Minutes and Record of Decision of the 2019 AV Sub-Group AGM (Montreal)
Date : June 13, 2019
Time : 5pm
Endroit : Restaurant L’Academie, 2100 Crescent, Montréal, QC H3C 1L2
In attendance / position :
Yanick Poulin / President
Evangelia Costamis/ Vice-President
Shemin Mawji /Interim Treasurer
Peter Gabriel / Invited guest
Me Frédéric Durso /Invited Guest
In Attendance :
Nadine Beloin
Nawal Benzaid
Julie Coates
Samuel Dagenais
Pascale Daigneault
Mélanie Piotte
Sylvie Thevenin
Anais Beaudry
Isabelle Doray
Claudine Morin
Nancy Panneton
Marie-Éve Soucy
Samuel Blais-Bergeron
Isabelle Gagné
Rita De Viti
Alexandre Gentile
Mélissa Houle
Ginette Lanteigne
Yulia Milinkis
Sanjay Persand
Victor Slanina
Véronique Tardif
Jessica Vingerhoeds-Carbino
Sean Zunni
Michele Loriston
Claude Valade
André Paquet
Naoual Guerinik
1.Call to order (5:05 pm )
The President addressed the members and opened the meeting.
2.Approval of the Agenda
The President proposed that we revise the agenda and that the speakers be allowed to present during the dinner service.
A motion was made by Evangelia Costamis and seconded by André Paquet to adopt the agenda. (Motion carried unanimously)
3. Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM
The president explained the contents of the minutes which were emailed to the members present. There were no questions regarding the 2018 meeting minutes.
A motion was made by Claudine Morin and seconded by Evangelia Costamis to approve the minutes. (Motion carried unanimously)
4. Introduction of Participants - AV Executive - Greater Montreal Area
Yanick Poulin – Président
Evangelia Costamis – Vice-Présidente
Shemin Mawji,– Trésorière par intérim
5. Introduction of the guests
The president introduced the guests:
- Peter Gabriel, President of the AV Group
- Fréderic Durso, Labour Relations Officer, PIPSC, responsible for EWB.
Mr. Gabriel informed participants that the other scheduled guests - James Bright and Andrée Doucet - also members of the AV Group National Executive were unable to attend the meeting.
Due to the recent tentative agreement between the AV Group and Treasury Board, they had to fly to other regions to answer questions about the new collective agreement.
6. Report of the President
The President reviewed the activities of the Montreal AV Sub-Group over the past year. The Executive organized and hosted two (2) Lunch and Learn events, one on July 12, 2018 regarding Phoenix and one on November 27, 2018 regarding the collective bargaining process.
In addition, the President and Vice President attended the Consultation Symposium in June 2018, the Bargaining Symposium in July 2018, and the Quebec Stewards’ Council in September 2018.
7. Presentation of the Annual Financial Report
The president explained how union funding works and that it is the same for all subgroups and chapters. We receive a base amount of $750 plus $10 per member and we currently have approximately 276 members.
The Treasurer with the assistance of the President presented the annual financial report for the period ending December 31, 2018.
The major expenses were the 2018 AGM and the two (2) Lunch and Learns.
The Treasurer also explained that there was an expense of $184.43 dated 2018-01-17 for which we have no supporting information and will need to be verified. This charge was incurred under the previous administration.
A member asked if we had any engagement activities. We stated that we did not, as we chose to focus on other types of events, but we were open to members telling us what they want us to do in the future.
A copy of the Financial Report had been previously sent to all members present.
8. Approval of the budget for 2022
A motion was made by Rita De Viti and seconded by Nadine Beloin to adopt the financial statement. (Motion carried unanimously)
9. Elections for the AV Sub-Group Executive - Montreal Region
Election committee: Yanick Poulin and Evangelia Costamis.
Election rules explained by the president. Yanick Poulin reviewed the positions to be filled: treasurer, secretary and active members.
All mandates are for a period of 2 years.
- Election of the Treasurer
Shemin Mawji proposed by Ginette Lanteigne and seconded by Jessica Vingerhoeds-Carbino. Shemin Mawji was elected treasurer by acclamation.
- Election of the Secretary: No candidacy.
- Election of active members
o Melissa Houle proposed by Isabelle Gagné and seconded by Shemin Mawji
o Claudine Morin proposed by Isabelle Gagné and seconded by Naoual Guerinik
o André Paquet moved by Yanick Poulin and seconded by Isabelle Gagné
o Isabelle Gagné moved by Samuel Blais-Bergeron and seconded by André Paquet
Since we have eleven (11) members on the Executive, all are elected by acclamation.
The President explained that it will be possible to fill the vacant positions during the year and that in the meantime, the members of the Executive can share the duties of the Secretary.
10. New Business and Amendments to the Sub-Group By-Laws
The President reviewed the major changes to the bylaws. He stated that the changes are intended to be consistent with changes that are already in place and being used by the Institute in general. A copy of the proposed changes was sent to all members in the original invitation to the AGM.
A motion was made by Evangelia Costamis and seconded by Michele Loriston to adopt the bylaws as amended. (Motion carried unanimously)
11. Question Period /Comments
12. Dinner and Presentations by Guests
- Me Frédéric Durso gave a brief presentation on the role of the union and how we can help our members, particularly with respect to the respect and application of the collective agreement.
- Peter Gabriel addressed the members regarding the ratification process of the tentative agreement and the hope that it will be ratified and signed by the Treasury Board before the next election.
13. Varia and adjournment of the meeting (6:10 pm)
Claudine Morin moved, seconded by Ginette Lanteigne, to adjourn the meeting. (Motion carried unanimously)