during a fiscal year are entitled to 7.5 hrs paid leave? Refer to Article 13.09(a).


Upcoming Events (subject to change due to public health restrictions)

October 15-16, 2021 Prairie/NWT Steward Council Calgary AB

November 5-6, 2021 PIPSC AGM Virtual

November 27, 2021 SP Group AGM Ottawa


Your interim Subgroup Executive: 

President: Kevin Jacobs

Vice President: Jody Willis

Secretary: Chandra Rodgers

Treasurer: Sheila Atchison