The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

AFS Penticton Sub Group

Annual General Meeting (AGM)


November 28, 2019 (Thursday)




Attendance: 38 members

Executive in attendance:

President Simone Zobatar

Vice President Moira Dolan

Treasurer Stefan Dobernigg

Secretary Crystal Berry

Member at large Jose Jimenez

Member at large Ali Burton

Guests Doug Mason, National AFS President

Simon Chiu – BC/Yukon – AFS Regional Representative


  1. Call to order/Introductions - called to order at 5:24 pm/ Quorum Obtained

Simone introduced guests Doug Mason and Simon Chiu and introduced the executive.


  1. Approval of agenda

Jose Jimenez / Michelle Roy – All in favor

  1. Adoption of previous minutes (2018)

Philip Mantler / Richard Barkwill – All in favor

  1. President’s report

Simone read out her President’s report, asked for questions from the floor. No direct questions were presented. Richard Barkwill questioned movement on classification. Doug Mason spoke to the next steps in the process.



  1. Annual financial report

Copies of financial statements were provided.  Stefan explained the 2018 results.

Accepted 2018 Actuals:

Michelle Roy / Simone Zobatar – All in favor


Stefan discussed the 2019 projected amounts


Stefan discussed the 2020 budget and indicated that we are planning to utilize some of our prior year surpluses and we have a lunch and learn planned (looking for ideas).


Accepted 2020 Budget:

Fenton Ingram / Yifeng Kok – All in favor


  1. Bylaws

Simone discussed the bylaw changes previously circulated. Discussed the objective of bringing the subgroup bylaws in line. Penny Seeley queried retired member change (bylaw 3.2). Doug clarified that the bylaw as it previously read is not correct and has to be deleted.


Philip Mantler / Jose Jimenez – All in favor


  1. Election of officers

Three positions up for election, election run by Doug Mason

By acclamation

President – Simone Zobatar

Treasurer – Stefan Dobernigg

Member at Large – Ali Burton


  1. Guest Speaker –  Doug Mason, National AFS President and bargaining team president

Simon Chiu, AFS - B.C./Yukon Regional Representative


Simon Chiu provided a background of himself, his career, and why he supports union dues. Simon discussed regional issues and his accomplishments, particularly in discussions with Ross Ermel.  Internal staff can apply on external processes, management must hire from existing pools first before running additional pools while existing pools are still open. Employer needs to notify Ross and Ross will notify the union of external hiring without competition. No job losses will occur if we become one region (Western Region vs having separate Pacific and Prairie).


Doug Mason provided a national update. He discussed the collective agreement and how visibility helps us to negotiate a fair contract. Discussed the implementation time lines of pay increases and retro pay. Doug also talked about other wins in our contract including the extended definition of family -  restricted to once in a career for bereavement but for family related leave, the restriction of 45 hours exists, and the condition must still meet those that qualify under family related but that we can now determine a person that ‘stands in place’. Agreements were signed on this broad definition. Doug also discussed the new victims of domestic violence leave. Leave balances should now be showing in your leave reports.



Penny – clarification on extended definition of family.

Doug clarified that for bereavement it was a one-time entitlement but extended definition of family includes family related leave – providing it meets other requirements for the leave.


Stefan – What is included in manual calculation of retro pay.

Doug clarified that this would be things like LIA. The employer is still subject to paying additional compensation over 180 days.


Simone – Changes to parental leave clarification.

Doug discussed that he will be getting more training soon. Brining in line with EI rules. New rules apply if leave on or after November 18 – old rules apply otherwise.


Philip – Employee wellness update.

Doug discussed that our plan is now with Treasury Board to review. Should come back to us in the fall where a review team will look at (Doug is part of this team). If all okay, information sessions will be held, then it will be put forward for ratification voting. It will likely be a couple years before implemented.

Further questions followed – Doug explained the wellness program as proposed and indicated that it was fair and good for many employees.


Doug also discussed potential strike action – he and Simon informed employees that it is their responsibility to report to work. Should contact their supervisor and be escorted by an excluded manager. Do not put yourself in harm’s way but you must report to work.


Pause for dinner break at 6:20 pm

Reconvene meeting at 6:56 pm


  1. Other Business (reminder for all members to ensure their address is for Penticton – SITSO if they’ve come from other offices)


Simone advised members transferring in to update their address


  1. Adjournment – 6:59 pm

Moira Dolan / Crystal Berry – All in favor