Minutes of the Montérégie CS Sub-Group Executive Meeting

Date: October 20, 2021.

Location: Google Meet (virtual meeting)


Pierre Potvin, President

Giovanni Giolti, Vice-President

Frédéric Émond, Treasurer (Absent)

François Jodoin, Secretary

Guy Meunier, Director

Nathalie Tremblay, Director (Absent)

Gabriel Rotaru, Director (Absent)

Jean-François Héroux, Director

Guests: N/A


  1. Call to Order

P. Potvin: The Chair welcomed the members of the Executive at 7:37 p.m. and thanked them for accepting the invitation and for joining the meeting.


  1. Adoption of the agenda

P. Potvin: The President shall propose an agenda. It was adopted as presented.


  1. Review and Approval of the 2020-01-14 Minutes

The minutes were approved unanimously. 🡺 To be checked, last meeting???  Most recent meeting?


  1. Update

P. Potvin: CS to TI conversion is expected to take place in late 2021 or early 2022.  At DND, the conversion went well; the levels of some CS were adjusted upwards.

G. Giolti: Preliminary notification from Treasury Board the week of September 20th.  Official notification the week of December 9.  Official means of grievances between these 2 dates.



P. Potvin: Pierre will contact Stéphanie Fréchette in order to have the change approved and to have our bylaws updated to make the changes official.  Pierre also has to update the new members on the PIPSC website.


  1. Update on finances.

P. Potvin presented the status of the 2021 budget to the members in Frederic’s absence.


  1. Preparation for the next Sub-Group AGM

Nathalie volunteered to find a restaurant.  Ideally a bring your own wine.  We will have to check with the restaurant to see what the limit will be.  The budget is about $40/person.

Tentative dates: November 18 and 25.


  1. Discussion of the Sub-Group AGM elections

The positions of Secretary, Vice President and a Director are up for election this year. (to be checked in our bylaws).



  1. Round Table

Giovanni Giolti: On September 21st there will be a management/union meeting, the return will not be before December.  Open to several options at the Space Agency.  Questions about the return to work.

Frédéric Émond: (Absent)

François Jodoin: Everything is fine; at Agriculture Canada, people are free to work from home or come back to the office (eventually). (https://pipsc.ca/regions/quebec/news/update-quebec-steward-council-october-29-30-2021-save-date).

Guy Meunier: Guy appreciated receiving the information.  Guy suggested the Kam Fong restaurant for dinner.

Nathalie Tremblay: Nathalie will take care of finding the restaurant for the AGM and will send the information to François.

Gabriel Rotaru: Asked what the union’s position is on mandatory vaccination.  Many questions remain unanswered.

Jean-François Héroux: N/A

Pierre Potvin: Pierre has applied for the position of Director of the Québec Region.



  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on October 21, 2021.


  1. Adjournment of Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm.


__________________________________                               ___________________

Signature of President                                                              Date


__________________________________                               ___________________

Signature of Secretary