17.2.3 Resolutions Sub-Committee Composition - There shall be a Sub- Committee on Resolutions, chaired by the Chair of the By-Laws and Policies Committee, consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. As a minimum, composition should include the designated representatives of the By-Laws and Policies Committee, the Finance Committee and the Advisory Council.

AGM 2005 (e) Mandate All proposed resolutions for the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted by the proposer(s) to the Resolutions Sub- Committee for examination. The Sub-Committee may make recommendations as to the validity, legality and clarity of the proposed resolutions to the proposer(s), to the Board and to the Annual General Meeting. Such recommendations are not binding on the proposer(s). However, if the Sub-Committee believes a resolution contravenes the Institute Policy on Harassment or the Canadian Human Rights Act, the proposer(s) shall be given an opportunity to revise the resolution before recommending to the President that the resolution be rejected and the proposer(s) so informed.

AGM 1997 (e) The Sub-Committee is available to assist constituencies in improving the formulation of resolutions.

To Submit a Resolution to the AGM: resolutions@pipsc.ca


Finance Committee / Comité des finances

John G. Purdie

Group : Audit, Financial & Scientific Group

Department : Canada Revenue Agency

Phone : 1-519-816-1587

Email : jpurdie@pipsc.ca


Finance Committee / Comité des finances

Tom Yantsis

Group : Audit, Financial & Scientific Group

Department : Canada Revenue Agency

Phone : 1-416-561-6474

Email : yantsis@rogers.com


By-Laws and Policies Committee / Comité des status et politiques

Stéphanie Fréchette

Group : CFIA - Scientific and Analytical Group

Department : Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Phone : 1-450-768-1376

Email : steph@pipsc.ca


Advisory Council / Conseil consultatif

David Craig Bradley

Group : Computer Systems Group

Department : Shared Services Canada

Phone : 1-902-314-1824

Email : crbradle@pipsc.ca

Staff Resource

Acting General Counsel / Conseiller généraux aux affaires juridiques intérimaire


Group : Not applicable

Department : Not applicable

Phone :

Email :

Staff Resource

Executive Assistant to the Executive Secretary / Adjointe de direction au Secrétaire exécutif

Ann Gregory

Group : Not applicable

Department : Not applicable

Phone : 1-613-228-6310

Email : agregory@pipsc.ca