MEETING: IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group Executive Meeting


DATE: December 11, 2023

GUESTS: Renaud Guiard, Robert Tellier



Denis Hudon, Jean-Pierre Lavoie, Renaud Guiard, Robert Tellier



(Translated from French)

  1. Approval of the agenda

a. Agenda presented by President Denis Hudon.

b. No additions or changes requested.

c. Moved to approve by Denis Hudon.

d. Seconded by Jean-Pierre Lavoie.

e. Carried unanimously.

  1. Review and approval of previous minutes

April 4, 2022 meeting minutes

    1. No changes requested.
    2. Moved to approve by Denis Hudon.
    3. Seconded by Jean-Pierre Lavoie.
    4. Carried unanimously.
  1. Remarks by the Executive

President’s Remarks

President Denis Hudon welcomed guest and Ville-Marie branch President Renaud Guiard, as well as Robert Tellier. He proposed a new approach for the agenda, in which time is allocated to each topic. Certain topics will come back in every meeting, and we can pick up where we left off if we are short on time. He believes that reducing the length of meetings from 60 to 30 minutes and giving the choice of holding them at lunchtime or in the evening will open up more opportunities for new members to join the IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group Executive.

Treasurer’s Report

The President, who is also Acting Treasurer, stated that the budget year ending December 31, 2023 will close with an amount of $12,340.00 in the bank account.

According to the Treasurer, our Sub-Group has not spent since November 25, 2021. We haven’t received any allocation from National for 2022, 2023, and 2024. Accordingly, there was no income except for bank interest. Amounts to be allocated for this budget year ending December 31, 2024.

  1. Ongoing Action Items

4001.01) Follow-up:

New action: Denis — Updating the Sub-Group Executive webpage.

4001.02) Follow-up:

New action:

Giving Google Drive access to all IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group members.

4001.03) Follow-up:

New action:

Jean-Pierre Lavoie — Jean-Pierre Lavoie’s PIPSC account: Address not found. Follow up with for a new PIPSC account and test email.

4001.04) Follow-up:

New action:

President Denis Hudon — Contact Betty Popova for BMO Signing Officers.

  1. Topics discussed

Renaud Guiard appointed Treasurer pending the 2024 IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group AGM:

Moved by Denis Hudon, seconded by Jean-Pierre Lavoie, and unanimously carried.

Appointment of Robert Tellier as Vice-President from January 1, 2024 pending the 2024 IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group AGM:

Robert Tellier will act as a member of the IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group Executive until he officially assumes his new role as Vice-President on January 1, 2024. Moved by Denis Hudon, seconded by Jean-Pierre Lavoie, and unanimously carried.

 An introduction to the new reality of hybrid work vs. members’ home addresses:

The largest concentration of IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group members is located in the SSC office on the 4th floor of 715 Peel Street, in Montreal. With the 60/40 hybrid model, SSC members and those from other agencies and departments are distributed differently according to official location, as opposed to their home address. The President has personally observed a limited number of members in attendance at 715 Peel Street on certain days of the week. Moreover, some members have a reasonable accommodation, such as full-time work from home. Holding an event such as a brown bag information session or AGM in person can be difficult. However, the IT Montérégie Sub-Group held a brown bag information session at the CSA (in November 2023) to present the tentative agreement, and the turnout was good. Some members adjusted their designated in-person days to attend the brown bag information session. It was a positive experience, as the event had both a good topic and a good guest (in this case, the VP of the IT Group). Where do IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group members live? How many live in Laval, in Montreal, and on the South Shore? If, for example, a majority of members live on the South Shore, wouldn’t it be a good idea to hold an AGM at DIX30 or on Taschereau Boulevard? Would it be an incentive for a WFH member to come to the AGM on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday? All these questions remain unanswered. To be continued at a future IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group meeting.

Topics discussed (CONTINUED)

Introduction to the necessity of member engagement in the IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group Executive (Denis):

The term of former Vice-President Hugo Landry will officially end on December 31, 2023. If the former VP wishes to be reelected to the IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group Executive, he may run in the 2024 AGM. As for the President, his term will end in 2024. All IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group Executive positions will expire in 2024. The 2024 AGM will be instrumental in getting IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group members involved in their Sub-Group Executive. We need new blood for the IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group Executive, which means engaging younger people. To be continued at a future IT Montreal-Metro Sub-Group meeting.

Meeting of Sub-Group Presidents in Ottawa on April 6, 2024 

An IT Sub-Group Presidents’ meeting will be held at Delta Hotels Ottawa City Centre. The President mentioned the possibility of attending virtually, but during the last event in 2023, the IT Group cancelled this option, as he was the only virtual guest. The reason given was the additional cost of maintaining a virtual attendance option.

  1. Other business/Roundtable

Nothing to mention.

  1. Adjournment

President Denis Hudon noted that all topics were covered, thanked participants and suggested that the meeting be adjourned.

Treasurer Renaud Guiard moved that the meeting be adjourned, and Robert Tellier seconded the motion.

Carried unanimously.













Jean-Pierre Lavoie