The bargaining teams representing the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada NB-AVE groups (Agrologist, Veterinarians and Engineers) and the Government of New Brunswick met on August 14-15, 2024 to negotiate the renewal of the collective agreement that expired on May 31, 2022.

Your Bargaining team is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement was reached for a five year deal for a contract that will expire May 31, 2027.

Regular members in good standing will receive the voting instructions and a voting key by email. Please ensure your contact information is up to date so that you can participate in the vote.

Thank you to all of our members for your patience and especially for your support during this long bargaining process. Your solidarity was instrumental in helping us reach a deal. Please watch for an email invitation to attend an in-person or virtual meeting where the full tentative agreement will be presented. 

Your PIPSC-NB AVE Group Bargaining Team,

Glen MacDonald Acting President, EN Group

Mike Taylor Bargaining team member, EN Group

Duncan Fraser President, AG Group

David Dykstra Vice-President, AG Group

Ashley McCarthy Secretary Treasurer, VS Group

Carl  Dingee President, VS Group

Denise Doherty-Delorme, PIPSC Negotiator