By-Laws & Regulations



Revised AGM 2018




(By-Law 2)

NOVEMBER 9, 1994


1. These By-Laws supersede those previously issued.

2. A general reorganization and rewording of the By-Laws (e) for purpose of clarity was approved by the 1994 Annual General Meeting.









4.1 National Office. 

4.2 Regions. 

4.2.1 National Capital Region. 

4.2.3 Québec Region. 

4.2.4 Ontario Region. 

4.2.5 Prairie/Northwest Territories Region. 

4.2.6 British Columbia/Yukon Territory Region. 

4.3 Change in Boundaries 

4.4 Members Employed or Resident Outside Canada. 

4.5 Regional Affiliation of Members. 

5.1 Qualifications 

5.2 Groups of Employees. 

5.3 Payment of Fees / Application Forms 

5.4 Resignation from Institute. 


6.1 Categories 

6.1.1 Regular Member 

6.2 Other Categories. 

6.2.1 Retired Member 

6.2.2 Affiliate Member 


7.1 Regular and Retired Members 

7.3 Affiliate Members 

7.4 Evaluation Report by President 




10.1 GROUPS. 

10.1.4 Constitution. 

10.1.5 Group Executive. 

10.1.6 Annual General Meeting. 

10.1.7 Newly Formed Group. 

10.1.8 Holding Group. 


10.2.1 Creation. 

10.2.2 Constitution. 

10.2.3 Sub-Group Executive. 

10.2.4 Annual General Meeting. 

10.2.5 Cause for Dissolution. 

10.3 Ratification Process for Group Collective Agreements Groups not in Joint Bargaining. Groups in Joint Bargaining. 


10.4.1 Composition. Alternates

10.4.2 Mandate.

10.4.3 Steering Committee. Steering Committee Duties

10.4.4 Elections.

10.4.4 1 AC Director AC Steering Committee (Except AC Director) Vacancy - AC Steering Committee.

10.4.5 Reports

10.4.6 Sector Council

10.5 Retired Members Guild.


11.1 Regions

11.1.5 Constitution

11.1.6 Regional Council

11.1.7 Regional Executive.

11.2 Branches 

11.2.1 Creation.

11.2.2 Constitution.

11.2.3 Branch Executive.

11.2.4 Annual General Meeting.

11.2.5 Cause for Dissolution. 


12.1 Definition.

12.2 Duties and Responsibilities

12.3 Term.

12.4 Methods of Selection.

12.4.2 By Appointment

12.4.3 Board of Directors

12.5 Re-Appointment of Stewardship

12.5.2 By Renewal

12.6 Termination of Stewardship.


13.1 General Meetings

13.1.2 Voting.

13.1.3 Electronic Ballot Resolutions 

13.1.5 Special Resolutions 

13.2 Annual General Meeting. 

13.2.2 Calling of Annual General Meeting.

13.2.3 Order of Business.

13.2.5 Quorum.

13.2.6 Delegates. Board of Directors. Groups Groups Regions Credentials Committee. Retired Members Guild. Consultation Team Presidents.

13.2.7 Substitutes.

13.2.8 Appointment of Auditors

13.3 Special General Meeting.

13.3.1 Calling of Special General Meeting.

13.3.2 Order of Business.

13.3.3 Notice of Meeting.

13.3.4 Quorum.

13.3.5 Delegates.

13.3.6 Meeting by Electronic Means



14.1.1 New Fiscal Year

14.1.2 Auditors' Report

14.1.3 Revenues

14.1.4 Financial Records

14.1.5 Bank Account(s)

14.1.6 Signatures.

14.1.7 Investments.

14.1.8 Borrowing.

14.1.9 Budget

14.1.10 Donations to Political Parties

14.2 Fees

14.2.1 Notice of Proposed Change in Fees

14.2.2 Fees Direct Payment

14.2.3 Supplementary Fee Levy. Groups

14.2.4 Arrears Cause for Termination of Membership.

14.2.5 Fees Payable by New Groups.

14.3 Financial Matters - Constituent Bodies

14.3.1 Annual Allowance.

14.3.2 Financial Obligations

14.3.3 Special Grant

14.4 Annual Report


15.1 Composition.

15.2 Authority.

15.2.5 Regulations


16.2 Regular Meetings.

16.3 Special Meetings.

16.5 Quorum.



17.1.1 Standing Committees. Dissolution.

17.1.2 Ad Hoc Committees Dissolution.

17.1.3 Composition. Appointment

17.1.4 Quorum.

17.2 By-Laws and Policies Committee.

17.2.1 Composition.

17.2.2 Mandate.

17.2.3 Resolutions Sub-Committee. Composition Mandate

17.3 Elections Committee.

17.3.1 Composition. Members Ineligibility as Candidates in Institute Elections

17.3.2 Conduct of Elections

17.3.3 Alleged Violations

17.4 Elections Appeals Committee.

17.4.1 Composition. Members Ineligibility as Candidates in Institute Elections

17.4.2 Appeal Procedures Decision.

17.5 Executive Compensation Committee.

17.5.1 Composition. Vacancy.

17.5.2 Mandate.

17.5.3 Executive Compensation Committee (ECC)

17.6 Finance Committee.

17.6.1 Composition.

17.6.2 Mandate.

17.6.3 Reports to the Board.

17.7 Human Rights and Diversity Committee.

17.7.1 Composition.

17.7.2 Mandate.

17.8 Training and Education Committee.

17.8.1 Composition.

17.8.2 Mandate.

17.9 Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee.

17.9.1 Composition.

17.9.2 Mandate.

17.10 Science Advisory Committee.

17.10.1 Composition.

17.10.2 Mandate.

17.11 Information Technology Services and Projects Committee.

17.11.1 Composition.

17.11.2 Mandate.


18.1 Elected Officers.

18.2 Executive Committee.

18.2.1 Composition and Mandate.

18.2.2 Meetings


19.1 Term of Office.

19.2 Responsibilities.

19.3 Remuneration and Benefits

19.3.1 Salary Scale.

19.3.2 Expenses 

19.5 Vacancy. 

19.5.1 Acting President 

19.6 Removal from Office. 

19.6.1. 29

19.6.2 Acting President


20.1 Term of Office.

20.2 Responsibilities.

20.3 Acting Vice-President

20.5 Remuneration and Benefits

20.6 Removal from Office.


21.1 Term of Office.

21.2 Distribution.

21.3 Remuneration.

21.4 Vacancy.

21.5 Leave of Absence for Just Cause.


22.1 Date of Election/Commencement of Office.

22.2 Eligibility. Board Members as Candidates.

22.3 Voting In Institute Elections

22.3.1 Directors

22.4 Election Campaigns


23.1 President 

23.2 Presidents of Groups and Chairs of Regional Executives.

23.3 Stewards

24.2 Appeals.

24.3 Procedural Fairness 



26.1 Gold Medal Award.

26.1.1 Basis of Award.

26.1.2 Eligibility.

26.1.3 Rules.

26.2 Life Membership Award.

26.2.1 Basis of Award.

26.2.3 Rules.

26.3 Institute Service Award.

26.3.1 Basis of Award.

26.3.2 Eligibility.

26.3.3 Rules.

26.4 Citation Certificate Award.

26.4.1 Basis of Award.

26.4.2 Eligibility.

26.4.3 Rules.

26.5 Honorary Membership Award.

26.5.1 Basis of Award.

26.5.2 Eligibility.

26.5.3 Rules.

26.6 Institute Scholarship Program.

26.7 Institute Scholarship Fund.

26.8 President’s Achievement Award.

26.8.1 Basis of Award.

26.8.2 Eligibility.

26.8.3 Rules.





R10. Eligibility.


R17.2.3.2 Review of Resolutions





The Institute is a duly incorporated organization which acts as the bargaining agent for professional employees. Members, as a whole, are the supreme power in the Institute. Elected representatives implement the wishes of the members, as expressed at General Meetings of the Institute.

Under the authority of the pertinent labour legislation, the primary functions of the Institute are collective negotiations, individual representational services and consultation with the employers of the members.

The control of the Institute is in the hands of members through a directly-elected President, Executive Committee and Board of Directors who implement policy and manage operations between General Meetings of the Institute.


  • AC Director: A Director elected by and from among the Advisory Council as described in By-Law
  • Act: means the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, S.C. 2009, c. 23 including the Regulations made pursuant to the Act, and any statute or regulations that may be substituted, as amended from time to time. AGM 2013
  • Ad Hoc Committee: A committee described in By-Law 17.1.2.
  • Advisory Council: A council defined in By-Law 10.4.
  • Affiliate Member: A person defined in By-Law 6.2.2.
  • Awards: The Institute may award individuals in accordance with By-Law 26.
  • Board: means the Board of Directors as described in By-Law 15.1AGM 2013
  • Branch: A constituent body described in By-Law 11.2.
  • By-Law: means this by-law and any other by-law of the Corporation as amended and which are from time to time, in force and effect. AGM 2013
  • Constituent Bodies: means Groups, Sub-Groups, Regions, Regional Councils, Branches and the Retired Members Guild.
  • Constitutions: means Constitutions, By-Laws, Regulations or any combination thereof.
  • Elected Director: means member of the Board other than the President and Vice-Presidents. AGM 2013
  • Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of the Institute consists of the President and the four (4) Vice-Presidents as described in By-Law 18.2.
  • Group: A constituent body described in By-Law 10.1.1.
  • Holding Group: A collection of individuals described in By-Law 10.1.8.
  • Institute: means The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (acronym PIPSC).
  • Joint Bargaining: A process of collective negotiations with one employer involving more than one Institute Group.
  • Members: means those members described in these By-Laws.
  • Membership Register: An official register described in By-Law 8.
  • Not in Good Standing: means the members' fees are more than ninety (90) days in arrears (Fees and Dues may be used interchangeably in these By-Laws).
  • Officers of the Institute: means the President and Vice-Presidents of the Institute and the Executive Secretary.
  • Ordinary Resolution: means a resolution passed by a majority of not less than 50% plus 1 of the votes cast on that resolution. AGM 2013
  • Regions: The regions are the geographic regions of the Institute as defined in By-Law 4.
  • Regular Member: A person defined in By-Law 6.1.1.
  • Retired Member: A person defined in By-Law 6.2.1.
  • Retired Members Guild: A constituent body described in By-Law 10.5.1.
  • Sector Council: A council based on a profession (a sector), spanning two or more Groups.
  • Special General Meeting: A Special General Meeting of a constituent body is a general meeting other than the Annual General Meeting.
  • Special Resolution: means a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast on that resolution. AGM 2013
  • Standing Committees: Standing committees of the Institute are those committees, other than Ad Hoc committees, described in By-Law 17.
  • Steward: A member defined in By-Law 12.1.
  • Sub-Group: A constituent body described in By-Law 10.2.1

AGM 2006 (e)


1.1 The name of this Corporation in English shall be "The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada" hereinafter referred to as "the Institute" and in French shall be "L'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada".


2.1 The fundamental aim of the Institute is to serve its members by acting as their collective bargaining agent and by representing them in relation to their individual and collective employment situations.

2.2 The Institute shall seek to reinforce the professional effectiveness of its members and to improve the application of professional standards and the availability of appropriate opportunities for professional development.

2.3 The Institute shall endeavour to manage the organization and its resources in an efficient and effective manner.


3.1 The Seal of the Institute shall be of such form as prescribed by the Board, and shall be inscribed in English and French. The Executive Secretary shall have custody of the Seal of the Institute.

3.2 The Officer designated to fulfill the requirements of Sections 21 and 278 of the Act is the Executive Secretary. 

AGM 2013


4.1 National Office The National Office of the Institute shall be situated in the National Capital Region.

4.2 Regions The Institute is comprised of six (6) Regions, the boundaries of which shall be as follows:

4.2.1 National Capital Region - shall generally coincide with the official map published by the National Capital Commission and deemed to include the area encompassing Atomic Energy Canada Limited at Chalk River as well as Petawawa. 

AGM 2006 (e)

4.2.2 Atlantic Region - the Provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

4.2.3 Québec Region - that portion of Nunavut east of 80o west longitude, and the Province of Québec, except for those locations that are deemed to be part of the National Capital Region. 

AGM 2000 (e)

4.2.4 Ontario Region - The Province of Ontario except for those locations, including the area encompassing Atomic Energy Canada Limited at Chalk River and Petawawa, that are deemed to be part of the National Capital Region. 

AGM 2006 (e)

4.2.5 Prairie/Northwest Territories Region - The Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and that portion of Nunavut west of 80o west longitude. 

AGM 2004 (e)

4.2.6 British Columbia/Yukon Territory Region - the Province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory.

4.3 Change in Boundaries When recommended by the Region or Regions concerned, changes in the boundaries of any Region shall require a two- thirds (2/3) majority decision of the Board.

4.4 Members Employed or Resident Outside Canada Regular members employed outside/ Canada shall be considered to be employed in the National Capital Region for the purposes of these By-Laws. Retired members residing outside Canada shall be considered to be residing in the National Capital Region for the purposes of these By-Laws.

4.5 Regional Affiliation of Members A Member may be allowed to choose to be active in the region in which they resides or in the region in which they works or last worked, if retired. Any additional costs for a Member choosing to be active in a region where they does not reside will be borne by the Member. 

AGM 2015


5.1 Qualifications - To be eligible for membership, a person is required to occupy a position in a Canadian public service or equivalent Canadian employment, where such employment is in a professional capacity or in the direction or administration of professional work, and to satisfy one (1) of the following qualifications:

  1. is engaged in the application of specialized knowledge ordinarily acquired by a course of instruction and study resulting in graduation from a university or similar institution;
  2. membership in the corporate body of a profession;
  3. qualifications equivalent to the above, or
  4. occupy any position which falls within a bargaining unit defined by the applicable legislation when the Board is satisfied that such bargaining unit is professional in character.

5.2 Groups of Employees Notwithstanding By-Law 5.1, the Board may declare any group of employees who are eligible for inclusion in a bargaining unit, as defined in legislation applicable to such group, to be eligible for membership, provided that the Board has considered the effect of such a declaration on the nature, structure and operational effectiveness of the Institute. 

AGM 2001 (e)

5.3 Payment of Fees / Application Forms Membership is contingent upon the payment of the prescribed fee and submission to the National Office of such membership application forms as the Board may, from time to time, approve.

5.4 Resignation from Institute Members may withdraw from the Institute by submitting a resignation, in writing, to the National Office.


6.1 Categories A member may only retain one (1) of the following categories of membership:

6.1.1 Regular Member Any person who belongs to a bargaining unit for which the Institute is certified as bargaining agent, and who has made application and has been accepted for Institute membership, shall be termed a "Regular member".

6.2 Other Categories Any Regular member who becomes ineligible to belong to an Institute bargaining unit shall be eligible for one (1) of the following categories of membership provided they make application within ninety (90) days of becoming aware of ceasing to be a Regular member:

6.2.1 Retired Member A current or former Regular member shall be eligible to become a retired member under one of the following circumstances:

  1. A current Regular member in good standing who superannuates.
  2. A former Regular member who superannuates while the Institute represents their current or former bargaining unit or starts to receive a pension which they had previously deferred upon retirement. Application is subject to the approval of the Board 

AGM 2008 (e) A current or former member can apply only once under this article. 

AGM 2007 (e)

6.2.2 Affiliate Member A member who, in addition to becoming ineligible to belong to an Institute bargaining unit, does not retain a classification otherwise represented by the Institute.


Subject to being members in good standing:

7.1 Regular and Retired Members Only Regular and Retired members have the right to be candidates for office, to vote for officers, to otherwise participate in the affairs of the Institute, and, subject to By-Law 7.1.1, the affairs of the constituent bodies of the Institute. Only Regular and Retired members shall be eligible to attend General Meetings of the Institute. Only Regular members shall be eligible for appointment as Stewards.

7.1.1 Groups and Sub-Groups may, in accordance with their Constitutions, determine the level of participation of Retired members in their affairs. 

AGM 2006 (e)

7.1.2 Retired members who ceased to be Regular members during the retroactive period of a collective agreement may be granted the right to vote on that tentative agreement that affects them, unless otherwise precluded by the applicable legislation.

7.1.3 Regular and Retired members have a right to be fully informed of all actions and subjects of Institute concern and to be given full disclosure as expeditiously as possible of such information by news release or as a reply to the written request of a member. Personal information about identified individuals and proceedings of Closed Session meetings convened by the Board, the Executive Committee or by any constituent body or its Executive shall not be so disclosed. 

AGM 2005 (e)

7.1.4 Members not in good standing shall not be eligible to hold Institute office at any level, to vote in any and all Institute elections, to ratify Group tentative agreements, or to participate in Institute training.

7.3 Affiliate Members Affiliate members shall not be eligible to be candidates for office, to vote for officers or to otherwise participate in the affairs of the Institute or those of its constituent bodies, nor to receive representational services. They shall be entitled to receive general Institute publications and be eligible to participate in various benefit plans available to Institute members.

7.4 Evaluation Report by President At least four (4) weeks before the Annual General Meeting, all members shall be provided with a written evaluation by the President of the effectiveness of the Institute in meeting the objectives in By-Law 2.


8.1 A register shall be kept of all members with their addresses and any other pertinent information. It shall be the duty of the member to notify the Institute, in writing, of any change in address and the address shown on the register shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be the correct address of the member.

8.2 Any notice or letter relating to any matter concerning the Institute or a member thereof sent by ordinary or registered mail to a member at the address shown on the register shall be deemed to have been properly sent and to have been received by such member in due course.


9.1 The Institute may become associated with any federation or organization or group of organizations that may enhance the interests of members in the attainment of their professional and bargaining goals. If such association could potentially result in the loss of Institute identity or status, such association must be approved by a General Meeting before becoming effective.



10.1.1 One or more bargaining units for which the Institute is a certified bargaining agent shall constitute a Group. The Group definition shall be determined by the Board of Directors but shall not include bargaining units certified under different labour statutes. The Group shall be comprised of those Regular members of the Institute within those bargaining units, and subject to By-Law 7.1.1, may include retired members. 

AGM 2002 (e)

10.1.2 Upon certification of a new bargaining unit, the Board of Directors shall either allocate the bargaining unit to a Group in accordance with existing group definitions or determine the new bargaining unit constitutes a new Group. 

AGM 2002 (e)

10.1.3 Upon request of an existing Group, the Board of Directors shall consider redefining a Group to include a different configuration of bargaining units. 

AGM 2002 (e)

10.1.4 Constitution Each Group shall be governed by a Constitution consistent with these By-Laws and Regulations, providing as a minimum, the right of each member to be candidates for and vote for the election of Group Executive members. Each Group shall, upon amendment of its Constitution, submit it to the By-Laws and Policies Committee for review. Any amendments to the Constitution shall take effect only upon approval by the Board and ratification by the Group membership.

10.1.5 Group Executive The minimum size of a Group Executive is three (3). The maximum number of Group Executive members shall be based on the size of the Group in accordance with the following table.

Group Size

Maximum Number of Executive Members

Less than 36


36 to 45


46 to 55


56 to 65


66 to 500


501 to 1000


1001 to 2000


Over 2000



Notwithstanding the above table, when a Group of over 2000 members represents nine or more classifications, the Group will be allowed up to fifteen (15) executive members. 

AGM 2009 (e)

Officers shall normally comprise a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer or, alternatively, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The term of office of an executive member shall not exceed three (3) years. A Group Executive may include Regional Representation when and as appropriate. The results of Group elections, listing the names, positions, addresses and home and office telephone numbers, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Executive Secretary. 

AGM 2008 (e) Executive meetings shall be held in accordance with the Group By-Laws and PIPSC policies. Upon request of the Group, the Group’s assigned negotiator shall attend these meetings. 

AGM 2012 (e) A Group may, with the approval of the Board, be exempted from meeting requirements for Group Executives, as set out in these By-Laws, for a period not to exceed two (2) years. The Board may periodically renew this exemption. 

AGM 2005 (e)

10.1.6 Annual General Meeting Each Group shall convene an Annual General Meeting at least once each calendar year and, in any event, not more than fifteen (15) months from the preceding Annual General Meeting. Delegates to Group General Meetings shall be selected or elected in accordance with the individual Group Constitutions. When a Group fails to hold an Annual General Meeting, the Executive Secretary shall inform the Group that it is in contravention of this By-Law, and shall request that the Group take action within thirty (30) days of receipt of such advice. Failure to act on this advice shall result in referral of the matter to the Board.

10.1.7 Newly Formed Group When a Group joins the Institute, the Board may, at its discretion, grant to the Group's members during their first twelve (12) months with the Institute, representation and voting rights at General Meetings of the Institute and its constituent bodies. Representation shall not exceed that to which the members would have been entitled had the Institute been their bargaining agent as of the previous May 31. A newly formed Group shall be governed by a Constitution as provided for in these By-Laws. 

AGM 1997 (e)

10.1.8 Holding Group The Board may establish a Holding Group consisting of employees who are not in bargaining units represented by the Institute. Such employees who have made application and paid the appropriate fee in accordance with the applicable Labour Board shall be known as "Holding Members", and shall remain in the Holding Group until final arrangements are made for their incorporation into the Institute.


10.2.1 Creation The creation of a Sub-Group, comprising five (5) or more members of a specific Group in a geographic area, is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee upon application by the members of the proposed Sub- Group and recommendation of the Group Executive concerned. The appropriate Constitution shall be assigned to a newly created Sub-Group as provided for in these By-Laws. 

AGM 1997 (e) No member shall belong to more than one (1) Sub-Group.

10.2.2 Constitution Each Sub-Group shall be governed by a Constitution, consistent with these By-Laws and those of the appropriate Group, providing as a minimum, the right of each member to be a candidate and to vote for the election of Sub-Group Executive members. Each Sub-Group shall, upon amendment of its Constitution, submit it to the By-Laws and Policies Committee and the appropriate Group Executive for review. Any amendments to the Constitution take effect only upon approval by the Board and ratification by the Sub-Group membership.

10.2.3 Sub-Group Executive A Sub-Group Executive shall normally comprise up to one (1) member per ten (10) members of the Sub-Group rounded to the nearest ten (10), with a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of eleven (11). Officers shall normally comprise a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer or, alternatively, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The term of office of an Executive member shall not exceed three (3) years. The results of Sub-Group elections, listing the names, positions, addresses and home and office telephone numbers, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Executive Secretary. 

AGM 2008 (e)

10.2.4 Annual General Meeting Each Sub-Group shall convene an Annual General Meeting at least once each calendar year and, in any event, not more than fifteen (15) months from the preceding Annual General Meeting. When a Sub-Group fails to hold an Annual General Meeting, the Executive Secretary shall inform the Sub-Group that it is in contravention of this By-Law, and shall request the Sub-Group to take action within thirty (30) days of receipt of such advice. Failure to act on this advice shall result in referral of the matter to the appropriate Group for recommendation to the Board.

10.2.5 Cause for Dissolution A Sub-Group may be dissolved for failure to comply with its own Constitution, that of the Group or the By-Laws and Regulations of the Institute, subject to the recommendation of the appropriate Group Executive and approval by the Executive Committee.

10.3 Ratification Process for Group Collective Agreements

10.3.1 Representatives or agents empowered by the Board may enter into agreements or contracts on behalf of the Institute subject to one (1) of the following ratification processes: Groups not in Joint Bargaining For Groups not in joint bargaining which do not require that the ratification be authorized by the membership before Executive approval can be given, the Board shall ratify the tentative agreement after the Group Executive concerned has so recommended. In the event of a disagreement between the Group Executive and the Board, the Board may hold a referendum. If the Board decides to hold a referendum, details of the tentative agreement and a ballot shall be sent to each member of the Group. Ratification shall be achieved when a majority of all members casting ballots vote in favour of ratification. If ratification is achieved, the Institute shall sign the collective agreement. For Groups not in joint bargaining which do require that ratification of agreements be authorized by the membership, the Board shall ratify the tentative agreement after the Group Executive has reported that a majority of all members casting ballots voted in favour of ratification. The Institute shall then sign the collective agreement. Groups in Joint Bargaining For Groups in joint bargaining, the following procedures shall apply: Once a tentative agreement has been reached by a joint bargaining council, details of the tentative agreement shall be sent to each Group Executive for their recommendation. Group Executive recommendations and details of the tentative agreement shall be included with the ballot to be sent to each member of the participating Groups. Ratification shall be achieved when both of the following conditions are met:

  1. A majority of all members casting ballots vote in favour of ratification, and
  2. A majority (as specified in the applicable joint bargaining procedures) of the Groups participating in joint bargaining ratify the tentative agreement. A Group shall be considered to have ratified the tentative agreement if a majority of members casting ballots in that Group vote in favour of ratification. If ratification is achieved, the Institute shall sign the collective agreement on behalf of all Groups in joint bargaining. Ratification in accordance with these By- Laws shall be binding upon members of the Institute to whom the contract or agreement applies for the term and duration of the contract or agreement.


10.4.1 Composition The Advisory Council shall consist of representatives of all Groups, Treasury Board National Departmental Consultation Teams and Consultation Teams from employers with multiple PIPSC bargaining groups. Normally, the appointed representative is the Group or national Consultation Team President. Each Group and Consultation Team shall have only one (1) vote. 

AGM 2015 Alternates A Group or Consultation Team appointed representative may designate an alternate for the purpose of attending Advisory Council Meetings in the absence of the representative. The alternate must be from the Group Executive or Consultation Team whose representative is unable to attend a meeting. The alternate shall have the right to vote at that meeting; however, a member shall not represent both a Group and a Consultation Team when separate representatives are justified. 

AGM 2015

10.4.2 Mandate The Advisory Council is charged with the responsibility of dealing with matters referred to it by the Board, the Executive Committee, Group Executives, Consultation Teams or a general meeting of the Institute. It shall serve as a forum for an exchange of ideas and information among Groups and Consultation Teams. Some of the prime functions shall be information sharing on collective bargaining issues, professional concerns, national consultation and policies under consideration. In addition, the Advisory Council shall review PIPSC Annual Priorities and make recommendations to the Board of Directors prior to the second Board of Directors meeting of the calendar year. 

AGM 2015

10.4.3 Steering Committee The Advisory Council shall have a Steering Committee comprising the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the AC Director, one (1) representative from each of the three (3) categories of employers elected from amongst Group and Consultation Team representatives employed by each category of employers: one (1) from Treasury Board, one (1) from Federal Government Agencies other than the Treasury Board and one (1) from the separate employers. 

AGM 2015 Steering Committee Duties The Steering Committee shall be responsible for arranging the agenda and meetings of the Advisory Council, setting goals for the AC, sponsoring Sector Councils brought forward at the AC and making recommendations on those submissions to the Executive Committee via the Finance Committee. 

AGM 2006 (e) The Chair calls and presides the Advisory Council and Steering Committee meetings. The Vice-Chair assists the Chair and assumes the Chair’s function in the absence of the Chair. 

AGM 2015 The Chair and AC Director who are involved in presiding over the Advisory Council and Steering Committee meetings may designate a replacement from their Group or Consultation Team to attend the Advisory Council meetings to ensure their Group or Consultation Team is represented at those meetings. This shall in no way remove the status of the Chair or the AC Director as an AC member. 

AGM 2017

10.4.4 Elections

10.4.4 1 AC Director Only representatives of the Advisory Council shall be eligible to run for, vote for and hold the position of AC Director. The AC Director shall be elected as provided for in these By-Laws and Regulation. The AC Director shall have the right to vote at AC meetings. 

AGM 2017 AC Steering Committee (Except AC Director) Each year, there shall be an election of Officers of the Advisory Council. The newly- elected Officers shall take office immediately following the meeting at which they were elected. The Chair, the Treasury Board representative and the Federal Government Agencies representative shall normally be elected in even-numbered years. The Vice-Chair and separate employers’ representative shall normally be elected in odd-numbered years. 

AGM 2015 Notice of the election shall be included with the agenda for the meeting at which the election takes place. Nomination for election is not contingent upon attendance at the meeting, but candidates must indicate, in writing, a willingness to stand for election. 

AGM 2006 (e) 2 The election shall be conducted by members of the Advisory Council who are not a candidate in the election. The election shall be by secret ballot. The candidate who receives the plurality of legal votes shall be deemed elected. Following completion of the election, the ballots shall be destroyed. 

AGM 2017 Vacancy - AC Steering Committee If a position, other than the position of AC Director, becomes vacant during the term of office, the remaining members of the AC Steering Committee shall act to fill the vacancy until the expiry of the original term of office. If the position of Chair becomes vacant, it shall be filled by the Vice-Chair. If the position of AC Director becomes vacant, it shall be filled as provided for in these By-Laws. 

AGM 2015

10.4.5 Reports The AC Director shall, after each Advisory Council and after each AC Steering Committee meeting, submit a report to the Board in a timely manner. The AC Director shall, after each Board of Directors’ meeting, submit a written report to the AC Steering Committee and all members of the AC in a timely manner. 

AGM 2006 (e)

10.4.6 Sector Council The Advisory Council (AC) Steering Committee shall oversee and monitor all activities pertaining to Sector Councils and shall, through application of the Policy Statement on Sector Councils, make recommendations both to the AC and the Board on such activity. Responsibilities of the AC Steering Committee shall include: 

  1. advising the AC on all new Sector Council proposals,
  2. making recommendations to the AC for or against the establishment of new Sector Council and on follow-up activity by previously established Sector Councils,
  3. seeking a decision from the AC to approve or deny permission for the proposal to proceed to the Board of Directors (BOD) for funding, and
  4. providing a recommendation to the BOD regarding Sector Council formation and funding.

AGM 2006 (e)

10.5 Retired Members Guild AGM 2005 (e)

10.5.1 Retired Members Guild There shall be a constituent body consisting of the retired members of the Institute, that shall be responsible for providing Retired and Retiring members with information and advice on retirement related issues, coordinating activities and mobilizing Retired members on retirement issues as required, and dealing with matters referred to it by the Board of Directors. 

AGM 2000 (e)

10.5.2 The Retired Members’ Guild (RMG) may create constituent bodies know as Chapters in accordance with their constitution. The RMG is responsible for the funding of these Chapters. 

AGM 2010 (e)


11.1 Regions

11.1.1 Each Region shall be structured to provide a minimum of three (3) levels of organization, consisting of:

  1. Regional Council
  2. Regional Executive
  3. Branches.

11.1.2 A Member may choose to be active in the regional structures where they resides, work or last worked. No member shall have rights in more than one (1) region.

AGM 2015

11.1.3 Participation by other organizational units shall be as defined in the Constitution of each Region.

11.1.4 Each Regional Council shall be free to recommend the detailed organization of the Region, subject to these By-Laws and with the approval of the Board.

11.1.5 Constitution Each Region shall be governed by a Constitution consistent with these By-Laws, providing as a minimum, the representation of Branches or other organizational units in the Regional Council. Each Region shall, upon amendment of its Constitution, submit it to the By-Laws and Policies Committee for review. Any amendments to the Constitution take effect only upon approval by the Board.

11.1.6 Regional Council A Regional Council shall comprise a minimum of one (1) delegate for each two hundred (200) members and a maximum of one (1) delegate for each fifty (50) members resident in the Region rounded to the nearest two hundred (200) plus two (2) additional delegates. The membership count shall be taken as of the previous December 31.

AGM 2008 (e) A Regional Council shall meet at least once per calendar year.

11.1.7 Regional Executive A Regional Executive shall comprise the elected Director(s) for the Region and additional members up to a maximum of eleven (11). In Regions with more than 10,000 members, the maximum number of executive members may be thirteen (13). Officers shall normally comprise a Chair, Vice-Chair, and a Secretary-Treasurer or, alternatively, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The term of office of an Executive member shall not exceed three (3) years. The results of Executive elections, listing the names, positions, addresses and home and office telephone numbers, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Executive Secretary.

AGM 2008

11.2 Branches

11.2.1 Creation The creation of a Branch, comprising ten (10) or more Regular and Retired members from two (2) or more specific Groups in a geographic area, is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee upon application by members of the proposed Branch and recommendation of the Regional Executive concerned. Notwithstanding the preceding, where there are members of only one (1) Group present in a geographic area for which there could otherwise be a Branch, the Regional Executive may recommend the creation of a Branch subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The appropriate Constitution shall be assigned to a newly created Branch as provided for in these By-Laws.

AGM 1997 (e) All members should belong to one Branch and no member shall belong to more than one (1) Branch.

AGM 2005 (e)

11.2.2 Constitution Each Branch shall be governed by a Constitution, consistent with these By-Laws and those of the appropriate Region, providing as a minimum, the right of each member to be a candidate for and to vote for the election of Branch Executive members. Each Branch shall, upon amendment of its Constitution, submit it to the By-Laws and Policies Committee and to the appropriate Regional Executive for review. Any amendments to the Constitution take effect only upon approval by the Board and ratification by the Branch membership.

11.2.3 Branch Executive A Branch Executive shall normally consist of up to one (1) Executive member per ten (10) members of the Branch rounded to the nearest ten (10), with a minimum of three (3) and maximum of eleven (11). Officers shall normally comprise a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary-Treasurer or, alternatively, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The term of office of an Executive member shall not exceed three (3) years. The results of Branch elections, listing the names, positions, addresses and home and office telephone numbers, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Executive Secretary. The Executive shall meet at least three times a year.

AGM 2008 (e)

11.2.4 Annual General Meeting Each Branch shall convene an Annual General Meeting at least once each calendar year and, in any event, not more than fifteen (15) months from the preceding Annual General Meeting. When a Branch fails to hold an Annual General Meeting, the Executive Secretary shall inform the Branch that it is in contravention of this By-Law, and shall request the Branch take action within thirty (30) days of receipt of such advice. Failure to act on this advice shall result in referral of the matter to the appropriate Regional Executive for recommendation to the Board.

11.2.5 Cause for Dissolution A Branch may be dissolved for failure to comply with its own Constitution, that of the applicable Region or the By-Laws and Regulations of the Institute, subject to the recommendation of the appropriate Regional Executive and approval by the Executive Committee.


12.1 Definition A Steward shall be an official representative of the Institute when appointed by the Institute. The employer shall be notified of the appointment by the Institute. Only a Regular member may be a Steward.

12.2 Duties and Responsibilities The duties and responsibilities of a Steward shall be as defined in the Regulations.

12.3 Term Stewards shall be appointed for a term as specified in the Regulations.

12.4 Methods of Selection The following methods shall be used to recommend appointments of Stewards by the President:

AGM 2016

12.4.2 By Appointment The authority to appoint a Steward rests exclusively with the President.

AGM 2016

12.4.2. 1 Sub-Group, Branch and Regional Executives may recommend Steward appointments to the appropriate Group Executive which, in turn, may recommend the appointment to the President.

12.4.2. 2 A Group Executive may recommend Steward appointments to the President.

12.4.3 Board of Directors By virtue of being a Regular Member who is member of the Board.

AGM 2005 (e)

12.5 Re-Appointment of Stewardship The authority to renew a Steward's term rests exclusively with the President. Upon expiry of the term of Stewardship, a Steward may be re- appointed as follows:

AGM 2016

12.5.2 By Renewal Subject to the recommendation of the appropriate Group Executive, by choosing to renew their term of office.

AGM 2017

12.6 Termination of Stewardship A member shall cease to be a Steward for any of the following reasons:

12.6.1 If they ceases to be a Regular member of the Institute.

12.6.2 If notification of their resignation as a Steward is received at the Institute National Office.

12.6.3 If they are not reappointed following expiry of their Stewardship.

12.6.4 Where the member is a Steward only by virtue of serving on the Board, their Stewardship shall end when their term of office expires or when they ceases to be a Regular member.

12.6.5 Allegations of misconduct, as set out in By-Law 24, made against a steward shall be dealt with in accordance with the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy.

AGM 2017


13.1 General Meetings Unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws and Regulations, any reference to Annual or Special General Meetings or General Meetings refers to Meetings of the members.

13.1.2 Voting Only delegates at a General Meeting shall be entitled to make or second motions or resolutions and to vote thereon. No delegate shall carry more than one (1) vote.

AGM 2013

13.1.3 Electronic Ballot A member entitled to vote at a meeting of members may vote by means of a telephonic, electronic or other communication facility in accordance with the requirements set out in the Act.

AGM 2013

13.1.4 By-Laws Only a General Meeting may enact, repeal or amend the By-Laws of the Institute.

AGM 2013 No By-Law shall be enacted, repealed or amended by an Annual General Meeting unless:

  1. details of proposed changes were submitted to the Office of the Executive Secretary not later than twelve (12) weeks prior to an Annual General Meeting, and
  2. details of the proposed changes were provided to all members not later than six (6) weeks prior to an Annual General Meeting.

AGM 2018 By-Law amendments by resolution from the floor of the Annual General Meeting shall not be permitted. Resolutions Resolutions, in writing, must be received at the Office of the Executive Secretary not less than twelve (12) weeks prior to an Annual General Meeting. Resolutions submitted contrary to the procedure outlined in these By-Laws may be dealt with by an Annual General Meeting only after all regularly submitted resolutions have been dealt with and are received by the Resolutions Sub-Committee no later than 10:30 a.m. on the final day of the Annual General Meeting, except that an Annual General Meeting may accept a resolution as an emergency and deal with it immediately.

AGM 2016

13.1.5 Special Resolutions Special Resolutions are those passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of the Votes cast on the resolution and shall be required in accordance with the Act.

AGM 2013

13.2 Annual General Meeting

13.2.1 The Annual General Meeting is the supreme governing body of the Institute. General Meetings shall govern the policy of the Institute and deal with such other matters as may come before them. All actions of constituent bodies shall be consistent with and within the policies laid down by General Meetings.

13.2.2 Calling of Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting shall take place in accordance with the requirements of the Act, on such days and at such places as the Board may direct. Notification of an Annual General Meeting shall be provided to the membership sixteen (16) weeks before the date fixed for such meeting.

AGM 2013 (e)

13.2.3 Order of Business The order of business at an Annual General Meeting shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

AGM 2013

13.2.5 Quorum A majority of the accredited delegates shall constitute a quorum at an Annual or Special General Meeting. Quorum shall be required throughout the Annual General Meeting.

AGM 2013

13.2.6 Delegates Delegates shall be apportioned according to the following: Board of Directors Every member of the Board shall be a delegate to an Annual or Special General Meeting. Groups Each Group Executive shall be entitled to the greater of:

a) one (1) delegate for each two hundred (200) of the Group's members, rounded to the nearest two hundred (200), based on its national membership as at December 31, immediately prior to the notice of the meeting, or

b) one (1) delegate.

AGM 2008 (e) Groups shall allocate delegates on the basis of the Regional distribution of its membership. Regions Each Region shall be entitled to one (1) delegate for each two hundred (200) of its members, rounded to the nearest two hundred (200), residing in the Region as at December 31 immediately prior to the notice of the meeting.

AGM 2008 (e) Credentials Committee The Board shall appoint members to the Credentials Committee which shall be responsible for verifying, if required, the status of delegates and to verify the authorization of the official of the constituent body concerned when a delegate is replaced by a substitute. Retired Members Guild The Executive of the Retired Members Guild shall be delegates to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

AGM 2000 Consultation Team Presidents Treasury Board National Departmental Consultation Team Presidents and Consultation Team Presidents from Separate Employers who have applied for delegate status but were not accepted, shall be delegates to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

AGM 2015

13.2.7 Substitutes Any delegate may be replaced by a substitute subject to:

  1. notification by the delegate that they are unable to attend, and
  2. written authorization of the highest elected Officer of the constituent body concerned. Authorization shall be filed with the Credentials Committee for verification as required.

13.2.8 Appointment of Auditors Each Annual General Meeting shall, by resolution, appoint a firm of auditors for the forthcoming year.

13.3 Special General Meeting

13.3.1 Calling of Special General Meeting A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Board at the written requisition of not less than five (5%) percent of the delegates to the last General Meeting. Such requisition shall be sent to each director and to the registered office of the corporation.

AGM 2013 A requisition to hold a Special General Meeting pursuant to Bylaw shall state the business to be transacted at the meeting and contain the proposed resolution or by-law amendment.

AGM 2013 The Board may, on its own initiative, call a Special General Meeting.

13.3.2 Order of Business Only the matter(s) for which a Special General Meeting was called shall appear on the agenda.

13.3.3 Notice of Meeting A Special General Meeting shall be held not less than four (4) weeks and not more than thirteen (13) weeks following receipt of the request or decision by the Board.

13.3.4 Quorum The quorum for the holding of a Special General Meeting called pursuant to paragraph above, shall be three hundred (300) delegates. Quorum shall be required throughout the Special General Meeting.

AGM 2013

13.3.5 Delegates The delegates of a Special General Meeting shall be selected in accordance with Bylaw 13.2.6.

AGM 2013

13.3.6 Meeting by Electronic Means Any delegate may participate in a Special General Meeting by means of a telephonic, an electronic or other communication facility in accordance with the Act.

AGM 2013



14.1.1 New Fiscal Year Effective July 1, 2017, the fiscal year shall run from July 1 to June 30.

AGM 2016 Stub Year For the transition period from January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017, audited financial statements will be presented to the Annual General meeting in 2017.          

AGM 2016

14.1.2 Auditors' Report The Auditors' report shall be made available to all members each year prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.

14.1.3 Revenues All monies received by the Institute shall be assigned to the credit of the Institute. All cheques, money orders or other instruments to be paid to the Institute, shall be made payable to the Institute.

14.1.4 Financial Records The Board shall ensure that proper accounting records of financial and other transactions are maintained.

14.1.5 Bank Account(s) Funds required for current, continuing or frequent expenditures shall be maintained in a recognized financial institution account or account(s) as directed by the Board.

14.1.6 Signatures All financial transactions shall require the signatures of any two (2) of the President, Vice-Presidents and Executive Secretary or other person designated from time to time by the Board.

14.1.7 Investments Funds not required for current or continuing expenditures may be invested in securities according to government statutes for non-profit organizations, or in a recognized financial institution account, or both, at the discretion of the Board.

14.1.8 Borrowing The Board may, at its discretion, cause money to be borrowed upon the credit of the Institute.

14.1.9 Budget The proposed budget for the fiscal year next following an Annual General Meeting shall be published sixteen (16) weeks in advance of and submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval.

AGM 2008 (e) A proposed budget shall include a preamble describing the revenues, expenditures and activities of the Institute for the previous fiscal year, the current fiscal year in which the Annual General Meeting is held and the next following fiscal year.

14.1.10 Donations to Political Parties Neither the Institute, nor any of its constituent bodies, shall make donations to any political party in any jurisdiction where the Institute represents members, even though such donations may be permitted by law in such jurisdictions.

AGM 2003

14.2 Fees

14.2.1 Notice of Proposed Change in Fees The notice of an Annual or Special General Meeting shall include any proposed change in fees, which may be amended by such meeting.

14.2.2 Fees Fees for each category of membership and for those others for whom the Institute is entitled to receive a dues check-off, shall be determined by the Annual or Special General Meeting and shall take effect upon the date fixed by such meeting. Direct Payment If, for any reason other than as stated in these By-Laws and Regulations, a monthly fee is not paid by deduction from salary, it becomes payable directly to the National Office. When members become personally responsible for the payment of fees, they shall be invoiced for any amount owing. Members shall be informed of the need to voluntarily pay their fees to remain in good standing and of the consequences of not being in good standing.

14.2.3 Supplementary Fee Levy Groups Notwithstanding By-Law 14.2.2, the fees set by an Annual or Special General Meeting need not be identical for each Group. When a Group, by majority decision of that Group, requests that a budgetary item be established for the benefit of that Group, it shall be entitled to request an Annual or Special General Meeting to approve a fee adjustment to enable extra services to be provided to that Group.

14.2.4 Arrears A member who is more than ninety (90) days in arrears in the payment of fees shall be considered to be "not in good standing". Once considered to be "not in good standing", a member may reinstate good standing status by paying the amount owed.   

AGM 2005 (e) Cause for Termination of Membership Arrears of three (3) months in payment of fees, when such payment is the personal responsibility of a member, may be sufficient cause for termination of membership.

14.2.5 Fees Payable by New Groups The Institute may, in its efforts to recruit new employee groups, negotiate fees payable by new groups for a period of one (1) year.

14.3 Financial Matters - Constituent Bodies

14.3.1 Annual Allowance Each constituent body is eligible to receive an annual allowance based on the number of Regular members and Rand deductees in each constituent body on the rolls as of December 31 of the preceding year, as set by an Annual General Meeting. Allowances will be established based on the following member composition:

Branches – number of Regular members, Retired members and Rand deductees;
Groups – number of Regular members and Rand deductees; and
Retired Members’ Guild – number of Retired members.

Allowances will only be paid with respect to the current calendar year. The purpose of the allowance is to enable constituent bodies to defray the normal cost of conducting their business.

AGM 2017 When a Group joins the Institute, the Board may, at its discretion and during the Group's first twelve (12) months with the Institute, adjust the annual allowance to reflect the change in the population of any affected Branch. The Retired Members Guild will be entitled to an annual allowance based on the number of members in the Guild. The amount of the annual allowance shall be determined by the PIPSC Annual General Meeting.

AGM 2000 (e)

14.3.2 Financial Obligations Constituent bodies shall be responsible for any financial obligations they may incur.

14.3.3 Special Grant A newly formed constituent body may receive a special grant from Institute funds provided application is made to the Executive Secretary by the Secretary-Treasurer of the constituent body within three (3) months of the date of formation. The amount of the special grant shall be determined by the Board.

14.4 Annual Report At the end of each calendar year, each constituent body shall prepare an annual activity report and a financial report, copies of which shall be filed with the National Office.


15.1 Composition The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, the four (4) Vice- Presidents and ten (10) Directors.

AGM 1996 (e)

15.2 Authority

15.2.1 The Board is a continuing entity which shall exercise the authority of, and act on behalf of, the Institute on all matters, subject to these By-Laws and to policy decisions of General Meetings. Decisions of the Board remain in force until rescinded.

15.2.2 The Board shall, between General Meetings, interpret all By-Laws, resolutions and motions of General Meetings.

15.2.3 No agreement may be executed so as to bind the Institute except on the authority of the Board. Any agreement, instrument, contract or other written commitment not specifically required by the Board to be executed by a particular Officer or Officers, may be executed by the President together with those employees into whose area of responsibility the subject matter of the document may fall. Notwithstanding By-Law 15.2.3, the Board shall have the power to appoint representatives or agents to act on its behalf in matters pertaining to collective bargaining.

15.2.4 The Board may, on behalf of the Institute, apply for certification for any bargaining unit in which the Institute has members.

15.2.5 Regulations The Board may make such Regulations not inconsistent with the By-Laws or Letters Patent of Incorporation of the Institute as it deems necessary or convenient for the operation of the Institute. Board may amend or repeal such Regulations. All additions, changes or deletions to the Regulations take effect on a date to be determined by the Board and shall be reported to the next Annual General Meeting. A General Meeting may repeal or suspend any Regulations.


16.1 The first meeting of the Board shall be held in January at the call of the President.

16.2 Regular Meetings The Board shall meet no less than six (6) times each year, but may meet more often as may be required. The Board shall schedule regular meetings both as to time and place. No regular meeting shall be held within two (2) weeks of another regular meeting. One (1) of the regular meetings shall be held immediately before the Annual General Meeting.

16.3 Special Meetings

16.3.1 A Special meeting of the Board may be called:

  1. by the President, or
  2. shall be called within two (2) weeks of the date of receipt by the President of a written request from not less than seven (7) members of the Board.

AGM 2018

16.3.2 Only the matter(s) for which the special meeting was called shall appear on the agenda for the meeting.

16.4 A member of the Board shall not be represented by proxy at any meeting of the Board, but may designate another Board member to present their report in their absence.

16.5 Quorum A majority of the members of the Board holding office shall constitute a quorum.



17.1.1 Standing Committees The Board shall, as it deems necessary from time to time, establish Standing Committees whose mandates shall be specified in these By-Laws. Standing Committees shall consider any other matters, not included in their mandates, as the Board may require.

AGM 2005 (e) Dissolution Standing Committees shall continue to exist until discontinued by explicit action of the Board.

17.1.2 Ad Hoc Committees The Board may establish Ad Hoc Committees whose mandates shall be specified in the enabling motion. Ad Hoc Committees shall consider any other matters, not included in their mandates, as required by the Board. Dissolution Ad Hoc Committees shall automatically be dissolved following presentation of their final reports to the Board.

17.1.3 Composition All Committees shall consist of five (5) to seven (7) members and, unless otherwise specified, shall include one (1) member from each Region. Where there is a Vice-President liaison to a committee, the Vice- President does not count as a member of the committee. The Committee Chair shall not be considered a member of a Region.

AGM 2018 Appointment Unless otherwise specified and excepting those required to serve on Standing Committees by virtue of their office, all members of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Board no later than the second meeting in any calendar year. Incumbent members, including the Chairs, shall continue in office until replaced by the Board.

17.1.4 Quorum Unless otherwise specified, the quorum for all committees shall be a majority. Ex-officio members of committees shall not be used for the calculation of quorum requirements nor for determining that a quorum is present.

17.2 By-Laws and Policies Committee

17.2.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the By-Laws and Policies Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members, one (1) of whom shall be a member of the Board.

AGM 2008 (e)

17.2.2 Mandate The By-Laws and Policies Committee shall be responsible for:

  1. providing advice on the interpretation of the Institute By-Laws and Regulations and the Constitutions of constituent bodies;
  2. scrutinizing proposed amendments to the Institute By-Laws and Regulations to ensure consistency with current By-Laws and Regulations, and
  3. scrutinizing Constitutions of constituent bodies and proposed amendments thereto to ensure consistency with the Institute By-Laws and Regulations. Such Constitutions and any amendments thereto shall take effect upon approval by the Board and ratification by the constituent body concerned, and
  4. drafting new policies and amendments to existing policies as required and submitting them to the Board for approval and reviewing all policies, from time to time, to ensure their relevance, clarity and application.

AGM 1997 (e)

17.2.3 Resolutions Sub-Committee Composition - There shall be a Sub- Committee on Resolutions, chaired by the Chair of the By-Laws and Policies Committee, consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. As a minimum, composition should include the designated representatives of the By-Laws and Policies Committee, the Finance Committee and the Advisory Council.

AGM 2005 (e) Mandate All proposed resolutions for the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted by the proposer(s) to the Resolutions Sub- Committee for examination. The Sub-Committee may make recommendations as to the validity, legality and clarity of the proposed resolutions to the proposer(s), to the Board and to the Annual General Meeting. Such recommendations are not binding on the proposer(s). However, if the Sub-Committee believes a resolution contravenes the Institute Policy on Harassment or the Canadian Human Rights Act, the proposer(s) shall be given an opportunity to revise the resolution before recommending to the President that the resolution be rejected and the proposer(s) so informed.

AGM 1997 (e) The Sub-Committee is available to assist constituencies in improving the formulation of resolutions.

17.3 Elections Committee

17.3.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Elections Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. Officers and Directors of the Institute shall not be members of the Elections Committee. The Board shall appoint members for a one (1) year term which shall take effect January of each year.

AGM 2005 (e) Members Ineligibility as Candidates in Institute Elections Upon accepting an appointment to the Elections Committee, a member shall irrevocably forfeit their right to be a candidate for the election that the Committee is charged with conducting, or to hold office as an Officer or Director of the Institute after that election has been completed.

AGM 2006 (e)

17.3.2 Conduct of Elections The Elections Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of Institute elections for Officers and Directors, other than the AC Director, according to the By- Laws and Regulations of the Institute and shall adopt such administrative procedures as may be necessary to conduct that election. The Elections Committee shall also:

  1. scrutinize all candidate biographical sketches for accuracy insofar as is practical, and
  2. investigate and rule on the propriety of any election activity undertaken by a candidate or those acting on behalf of the candidate. Notwithstanding By-Law 24, upon finding such activity to be improper or inappropriate, the Committee shall take such corrective action as it deems necessary. Corrective action taken by the Elections Committee may include, but is not limited to:

AGM 2015

(i) declaring the election, or any candidacy in such election to be null and void;

(ii) removal of the right to vote in that election

AGM 2007 (e) The Elections Committee may also act as an elections committee for other elections as requested by:

a) the constituent body elections committee, or
b) the constituent body executive. or
c) the Board of Directors

AGM 2017

17.3.3 Alleged Violations All alleged violations to these By-Laws or Regulations must be reported to the Elections Committee within thirty (30) days of the election. The Elections Committee shall advise the affected persons of any such action.

AGM 2007 (e)

17.4 Elections Appeals Committee

17.4.1 Composition - There shall be a committee appointed by the Board of Directors known as the Elections Appeals Committee, consisting of five (5) members which will not include current Board members or candidates for the applicable elections.

The Elections Appeals Committee members shall be:

  1. Knowledgeable about the roles of the Executive Committee and of the Board of Directors.
  2. Knowledgeable in the elections procedures and activities, taking into account what activities have or have not been allowed in the past.
  3. Knowledgeable of the PIPSC By-Laws and policies.

AGM 2012 (e) Members Ineligibility as Candidates in Institute Elections - Upon accepting an appointment to the Elections Appeals Committee, a member shall irrevocably forfeit their right to be a candidate for the election that the Committee may be involved with, or to hold office as an Officer or Director of the Institute until after that election appeal period has been completed.

AGM 2015

17.4.2 Appeal Procedures Within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of any such decision of the Elections Committee, any party directly affected by the complaint may submit an appeal of the decision to the Elections Appeals Committee to determine whether the Elections Committee has acted within its mandate in rendering such a decision.

AGM 2012 (e) The Elections Appeals Committee shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal within seventy-two (72) hours. All members of the Elections Appeals Committee must, unless in a conflict of interest, participate in the deliberation and decision.

AGM 2012 (e) The Elections Appeals Committee shall conduct the necessary investigation and render its decision within seven (7) days of receipt of the appeal. The appellant shall have the right to present their case to the Elections Appeals Committee via electronic means.

AGM 2012 (e) Decision The decision of the Elections Appeals Committee shall be final and binding. The Elections Appeals Committee will convey the decision to the appellant and inform the Elections Committee who will follow-up, if need be.

AGM 2012 (e) The appeal of all elections complaints for Group elections will be heard by the PIPSC Elections Appeals Committee and all such complaints shall be governed by Institute By-Laws 17.4.2,, and

AGM 2012 (e)

17.5 Executive Compensation Committee

17.5.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Executive Compensation Committee, consisting of three (3) to five (5) Board members. The President and Vice-Presidents cannot be members of the Executive Compensation Committee.

AGM 2008 (e) If any member of this Committee officially enters into the election for President or Vice-President by filing nomination papers, or applies for a position as an excluded employee, they forthwith disqualifies themselves from office on the Committee.

AGM 1999 (e) Vacancy Any vacancy on this Committee shall be filled by the Board at its next meeting.

AGM 2008 (e)

17.5.2 Mandate The Executive Compensation Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Board with respect to all matters of compensation and terms and conditions of employment for the President, the Vice-Presidents, Managers and other excluded employees.

AGM 2008 (e)

17.5.3 Executive Compensation Committee (ECC) members shall serve a three-year term of office commencing after each election of Officers and Directors of the Institute as per By-Law 22.1. The members of the committee shall be appointed by the Board no later than the third Board meeting following the election.

AGM 2018

17.6 Finance Committee

17.6.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Finance Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. The Chair shall not be a signing officer of the Institute.

AGM 2010 (e)

17.6.2 Mandate The Finance Committee shall be responsible to review budgets, financial statements, the management of Institute assets, financial policies and other financial matters of the Institute and shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

AGM 2008 (e)

17.6.3 Reports to the Board The Finance Committee shall report at least quarterly to the Board.

17.7 Human Rights and Diversity Committee

AGM 2016

17.7.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Committee on Human Rights and Diversity, consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. Composition of the Committee should be representative of the diversity of the membership.

AGM 2016

17.7.2 Mandate The Committee on Human Rights and Diversity shall advise and make recommendations to the Board on human rights and diversity matters affecting the membership. To achieve its mandate, it will:

AGM 2016

  1. Monitor issues in the broad field of human rights and diversity, including but not limited to issues such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, mental health and ageism;

AGM 2016

  1. Advocate, via sub-committees, for groups of people subject to discrimination and harassment, including but not limited to women, Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, the disabled and LGBTQ;

AGM 2016

  1. Coordinate and distribute information and recent developments in the field of human rights and diversity;

AGM 2016

17.8 Training and Education Committee

AGM 2016

17.8.1 Composition There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Training and Education Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. The Chair of each Region’s Training Committee shall be the designated member to this committee. Each Region shall designate an alternate, should the Chair of the Training Committee be unable to attend.

AGM 2016

17.8.2 Mandate The Training and Education Committee shall be responsible for advising and making recommendations and/or providing advice to the Board on any issue relating to the recruitment, training and education of Stewards/members and the Institute training program.

AGM 2016

17.9 Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee

17.9.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. The composition of the Committee should ensure the diversity of occupational groups.

AGM 2005 (e)

17.9.2 Mandate The Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee defines issues, priorities and actions relative to professionalism.

AGM 2004 (e)

17.10 Science Advisory Committee

17.10.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Science Advisory Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. Composition of the Committee should be representative of Science and Technology Membership, which includes research, engineering, and science-related activities.

AGM 2005 (e)

17.10.2 Mandate The Science Advisory Committee shall advise and make recommendations to the Board on how to address concerns or issues identified in the Workplace which related to science and public science issues, and the Institute’s efforts to present itself as an advocate for public science in Canada and for restoration of a science-based departmental funding (A-base budgets). To achieve its mandate, it will:

  1. monitor issues in the field of science and technology related to the work of members and the Institute in this field, including issues of science workplace ethics, and
  2. coordinate and distribute information on public science within the Institute and help coordinate the Institute’s outreach through its communications to Canadians on these issues, under the goal of focusing the public discussion of science issues in the language of science, by scientists, and
  3. provide an ongoing forum where Public Science-related issues and the Institute’s interests in this issue can be discussed and studied.

AGM 2004 (e)

17.11 Information Technology Services and Projects Committee

AGM 2013

17.11.1 Composition There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Information Technology Services and Projects Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. Composition of the Committee should normally be representative of PIPSC IM/IT Professionals.

AGM 2013

17.11.2 Mandate The Information Technology Services and Projects Committee shall advise and make recommendations to the Board on Information Technology Services and Projects issues.

AGM 2015


18.1 Elected Officers The President and four (4) Vice-Presidents shall be the elected Officers of the Institute.

18.2 Executive Committee

18.2.1 Composition and Mandate There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President and the four (4) Vice-Presidents. The Executive Committee shall decide, on behalf of the Board, on questions concerning the management of the Institute that require attention between meetings of the Board. It shall be accountable and subject to the Board for matters of policy determining the performance of staff functions. It shall, subject to the approval of the Board, direct political and related actions, and supervise arrangements for Annual and Special General Meetings.

18.2.2 Meetings The Executive Committee shall normally meet once per month.

AGM 2018


19.1 Term of Office The President shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.

19.2 Responsibilities

19.2.1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer, Chair of the Board and Chair of the Executive Committee and may chair other Committees as designated in these By-Laws. The President is an ex-officio member of all Committees except where excluded by these By- Laws and Regulations. The President shall not be a member of a Group, Sub-Group, Region or Branch, Executive.

AGM 2012 (e)

19.2.2 The President shall ensure that the business of the Institute is conducted in an efficient manner and in accordance with these By-Laws and such policies and directives that may be established by General Meetings or the Board.

19.2.3 The President shall Chair the Management Committee which is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day functions of the Institute. The Management Committee shall normally comprise all excluded Managers.

19.3 Remuneration and Benefits

19.3.1 Salary Scale The President shall serve on a full-time basis. The salary scale for the Office of the President shall be determined by the Board and shall be published in the Notice of Election/Call for Nominations. The President is not entitled to overtime payment or other special compensation for hours worked.

19.3.2 Expenses The President is entitled to draw reasonable sums from the Institute for documented expenses incurred in connection with the position. Such expense accounts, submitted monthly, are subject to review by the Finance Committee, under the authority of the Board.

19.4 Acting President The Board shall designate a Vice-President to act for the President when they are temporarily unable to carry out the duties of their office. For such periods as the Board may decide, the Acting President shall be entitled to receive the same remuneration and benefits normally payable to the President.

19.5 Vacancy If, between meetings of the Board, the Office of the President becomes vacant for any reason other than removal from office, the Executive Committee shall select from amongst themselves an Acting President to carry out the duties of the position until the next regular Board meeting.

19.5.1 Acting President The Board shall, at its next regular meeting, either affirm the selection of the Acting President or select another Vice- President as Acting President. The Acting President shall continue to fulfil the duties of the position until the vacancy is filled by election. A special election must be called if the duration of a term is greater than twelve (12) months following a declaration of vacancy.

AGM 2013 (e)

19.6 Removal from Office

19.6.1 Allegations of misconduct, as set out in By Law 24, made against the President shall be dealt with in accordance with the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy.

AGM 2013

19.6.2 Acting President If the President is removed from office, the Board shall, at that time, select a Vice-President as Acting President to fulfill the duties of the position until the vacancy is filled by election. A special election must be called if the duration of a term is greater than twelve (12) months following a declaration of vacancy.

AGM 2013 (e)


20.1 Term of Office The Vice-Presidents shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.

AGM 1999 (e)

20.2 Responsibilities The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President and fulfill such other duties as set out in these By-Laws, including filling the position of Acting President should the President be either temporarily unable to fulfill the duties of office or is removed from office.

AGM 1999

20.2.1 The Vice-Presidents shall not be a member of a Group, Sub-Group, Region or Branch Executive.

AGM 2012 (e)

20.3 Acting Vice-President When a Vice-President is temporarily unable to carry out their duties, the Board shall, at its next regular meeting, designate an Acting Vice-President from amongst the serving members of the Board, for the duration of such temporary absence. By-Law 20.2.1 is not applicable for the acting period.

AGM 2016

20.4 If a position of Vice-President becomes vacant, the Board shall, at its next regular meeting, appoint an acting Vice-President from amongst the serving members of the Board to fulfill the duties of the position until the vacancy is filled by election. In this case, By-Law 20.2.1 is not applicable for the acting period. A special election must be called if the duration of a term is greater than twelve (12) months following a declaration of vacancy.

AGM 2016

20.5 Remuneration and Benefits The salary scale for Vice-Presidents, two (2) of whom shall serve on a full-time basis, shall be determined by the Board and shall be published in the Notice of Elections/Call for Nominations. Vice-Presidents are not entitled to overtime payment or other special compensation for hours worked.

AGM 1999 (e)

20.6 Removal from Office

20.6.1 Allegations of misconduct, as set out in By Law 24, made against a Vice-President shall be dealt with in accordance with the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy.

AGM 2013


21.1 Term of Office Elected Directors shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.

AGM 2008 (e)

21.2 Distribution Four (4) Elected Directors shall be from the National Capital Region; one (1) elected Director from each of the Regions outside the National Capital Region, and one (1) Elected Director shall be elected by the Advisory Council.

AGM 2013 (e)

21.2.1 A Regional Director shall not be a member of a Group, Sub-Group or Branch Executive.

AGM 2012 (e)

21.3 Remuneration Only the Annual General Meeting has the authority to determine the remuneration for Elected Directors.

AGM 2013

21.4 Vacancy

21.4.1 If a position of elected Director becomes vacant, the Board shall, subject to the recommendation of the AC or the Regional Executive concerned, fill such vacancy, by appointment, until the vacancy is filled by election. By-Law 21.2.1 is not applicable until the election.

AGM 2015

21.4.2 Insufficient Nominations Notwithstanding the above, vacancies that occur as a result of insufficient nominations shall, subject to the recommendation of the AC Steering Committee or the Regional Executive concerned, be filled by appointment by the Board.

AGM 1997 (e)

21.5 Leave of Absence for Just Cause When an Elected Director is absent with just cause for a fixed period of more than two (2) months but will return to their position prior to the expiry of the term of office, the Board may, at its discretion and subject to the recommendation of the AC Steering Committee or the Regional Executive concerned, fill the position by appointment for the period during which the Elected Director is absent. By-Law 21.2.1 is not applicable during the absence of an elected Director.

AGM 2016

21.5.1 When a Director is absent with just cause for a fixed period of more than two (2) months and whose term of office will expire while on leave of absence, the Board may, at its discretion and subject to the recommendation of the AC Steering Committee or the Regional Executive concerned, fill the vacancy by appointment until expiry of the term of office, provided that the regular election is not scheduled to take place within three (3) months of such appointment. In this case, By-Law 21.2.1 is not applicable for the acting period. A special election must be called if the duration of a term is greater than twelve (12) months following a declaration of vacancy.

AGM 2016

21.6 Allegations of misconduct, as set out in By Law 24, made against a Director shall be dealt with in accordance with the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy.  AGM 2013


22.1 Date of Election/Commencement of Office Commencing in 2015, there shall be an election of Officers and Directors of the Institute every three (3) years. On or before the first (1st) day of September, the Board shall fix the date for the election of Officers and Directors, which shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. The newly-elected Officers and Directors shall take office on the first (1st) day of January, following the election.

AGM 2015

22.2 Eligibility Any member, except as limited by these By-Laws, shall be eligible for election as a member of the Board.

22.2.1 A Regular Member of the Board shall be employed in the Region which they represents while in office. A Regular Member of the Board who ceases to be employed in the Region for which they were elected shall cease to be a member of the Board, except where the Regular Member becomes a Retired Member.

AGM 2013 Notwithstanding By-Law 4.5, a Retired Member shall reside in the Region which they represent while in office. If a Retired Member does not reside or ceases to reside in the Region which they represents, they shall cease to be a member of the Board.

AGM 2013

22.2.2 No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position on the Board in any given election. Board Members as Candidates A member of the Board shall not, however, impair their capacity to retain their current office by virtue of their candidacy for another office, save upon election to such latter office as provided herein. A member of a Group, Sub-Group, Region or Branch Executive is eligible for election as a member of the Board however, upon election, must immediately resign their position(s) in accordance with By-Laws, 20.2.1 and 21.2.1.

AGM 2012 (e)

22.3 Voting In Institute Elections

22.3.1 Directors Each member, eligible to vote, whose normal place of work is in a Region, shall be entitled to vote to elect the appropriate number of Directors to represent that Region. A Retired member shall vote in the Region in which they resides.

22.3.2 Officer and Regional Director positions will use the British Columbia Single Transferrable Vote (BC STV), as described in the BC Citizens Council Technical Report of December 2004.

AGM 2014

22.4 Election Campaigns Candidates, supporters and other members involved in election activities will be expected to observe accepted standards of conduct through an election campaign, both in verbal and written communications.

AGM 2015


23.1 President Authority to speak for the Institute as a whole shall rest with the President. This authority may be delegated by the Board to others within special fields or competence or knowledge or under special circumstances.

23.2 Presidents of Groups and Chairs of Regional Executives Presidents of Group and Chairs of Regional Executives shall be empowered to speak for the Institute on such matters as come within their area of jurisdiction, but not on behalf of the Institute as a whole.

AGM 2007 (e)

23.3 Stewards Stewards may speak on behalf of the employees whom they represent on matters which may come within their competence, both within the Institute and in dealing with employers.


24.1 Any member may be suspended or expelled from membership in the Institute, removed from office where applicable or otherwise disciplined in accordance with the Institute’s Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy for misconduct which has been so found.

AGM 2013 (e)

24.1.1 Any member who engages in the following misconduct may be subject to discipline in accordance with the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy:

a) Violating any provision of the Institute’s By-Laws and Regulations or Policies; or the By-Laws, Regulations or Constitutions of any Institute constituent body;
b) Becoming a member or gaining office by dishonesty or misrepresentation;
c)Initiating or urging or advocating that a member commence proceedings in court or before any administrative body against the Institute without first exhausting all remedies through appeal within the Institute;
d)Publishing or circulating among the members, false reports or willful misrepresentations about the Institute or generally regarding any matter related to the Institute;
e) Slandering, libeling or willfully wronging any member of the Institute;
f) Disturbing the peace of any meeting of the Institute;
g) Working in the interests of another union against the Institute;
h) Fraudulently receiving money due to the Institute or any of its constituent bodies or misappropriating the monies or properties of the Institute or any of its constituent bodies;
i) Using the name of the Institute or a constituent body for soliciting funds, advertising and the like without the required consent;
j) Deliberately interfering with any official of the Institute in the discharge of their duties;
k) Failing to respect an Institute picket line, working for the employer during a legal strike or labour dispute or engaging in any strikebreaking activity;
l) Interfering with the fair and proper conduct of elections in a manner deemed by the Elections Committee to warrant corrective measures exceeding its authority as set out in By-Law 17.3.2;
m) Laying frivolous or vexatious  charges and/or laying repeated unfounded charges;
n) Breaching confidentiality by disclosing details of closed session proceedings or personal information relating to other members;
o) Engaging in any other conduct that is prejudicial to the good order and welfare of the Institute or its members.

AGM 2013

24.2 Appeals A member may appeal any disciplinary decision in which discipline is meted out in accordance with the Institutes Dispute Resolution and Discipline policy.

AGM 2016

24.3 Procedural Fairness Members subject to potential discipline pursuant to the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy will be accorded procedural fairness in the processing of the allegations against them.

AGM 2013 (e)

24.4 Where it appears to the Board that a member has done or is about to do an act or thing which would severely and adversely affect the interests or reputation, or restrict activities of the Institute before an alleged misconduct or infraction can be dealt with as provided herein, the Board may temporarily suspend the member concerned from any office and/or position in the Institute.

AGM 1998 (e)

24.4.1 It is recognized that the power to impose a temporary suspension in advance of a disciplinary action is an extraordinary one, and must be exercised with great restraint and only in extraordinary circumstances.

AGM 2013

24.4.2 Where the matter is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee may exercise the power of the Board set forth in By-Law 24.4. In such cases, the Executive Committee shall present a comprehensive report to the Board within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the suspension, including the allegations and supporting evidence. The Board shall consider this report at its next regular meeting, and may approve, rescind or vary the suspension.

24.4.3 The total duration of a temporary suspension for any single act shall not exceed ninety (90) days. If, by the end of that period, ongoing disciplinary proceedings have not been completed, the suspension shall continue until completion of said proceedings. Any temporary suspension shall cease immediately if it is decided not to proceed with disciplinary action.

AGM 1998 (e)

24.4.4 A member temporarily suspended shall be informed by the President, in writing, delivered by registered mail or other suitable alternative method, of this action and the reasons therefore. The member retains their full rights with respect to any contemplated disciplinary action.

AGM 2013 (e)


AGM 2014

25.1 Where the Board of Directors has reason to believe that any constituent body is (a) acting contrary to the By-Laws, Regulations or Policies of the Institute; (b) failing to discharge its duties or; (c) engaging in any other conduct that may place the Institute at risk, the Board of Directors shall have the power to investigate the situation in any manner it may duly authorize provided, however, that the bodies and persons being investigated are notified of the board’s actions and are given a fair opportunity to present their case.

25.2 Where investigation substantiates the original evidence the Board of Directors shall have the authority to place the constituent body in question under trusteeship. The period of trusteeship may not exceed six (6) months without a review and renewal of the Board’s decision.

25.3 A constituent body may remain in trusteeship up to a maximum of twelve (12) months. After this period, an election must be held within thirty (30) days to select a new constituent body executive.

25.4 Where the Board of Directors obtains evidence in accordance with BL 25.1, but believes it is necessary to protect the Institute by imposing trusteeship before an investigation can be undertaken or completed, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to impose a trusteeship, solely on the basis of the evidence presented, for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days.

25.4.1 It is recognized that the power to impose a trusteeship is an extraordinary one, and must be exercised with great restraint and only in extraordinary circumstances.

25.5 The trusteeship may be exercised by any person or body authorized by the Board of Directors.

25.6 A trustee shall have, as directed by the Board of Directors, the full authority to conduct the affairs of the constituent body, to receive or disburse its funds, and in general, and may carry out the duties which would otherwise devolve upon any member of the executive of the constituent body.

25.7 Whenever a trusteeship is imposed, the body placed under trusteeship shall have the right to have the matter placed on the agenda of the next Annual General Meeting.


26.1 Gold Medal Award

26.1.1 Basis of Award Each year, a gold medal may be awarded for achievements that have improved and enhanced public well-being.

26.1.2 Eligibility Recipients of the medals shall be individuals or groups of individuals employed in the professional or technical branches of any level of government services of Canada.

26.1.3 Rules The Rules governing the award of a gold medal shall be formulated by the Board and included in the Regulations.

26.2 Life Membership Award

26.2.1 Basis of Award Life membership may be awarded for outstanding service to the Institute.

26.2.2 Eligibility Only Regular and Retired members of the Institute who have demonstrated leadership for at least ten (10) years are eligible to receive the award.

AGM 2005 (e)

26.2.3 Rules The Rules governing the Life Membership Award shall be formulated by the Board and included in the Regulations.

26.3 Institute Service Award

26.3.1 Basis of Award Awards may be given for outstanding service to the Institute.

26.3.2 Eligibility Only Regular and Retired members and employees of the Institute are eligible to receive the award.

26.3.3 Rules The rules governing the Institute Service Award shall be formulated by the Board and included in the Regulations.

26.4 Citation Certificate Award

26.4.1 Basis of Award Citation Certificates may be presented to individuals for outstanding service to Constituent Bodies, Committees, Consultation Teams or to the Institute as a whole.

AGM 2005 (e)

26.4.2 Eligibility Only Regular and Retired members and employees of the Institute are eligible to receive the award.

26.4.3 Rules The Rules governing Citation Certificates shall be formulated by the Board and included in the Regulations.

26.5 Honorary Membership Award

26.5.1 Basis of Award Honorary Membership may be conferred by the Board on any person who has made outstanding contributions to the Institute.

26.5.2 Eligibility Any person who has never been a member of the Institute is eligible for this award.

26.5.3 Rules The Rules governing Honorary Membership shall be formulated by the Board and included in the Regulations.

26.6 Institute Scholarship Program

AGM 2008 (e)

26.6.1 The Professional Institute will provide scholarships for post-secondary education through its Scholarship Program.

AGM 2008 (e) The Scholarship Program will be governed and administered by the Professional Institute Legacy Foundation.

AGM 2008 (e)

26.7 Institute Scholarship Fund

26.7.1 Institute shall establish a fund which shall be used exclusively to provide scholarships for post-secondary education.

AGM 1999 (e)

26.7.2 The fund shall be created from voluntary contributions of subordinate bodies and other sources and all accrued interest will remain part of the fund. No contributions from the general funds of the Institute shall be permitted.

AGM 1999 (e)

26.7.3 The Scholarship Fund will be held in trust, governed and administered by the Professional Institute Legacy Foundation as a part of the Institute Scholarship Program.

AGM 2008 (e)

26.7.4 Recipients of scholarships from the Institute Scholarship Fund shall be children or grandchildren of Regular members or Retired members in good standing. “Children and grandchildren” shall be deemed to include the children or grandchildren of a member’s spouse or common-law spouse, stepchild, or ward of the member. For the purposes of this By-Law, “member” shall include deceased members in good standing at the time of their death.

AGM 2008 (e)

26.7.5 The rules governing the Institute Scholarship Fund shall be adopted by the Board and included in the Regulations.

AGM 2008

26.8 President’s Achievement Award

26.8.1 Basis of Award Each year, a President’s Achievement Award may be awarded to an individual who has demonstrated a high level of commitment in promoting professionalism and, who meets at least one of the following criteria:

  1. a contribution of exceptional professional dedication under extraordinary circumstances or exceptional contribution in professional team  building, management practices or client relations and service;
  2. successful completion of a project, the results of which reflect a high order of merit;
  3. an outstanding, unique achievement, innovation, or trendsetting initiative in the nominee’s profession

26.8.2 Eligibility Recipient of the award shall be an individual currently or previously employed in a classification represented by PIPSC. The recipient must be a member in good standing and the achievement being recognized must have been performed while the recipient was a member of the Institute.

26.8.3 Rules The Rules governing the award shall be formulated by the Board and included in the Regulations.

AGM 2008 (e)


27.1 The official languages of the Institute shall be English and French.

27.2 Each member shall be entitled to deal with and receive all services from the Institute in the official language of their choice. All Institute general information materials shall be distributed simultaneously in both official languages.

27.3 The text of any By-Law, resolution or other written instrument shall be valid in either language provided that, in the event of a difference in interpretation or meaning between the English and French texts, the meaning in the language of the text of origin shall govern. All By- Laws approved prior to November 12, 1994, shall be deemed to have the text of origin in the English language. All subsequent By-Laws will have the language of the text of origin so identified by indicating in brackets (English) or (French). Any translation shall be identified as such.


28.1 At meetings of any constituent body of the Institute or committees thereof, matters of procedure, insofar as they are not specifically provided for, shall be governed by a majority vote of the members present and voting upon the matters of procedure.

28.2 The Chair of such meeting shall first rule on any matter of procedure or order and shall, in their rulings in the absence of any By-Law to the contrary, rely upon and be governed by the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure or Procédures des assemblées délibérantes, latest edition.

AGM 2013



These Regulations are intended to amplify procedures necessary to meet the requirements of the By-Laws and may be revised as considered necessary from time to time by the Board. All changes to these Regulations shall be published


R7.1.3 For the purpose of By-Law 7.1.3, "all actions and subjects of Institute concern" shall include any material except the following:

a) All notes, minutes, reports, questionnaires, surveys and other papers used as working tools in the conduct of business by the Board, committees, panels or other official Institute bodies prior to their final acceptance and approval by the appropriate Board, committee, panel or official Institute body concerned.
b) Proceedings of Group and Sub-Group Executives, Regional Councils, and Regional and Branch Executives prior to their final acceptance and approval by the appropriate body concerned.
c) Personal files on Institute staff.
d) Personal files on Institute members.

However, any of the above may be released upon the approval of the appropriate body or individual concerned.


BOD 2005 (e)

R10.1.4 Groups - Constitution Any Group that does not have a Constitution in place shall be governed by the generic Group Constitution until they develop their own for review by the By-Laws and Policies Committee.

BOD 1999 (e)

R10.1.5 Periods of Extended Leave –

Members on periods of extended leave (30 days or more) from the workplace may seek and hold office on a Group Executive provided they are considered by the President to be able and available to carry out their duties.

BOD - May 2013

R10.2 Sub-Groups For the purpose of these By-Laws and Regulations, the term "Sub-Group" has the meaning found in By-Law 10.2 Sub-Groups and not that found in the Public Service Staff Relations Act.

R10.2.2 Sub-Groups - Constitution Any Sub-Group that does not have a Constitution in place shall be governed by the generic Sub-Group Constitution until they develop their own for review by the By-Laws and Policies Committee.

BOD 1999 (e)

R10.2.3 Periods of Extended Leave -

Members on periods of extended leave (30 days or more) from the workplace may seek and hold office on a Sub-Group Executive provided they are considered by the President to be able and available to carry out their duties.

BOD - May 2013

R10. Eligibility For the purposes of By-Law, the incumbent AC Director shall be considered a Group representative to the AC and shall be eligible to stand for re-election.

BOD 2006 (e)

R10.5.1 Retired Members Guild

BOD 2005 (e)

R10.5.1 The Executive of the Guild shall consist of one (1) elected member from each of the five (5) regions and three (3) elected members from the National Capital Region.

R10.5.1.2 The Executive shall meet at least three (3) times a year, one of such meetings shall take place in conjunction with the Institute’s Annual General Meeting.


R11.1.4 Regions - Constitution Any Region that does not have a Constitution in place shall be governed by the generic Regional Constitution until they develop their own for review by the By-Laws and Policies Committee.

BOD 1999 (e)

R11.1.6 Periods of Extended Leave Members on periods of extended leave (30 days or more) from the workplace may seek and hold office on a Regional Executive provided they are considered by the President to be able and available to carry out their duties.

BOD - May 2013

R11.2.2 Branches - Constitution Any Branch that does not have a Constitution in Place shall be governed by the generic Branch Constitution until they develop their own for review by the By-laws and Policies Committee.

BOD 1999 (e)

R11.2.3 Periods of Extended Leave Members on periods of extended leave (30 days or more) from the workplace may seek and hold office on a Branch Executive provided they are considered by the President to be able and available to carry out their duties.

BOD - May 2013


R12.2 Duties and Responsibilities The duties and responsibilities of a Steward shall be as follows:

  1. To ensure that they are properly trained by participating in the Institute training program as appropriate.
  2. To represent the Institute to the members by:
    • being aware and informing members of Institute policies, programs and positions;
    • being informed on issues of relevance to the members regarding both the Institute and the employer;
    • having a working knowledge of relevant collective agreements and other major terms and conditions of employment;
    • being aware of where to obtain answers to questions regarding the preceding points;
    • keeping bulletin boards for Institute use in the workplace updated with current information;
    • recruiting Rand deductees, and
    • recruiting members for the training program.
  3. To represent the Institute to the employer by:
    • serving as an Institute spokesperson to local management;
    • representing the Institute in local consultation with management, and
    • serving on workplace safety and health committees.
  4. To assist in solving members' work-related problems by:
    • serving as the first contact for members with problems;
    • investigating members' complaints;
    • handling complaints by consulting with local management prior to initiating formal actions;
    • in consultation with Institute staff, initiating formal redress procedures;
    • in consultation with Institute staff, possibly representing members in the initial steps of formal processes, and
    • assisting staff in their representation of members;
  5. To represent the members to the Institute by:
    • being aware of the concerns of the members in the workplace, and
    • communicating those concerns to the relevant elected officials and staff.
  6. To support and participate in labour actions as required by the relevant Group or the Institute.

R12.3 Term of Appointment Stewards shall be appointed for a term not to exceed three (3) years. All Stewardships shall expire on the 31st of the third December following appointment and on December 31 every three (3) years thereafter.

R12.4.1 Election Procedures The following procedures shall be followed in Steward elections:

  1. The Executive Committee shall appoint a committee to administer the election.
  2. The committee so appointed shall send a call for nominations to all members in the area of jurisdiction and shall set the date(s) for the vote.
  3. All members in the area of jurisdiction shall be provided with an opportunity to vote.
  4. A simple majority of the legal votes shall be required to elect the Steward.

R12.5 Re-Appointment of Stewardship Upon expiry of the term of Stewardship, a notification letter shall be sent to the Steward providing them with the opportunity to renew their Stewardship. If a reply is not received, a follow-up letter shall be sent prior to removing the member from the Steward list.

R12.6 Termination of Stewardship

Investigation Procedures

R12.6.8 Where a member(s) or the executive of a constituent body is dissatisfied with the work of a Steward, the allegations shall be dealt with in accordance with the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy.

BOD – February 2014


R13. Late Resolutions Resolutions submitted contrary to the procedure outlined in the By-Laws will be dealt with by an Annual General Meeting if:

(i) the matter arose less than ninety (90) days before the start of the Annual General Meeting;
(ii) a majority of delegates consent.

BOD – June 2016

R13.2.6 Delegates Groups and Regions shall register their delegates with the Institute on the approved Institute Annual General Meeting delegate registration form. Delegate registrations submitted by any other means shall be deemed invalid.

R13.2.7 Substitutes For the purposes of By-Law 13.6.6, a substitute must be from the Group or Region whose delegates are unable to attend an Annual or Special General Meeting.

BOD 1997(e)


R14.1.6.1 Signatures In the case of cheques not exceeding the sum of eight thousand dollars ($8,000), one (1) signature may be by facsimile, but must be countersigned by one of the signing authorities.

R14.2 Fees

R14.2.1 Refunds The Board may, at its discretion and within a reasonable time, refund fees, in full or in part, to Regular members who are defined by the applicable legislation as casual employees, or under such other circumstances deemed appropriate by the Board.

R14.2.2 Leave Without Pay Regular members on leave without pay wishing to retain their rights, shall be charged the same fee as Retired Members (8%) effective May 31, 2001.

R14.2.2.1 Lay-Off Regular members who become ineligible to belong to an Institute bargaining unit may, for the duration of the lay-off period or action taken by the Institute as a consequence of lay-off, opt to become an Affiliate member as provided for in these By-Laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Regular members on lay-off status shall retain their membership for a period up to and including six (6) months, and fees shall be waived for the duration of said period.

BOD - 2012 (e)

R14.2.2.2 Honorary Members Honorary members shall not be required to pay fees.

R14.2.2.3 Receipts Official receipts, for tax purposes, shall be sent at the end of the year to all members not receiving same from the employer.

R14.2.4.1 Arrears Any amounts that the Institute owes to the member shall be used to offset the fees owed by the member.


R15.2.2 Authority The interpretation of By-Laws by the Board shall be recorded in Regulations as they arise, for the information and guidance of all concerned.


R17.1.3 Composition For the purposes of By-Law 17.1.3, and unless otherwise specified, participation by members of the Board on Committees and Ad Hoc Committees shall be restricted to one-third (1/3) of the total number of members on Committees and Ad Hoc Committees.

BOD - 1999 (e)

R17.1.3.1 Periods of Extended Leave Members of Committees of the Board who are on periods of extended leave (30 days or more) may continue in their position on the Committee provided they are considered by the President to be able and available to carry out their duties.

BOD - May 2013

R17.2.3.2 Review of Resolutions In making recommendations as to the validity, legality and clarity of proposed resolutions to the proposer(s), the Resolutions Sub-Committee may rewrite, combine, or substitute resolutions, prepare a composite resolution, or prepare a policy paper to cover the question at issue, so long as such modifications do not contradict the intent of the proposer.

BOD – June 2016

R17.4.2 Appeals will be limited to decisions of the National Elections Committee and Group elections committees.

BOD - August 2013


R18.2.1 Responsibilities The Executive Committee shall ensure that excluded Managers have a current job description. The job descriptions shall be reviewed at least every two (2) years by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board.

BOD 1999 (e)


R19.3 Remuneration and Benefits

R19.3.1 Relocation Relocation expenses shall be paid to a President from outside the National Capital Region in accordance with the Policy on Relocation of the President and Full-Time Vice-Presidents.

BOD 2001 (e)

R19.3.1.1 Annual Leave The President shall be entitled to six (6) weeks' annual leave.

BOD - September 2010

R19.3.1.3 Superannuation The Institute shall pay the employer's portion of contributions to the superannuation account if the President is on leave without pay from public service. This payment is determined by the rate of pay they would have received had the member maintained their service with the public service.

R19.3.1.4 Other Benefit Plans The employer's contributions to other employer plans, such as death benefit and health care plans, shall also be borne by the Institute if the President is on leave without pay.

R19.3.1.5 Changes in Terms and Conditions No changes in these terms and conditions, with the exception of annual adjustments to remuneration, shall take effect during the term of office of the President.

R19.3.1.6 Distribution of Terms and Conditions A copy of these terms and conditions, together with a copy of relevant By-Laws and related policies, shall be made available to any member upon request.


R20.5 Remuneration and Benefits

R20.5.1 Relocation Relocation expenses shall be paid to a full-time Vice-President from outside the National Capital Region in accordance with the Policy on Relocation of the President and full-time Vice-Presidents.

R20.5.1.1 Annual Leave The full-time Vice-Presidents shall be entitled to six (6) weeks annual leave.

BOD - September 2010

R20.5.1.3 Superannuation The Institute shall pay the employer’s portion of contributions to the superannuation account if the full-time Vice-President is on leave without pay from the public service. This payment is determined by the rate of pay the full-time Vice-President would have received had the member maintained their service with the public service.

R20.5.1.4 Other Benefit Plans The employer’s contributions to other employer plans, such as death benefit and health care plans, shall also be borne by the Institute if the full-time Vice-President is on leave without pay.

R20.5.1.5 Distribution of Terms and Conditions A copy of these terms and conditions, together with a copy of relevant By-Laws and related policies, shall be made available to any member upon request.


R22.1 Procedures

R22.1.1 Notice of Election Not less than fourteen (14) weeks prior to the date fixed for election of Officers and Directors, the Institute shall forward to each member entitled to vote for such candidates, a Notice of Election containing a nomination form, details of the positions open, together with formal notification of the date of elections, and the last day for nominations.

BOD August 2012 (e)

R22.1.2 Nominations: Nominations must be in writing, signed by at least one hundred (100) members for candidates for the office of President, fifty (50) for the office of Vice-President, and twenty-five (25) for the position of Regional Director, and contain the consent of the nominees attested to by their signature.  Such nominations must be received at the National Office not later than 5.00 p.m. on the day fixed for the close of nominations.  Both original nomination and signature forms and those forms scanned and submitted by electronic mail attachments shall be accepted as official nominations. The date fixed for the close of nominations shall be not less than ten (10) weeks before the date fixed for the election.  

BOD – April 2018

R22.1.3 Biographical Sketches Each candidate for office may submit one (1) written biographical sketch, in either official language or one (1) video biographical sketch in either official language or one (1) bilingual video biographical sketch. A written biographical sketch submitted in English will be of no more than four hundred (400) words whereas a written biographical sketch submitted in French would be of no more than four hundred and fifty (450) words (as determined by the software in use by the Institute at the time).  A video biographical sketch will be no more than two (2) minutes in duration.  Biographical sketches are to be received at the National Office not later than the date and time fixed for the receipt of nominations. The position sought, name and membership status of the candidate shall precede the written biographical sketch but shall not be included in the word count.  Each video biographical sketch shall begin with the name, position sought and membership status of the candidate.  All biographical sketches shall adhere to the administrative procedures provided by the Elections Committee.

BOD – April 2018

R22.1.4 Ballots

R22.1.4.1 Distribution Not later than twenty-one (21) days before the day fixed for the return of ballots, distribution of ballots, together with the appropriate biographical sketches shall begin to be sent to each member entitled to vote.

BOD - June 2014

R22.1.4.2 Validity Only ballots returned in the manner specified by Elections Committee and received by the Executive Secretary by the date and time specified by the Board in the Notice of Election shall be considered valid.

R22.1.5 Processing of Results

R22.1.5.1 Observers A candidate or their representative may observe the processing of results.

BOD 2008 (e)

R22.1.5.2 Ranking In Elections involving candidates for multiple terms of office, the candidates shall be ranked in order of the number of votes received. Notwithstanding the requirements of By-Law 22.3.1, the successful candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected to the longest term of office and the successful candidates with a lesser number of votes shall be deemed to have been elected to a shorter term of office.

BOD – May 2015

R22.1.5.3 Results Candidates will be advised of the results of the election on completion of the processing of results. The results of the election shall be reported to the membership.

BOD 2008 (e)

R22.1.5.4 Request for Verification of Results Candidates declared unsuccessful who wish a verification of the results must submit a formal request to the Executive Secretary within five (5) working days from the date the candidate is notified of the results of the election. A recount would only apply to paper ballots and only if the number of paper ballots exceeds the margin of victory. A verification of the logs can be done with candidates present.

BOD – May 2015

R22.1.5.5 Destruction of Ballots and Electronic Records Save in exceptional circumstances, the Board shall, at its first meeting following completion of all verification of results and appeal procedures, direct the destruction of the ballots and all associated electronic records.

BOD 2008 (e)

R22.2.1 A member employed in a particular Region shall be eligible to stand for election as a Director to another Region if they satisfy the Elections Committee that they shall be employed in the other Region by January first (1st) of the following year.

R22.2.1.1 A Director who is temporarily employed for a period of not more than six (6) months outside the Region from which they were elected, shall not be subject to the foregoing conditions.

R22.2.1.2 If, between the close of nominations and the processing of results, a candidate for Director becomes aware that they shall not be employed in the Region which they seek to represent, shall immediately inform the Elections Committee and shall withdraw their candidacy.

BOD 2008 (e)

R22.4.1 “Do Not Contact” List The Institute will create and maintain a “do not contact” list of member email addresses. Any member unwilling to receive election campaign material at a specific email address(es) shall notify the Executive Secretary. Candidates and those acting on behalf of a candidate shall not send election material to any email address contained on the “do not contact” list.

BOD - 2007 (e)

R22.4.2 Institute Facilities and Resources

Except as hereinafter specifically provided or approved by the Elections Committee, neither candidates for Institute office nor those acting on behalf of a candidate nor other members involved in election activities, may use Institute funds, resources, facilities, letterhead or logo on behalf of the candidates. Neither candidates nor those acting on behalf of a candidate may in any way suggest the preference or support any Institute body, the Institute as a corporate body or its employees for any candidate.

BOD – May 2015

R22.4.2.1 Accepted Uses The following are accepted uses of Institute Resources:

a) Presidential and Vice-Presidential speeches at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Institute as specified in the procedures provided by the Elections Committee;

BOD – May 2015

b) Distribution of campaign material in the AGM meeting room provided it does not interrupt or delay the meeting;

BOD – 2007 (e)

c) Wearing of PIPSC pins while campaigning;
d) Use of pictures of non-election events where the PIPSC logo is present; and
e) Use of PIPSC cell phone in the event a candidate already has one assigned to them for the position they presently hold.

BOD – May 2015

R22.4.2.2 Staff Resources Candidates, those acting on behalf of candidates and other members involved in elections activities, shall not involve Institute staff in any election activity.

BOD – May 2015

R22.4.3.1 Endorsements by the Institute and its Constituent Bodies The Institute and its constituent bodies shall not endorse candidates in an election.

BOD - 2007 (e)

R22.4.3.2 Endorsements by Stewards and other Institute Members Stewards, other Regular Members, and Retired Members may express support for a candidate in an election. Any statement of support or endorsement shall not contain an Institute or constituent body logo, and shall contain the following disclaimer:

“This endorsement of candidate(s) in no way implies any endorsement of the candidate(s) by any Institute body, the Institute as a corporate body, or by the employees of the Institute.”

BOD - 2007 (e)


A member who faces temporary suspension pursuant to By-law 24.4 shall be advised of the reasons for such recommendation and afforded an opportunity to make submissions in writing for consideration by the decision maker. Such submissions shall be limited to no more than five pages.

BOD – Aug 2016


R26.1 Gold Medal Award

R26.1.3 Rules The Rules governing the award shall be sent out no later than February 1 of the year in which the award may be made.

R26.1.3.1 Award The award shall consist of a 14K gold medal engraved with the Institute logo. In the event a group wins this medal, only one (1) medal, suitably engraved, will be presented. Each member of the group will receive a certificate and a suitable replica of the medal.

R26. Basis of Award In recognition of achievements that have improved and enhanced public well-being, the Institute may:

a) in odd-numbered years, award a medal in the field of pure or applied sciences, and
b) in even-numbered years, award a medal in a field other than pure or applied sciences.

R26.1.3.2 Eligibility Those eligible for an award are scientific, professional or technical workers currently or previously employed by the federal, territorial, provincial, aboriginal, regional or municipal government services of Canada. The work leading to the achievement must have been performed during the recipient's or recipients' tenure in government service in Canada.

BOD 1998 (e)

R26.1.3.3 Nominations

R26. Nominators Any individual, group or organization in Canada my nominate any eligible person or persons.

R26. Previous Nominations Previous nominations for this award may be resubmitted.

R26. Documentation Nominations, submitted in triplicate, must include:

a) a concise summary, in non-technical language, of the nominee's achievement, including its significance and value to society;
b) evidence of the nominee's qualifications, such as a paper or papers, a complete curriculum vitae including education, research, publication and work history, and the signatures, addresses and positions of at least two (2) qualified references.

R26. Nominations must not exceed ten (10) pages. As supporting documentation will not be returned, original publications should not accompany the nominations. A list of publications is acceptable.

R26. Nominations must be securely enclosed in two (2) wrappers or envelopes. For acknowledgment purposes, the outer wrapper or envelope must enclose a statement giving the names and addresses of the nominators. The inner wrapper or envelope must be sealed and clearly marked "Confidential", "Nomination for the (year) award of a Professional Institute Gold Medal".

R26. Nominations, submitted by registered mail or by courier, must be addressed to, and received by, the Executive Secretary, The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, no later than April 15 of the year in which the award may be made.

BOD – August 2013

R26. Late Submissions Submissions received after the deadline shall not be accepted and shall be returned to the nominators.

R26. Panel of Judges The evaluation of submissions shall be made by a Selection Panel comprising individuals not eligible for the award.

R26. A medal will not be awarded if, in the opinion of the panel, no submission worthy of an award has been received.

R26.2 Life Membership Award

R26.2.3 Rules The Rules shall be available on the PIPSC Web site no later than April 15 of the year in which the award may be made.

BOD - August 2010

R26.2.3.1 Award The award shall consist of:

a) a Life Membership certificate and
b) cancellation of fees payable by the member or, if remitted to the Institute by compulsory payroll deduction, refunded to the member within a reasonable time.

R26. Life Membership and the cancellation or refund of fees payable by the member requires approval of the Board of Directors.

R26. Life Members shall be granted membership in one (1) of the categories listed in By-Law 6 Categories of Membership. When appropriate, the Institute shall determine the category of membership to be granted.

R26.2.3.2 Nominators At least six (6) members in good standing may nominate any eligible member.

R26.2.3.3 Nominations Nominations must be on the prescribed form and include:

a) a list of the nominee's service to the Institute, including dates;
b) a summary of the nominee's accomplishments, and
c) a brief citation for use if and when Life membership is conferred.

BOD 2005 (e)

R26. Nominations must be addressed to, and received by, the Executive Secretary of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, no later than twelve (12) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting for consideration in that year.

BOD Feb 2013 (e)

R26. Panel of Judges The Executive Committee shall appoint a panel of three (3) judges consisting of Past Presidents and/or Past Vice -Presidents. The panel's decision shall be reported to the Board and to the nominators no later than the last Friday of September. In the case of a negative decision, the reasons for the negative decision shall also be communicated to the nominators. The panel's decision shall be based on the most recent criteria approved by the Board of Directors plus any applicable by-laws and regulations.

BOD – October 2017

R26. An award will not be awarded if, in the opinion of the panel, no submission worthy of an award has been received.

BOD – October 2017

R26.2.3.6 Presentation The Life Membership Award (s) shall normally be presented at an Annual General Meeting.

R26.3 Institute Service Award

R26.3.3 Rules The Rules shall be available on the PIPSC Web site no later than April 15 of the year in which the award may be made.

BOD - August 2010

R26.3.3.1 Award The award shall consist of a plaque.

R26.3.3.2 Nominators Any five (5) members in good standing may nominate any eligible member or employee.

BOD April 2016

R26.3.3.3 Nominations Nomination papers must be on the prescribed form and include:

a) a list of the nominee's services to the Institute, including dates
b) a summary of the achievements of the nominee, and
c) a brief citation for use if and when the award is presented.

BOD September 2005 (e)

R26. Nominations must be addressed to, and received by, the Executive Secretary of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, no later than twelve (12) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting for consideration in that year.

BOD Feb 2013 (e)

R26.3.3.4 Panel of Judges The Executive Committee shall appoint a panel of three (3) judges consisting of Past Presidents and/or Past Vice-Presidents. The panel's decision shall be reported to the Board and to the nominators no later than the the last Friday of September. In the case of a negative decision, the reasons for the negative decision shall also be communicated to the nominators. The panel's decision shall be based on the most recent criteria approved by the Board of Directors plus any applicable by-laws and regulations.

BOD October 2017

R26.3.3.5 An award will not be awarded if, in the opinion of the panel, no submission worthy of an award has been received.

BOD October 2017

R26.3.3.6 Presentation The Institute Service Award(s) shall normally be presented at an Annual General Meeting.

BOD October 2017

R26.4 Citation Certificate Award

R26.4.3 Rules The Rules shall be available on the PIPSC Web site no later than April 15 of the year in which the award may be made.

BOD - August 2010

R26.4.3.1 Award The award shall consist of a Citation Certification signed by an officer of the appropriate constituent body, committee, or consultation team, and, if applicable, the President.

BOD – April 2016

R26. Number of Awards There shall be no limit to the number of Citation Certificates that may be presented in any one (1) year.

R26.4.3.2 Nominators At least two (2) members in good standing may nominate any eligible member or employee.

R26.4.3.3 Nominations Nominations must be on the prescribed form and include:

a) details of the nominee's service to the appropriate governing body or to the Institute as a whole, and
b) a brief citation for use when a Citation Certificate is presented.

BOD - September 2005

R26. Nominations must first be forwarded to the appropriate constituent body for comment and recommendation, following which they are to be forwarded to the Executive Committee of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, for due processing. The appropriate constituent body for Group or Sub-Group activities is the Group. The appropriate constituent body for Region or Branch activities is the Region. The appropriate constituent body for other activities is the Institute’s Executive Committee.

BOD - September 2005

R26.4.3.4 Presentation Only members may present Citation Certificates to nominees.

R26.5 Honorary Membership Award

R26.5.3 Rules The Rules governing Honorary Membership shall be available on the PIPSC Web site no later than April 15 of the year in which the award may be made.

BOD - August 2010

R26.5.3.1 Award The award shall consist of a certificate signed by the President and presented by the Board to the recipient. Honorary members shall not be charged any fees.

R26. Number of Awards There shall be no limit to the number of recipients of Honorary Membership in any one (1) year.

R26.5.3.2 Eligibility Any person who has never been a member of the Institute and who has made outstanding contributions to the Institute is eligible for this award.

R26.5.3.3 Nominators At least five (5) members may nominate a person for Honorary Membership.

R26.5.3.4 Nominations Nominations must include:

a) a list of the nominee's service to the Institute, and
b) a brief citation to be used if and when Honorary Membership is conferred.

R26.8 President’s Achievement Award

R26.8.3 Rules The Rules shall be available on the PIPSC Web site no later than April 15 of the year in which the award may be made.

BOD – April 2016

R26.8.3.1 Award The award shall consist of a plaque engraved with the Institute logo.

BOD – April 2016

R26.8.3.2 Nominators: At least three (3) persons may nominate any eligible person.

BOD – April 2016

R26.8.3.3 Nominations Nominations not exceeding 1200 words, must be on the prescribed form and include:

a) a summary, in non-technical language, of the nominee’s achievement, including dates, its significance and value to the profession and/or professionalism; and
b) evidence of the nominee’s qualifications, such as paper or papers, and relevant work history, and the names, addresses and positions of at least two (2) references qualified in the nominee's profession.
c) achievements within the previous two (2) years will be given greater weight in the selection process.
d) The nominators may prepare a brief citation (optional and not included in the word count) that may be used if and when the President’s Achievement Award is presented.

BOD – April 2016

R26. As supporting documentation will not be returned, original publications should not accompany the nominations. A list of publications is acceptable.

BOD – April 2016

R26. Previous Nominations Previous nominations for this award may be resubmitted.

BOD – April 2016

R26. Nominations must be addressed to, and received by, the Executive Secretary, The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, no later than twelve (12) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting for consideration in that year.

BOD – April 2016

R26. Late Submissions: Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted and nominators shall be so advised.

R26. Panel of Judges: The Executive Committee shall appoint a panel of three (3) judges consisting of Past Presidents and/or Past Vice-Presidents. No later than the last Friday of September, the Panel shall make recommendations to the President who shall make the final selection. In the case of a negative decision, the reasons for the negative decision shall also be communicated to the nominators. The panel’s recommendation shall be based on the most recent criteria approved by the Board of Directors plus any applicable by-laws and regulations.

BOD - October 2017

R26. An award will not be awarded if, in the opinion of the panel, no submission worthy of an award has been received.

BOD - October 2017

R26. The President’s Achievement Award shall normally be presented at the Institute AGM.

BOD - August 2009