The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

The PIPSC National Elections Committee is tasked with this election. We are seeking nominations for election of the BCFNHA Group President (1-year term).

The President will:

  • further the professional interests of the members
  • protect the status and standards of our profession
  • represent the views of the members on matters affecting them
  • ensure that the interests of the Group are represented in all proceedings of the employer and of the Institute
  • chair group executive meetings and group AGM

This is a voluntary role with an approximate monthly commitment of 8 hours. The executive meets approximately 6 times per year.

For more information about the role and duties, please refer to 6.1 and 6.8.1 of our BCFNHA Group bylaws.

Nominations are due before 4:00 PM PST on Friday, February 21, 2025. 

Here is a summary of the nomination process:

  • Nominations must be supported by at least two (2) group members
  • The Elections Committee will review the nominations to make sure nominees are eligible
  • If necessary, the Elections Committee will hold a vote

Members are encouraged to participate in this union leadership opportunity. Please disconnect from FNHA VPN and use a personal device to ensure the form loads.

Please note that PIPSC Stewards have a different role and are not subject to this election.

If you have any questions about the nomination, please contact Marie Ammais at