Below you will find detailed instructions on how to complete your job content and job classification grievances. You’ll also find template grievance forms with the wording already filled in.

Grievance Timelines

Please note the following time limits to present your grievances:

You must present your job content and job classification grievances no later than 35 calendar days from the date you have received your 2019 VM-02 59688 work description and your classification decision.

Preparing Your Grievance Forms

Section 1A – To be completed by the employee

This section must be completed in its entirety. It should state your telephone number (preferably your office number) and your home address.

Section 1B – Details of grievance

The grievance statement is already written on the template provided. You will have to add the date on which you received your new 2019 work description and classification decision.

Section 1C – Date of omission

You will have to add the date on which you received the 2019 VM-02 work description and classification decision from your employer.

Section 1D – Corrective action requested

The corrective action statement is already written on the template provided. On the blank lines found at Section 1D, please sign and write the date.

Submitting Your Grievances

Please submit the forms to your supervisor, who is required, at section 4, to sign, date, and return a copy to you, which serves as a receipt for the grievance. Please then scan and return the final copy to Michelle Brennan at for your PIPSC file.

If you have any trouble completing the document or if you have any questions, we invite you to reach out the following stewards.

ONTARIO: Dr. Aymen Soryal
QUEBEC: Dr. Valérie Coupal,
ATLANTIC: Dr. Krista Ann Puddester,
WEST: Dr. Douglas M. Aitken,