To improve efficiency, the members of the Nav-Canada Pay Equity Committee decided to task a Sub-Committee composed of Union representatives from PIPSC, ACFO, UNIFOR, and the employer with conducting the first pass at forming job classes, determining gender predominance, and rating the job classes. The sub-committee has met approximately 40 days since January and has reviewed close to 120 job classes so far. If everything goes according to plan, the sub-committee should be done with job rating by the end of June.

The members of the full Pay Equity Committee should receive all the relevant data before the end of the month and will have the summer to review it and send questions to the sub-committee. Several days are reserved for a full Pay Equity Committee meeting in September 2024 to finish the final review of the ratings and obtain the Committee’s final approval.

As the Pay Equity Act dictates that the final plan is to be posted by September 3rd, 2024, it is becoming evident that the scope of the work left to accomplish will not be completed before the deadline. Because closing the wage pay gap is important work that should not be rushed, Nav-Canada will ask for an extension from the Pay Equity Commissioner. Everyone would have liked to finish the exercise within the originally allocated timeframe, but the scope of the task is simply too great to realistically be done by September 3rd.

It is important to point out that interest will start to accrue beginning September 4th, and members in female job classes where an adjustment is needed will not lose anything by delaying the posting of the final plan by a few months.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the PIPSC Pay Equity team at