December 16, 2023

PIPSC Salon C/D or via Zoom

9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.





Present: Christine Freeman, Mandy Chan, Michael P. Kenny, Mike Chow, Scott McConaghy, Luc Denis, Manny Costain

Staff: Tony Goddard

Regrets: Stéphanie Fréchette


It was announced that VP Fréchette was involved in an auto accident the previous evening and she hopes to join the meeting later in the day. Scott McConaghy volunteered to chair the meeting in her absence.


1)               Approval of the Agenda

            Moved: Michael Kenny          Seconded: Mike Chow



2)               Approval of Minutes of September 18, 2023 and October 23, 2023

It was asked when the September 18, 2023 minutes might be available. Staff will follow up and provide an update when available.

Moved: Christine Freeman    Seconded: Mandy Chan

That the October 23, 2023 minutes be accepted as presented.



3)               Board of Directors Update

Director Costain informed the meeting that he has been appointed to the position of BLPC Chair for the year 2024 by the Board of Directors. Since VP Fréchette is unavailable, Manny provided a brief update on the results of the Board meeting of December 14 & 15, 2023 and pointed out that several of the items approved by the Board are on our agenda today.


4)               Standing & Priority Items

a.     Model By-Laws (Michael Kenny)

Michael Kenny informed the meeting that all of the model bylaws, including the Model AFS Subgroup Bylaws, have now been reviewed, updated and shared with the committee. It was agreed that the revised models can now be sent for translation and then to the Board for approval before posting to the website.


b.     Policy on Financial Support for Member Participation (Cell & Internet)

A lengthy discussion was held, and the following recommendations were proposed:


1)     Moving the items listed in #9 of the Policy on Member Participation to the following two policies to cover appropriately the two different groups (constituent bodies and consultation teams):


a)     Policy on Constituent Body Allocations

Article 7 - Limits on the acceptable use of Institute funds:

CELL PHONE - A PIPSC Member who uses or is provided with a cell phone plan in the performance of their duties may be provided with a maximum monthly reimbursement. as determined annually by the Board of Directors at their first meeting of the year.

Maximum approved by the Board of Directors at their first meeting of the year.

INTERNET - A PIPSC Member who uses or is provided with an internet plan in the performance of their duties may be provided with a maximum monthly reimbursement.

Maximum approved by the Board of Directors at their first meeting of the year.


b)     Policy on Consultation: Recommended that similar wording be added to Article 10 - Budgeting.


2)     Ensure only one claim is made by a specific member for all participation in multiple constituent bodies or consultation teams. This may be covered by wording similar to "from all sources unless the excess is authorized by the Board." A further point might be added to say, "Only one claim can be made by each member."


3)     Nothing has been identified to cover executive members personal cell phone or internet plans. A slight change of wording is required to cover this to ensure we are not only discussing and approving plans provided by the constituent body or consultation team.


4)     The constituent body and consultation team executives should be approving the use of their funds before it is paid by PIPSC Finance. It could be the role of the President or Treasurer to ensure only one claim was approved knowing the members could be on multiple bodies.


It was agreed that Manny would review the indicated policies and provide a revised version at the next BLPC meeting.


c.     AGM Resolution F-6 Family Care

It was agreed that the resolution passed was clear and that the approved wording could simply be inserted into the policy. Tony agreed to insert the wording between paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 2 and send the revised policy to all BLPC members for approval secretarially. Once approved by the committee, it can be forwarded to the Board for approval (translation is already complete).


d.     AGM Resolution P-10 Committees of the Board

It was agreed to append the wording provided in the resolution to the policy and circulate it to the committee members for approval secretarially. Once approved by the committee, it can be forwarded to the Board for approval (translation is already complete).


e.     BoD Motion - International Travel

The committee agreed that the case of a member traveling from Canada, internationally was clearly understood. There were questions around the intent of the Board for members who are working internationally and may be required to travel back to Canada for Institute business. Does the Board want to control each of those trips individually, with a blanket approval or not at all? Christine Freeman agreed to work on the revised wording for the Policy on Financial Support for Member Participation and bring it back to the BLPC for review.


f.       BoD Motion - Acting President During International Travel

Agreement was reached that this revision should be included in the Policy on Presidents and Vice-Presidents. Scott McConaghy agreed to add the required wording to a new article “5” and bring it back to the committee for review.


g.     BoD Resolution P-1 Relocation of FT Vice-Presidents

Wording from the resolution was approved by the Board of Directors at the December 15, 2023 meeting. Tony agreed to update the policy wording and send it to all BLPC members for review before sending it for translation and Board approval.


5)               Results/Approvals from previous Board meeting(s) (For Information ONLY)

  1. JCC Group Bylaws – to be posted after translation.
  2. BC/Yukon Bylaws (Mike Chow) – Approved BoD 14 Dec - Posted
  3. Lethbridge Branch Bylaws (Christine Freeman)- Approved BoD 14 Dec - Posted
  4. CP Group Bylaws – Posted
  5. Ontario Region Constitution and Bylaws (Mandy Chan) – Posted
  6. Toronto North CRA Branch (Mandy Chan) - to be posted after translation.
  7. IT Group By-Laws – Posted
  8. IT Montérégie SG By-Laws (Luc Denis) – Posted
  9. Simcoe Grey Branch (Mandy Chan) - to be posted after translation.
  10. SH Group – Approved BoD 14 Dec - Posted
  11. Toronto East AFS SG (Mandy Chan) – Approved BoD 14 Dec – to be posted.
  12. Toronto East Branch (Mandy Chan) – Approved BoD 14 Dec – to be posted.
  13. Ottawa Centreville Branch Bylaw Amendments (Michael Kenny) – Approved BoD 14 Dec - Posted


6)           Matters Arising

a.     NR St-Hubert - Montérégie (PDF doc) Name Change complete and reflected on the website. This constituent body has no bylaws and is therefore governed by the model bylaws. (Luc)

b.     NEB Group Bylaws (Scott McConaghy) Bylaws submitted – no highlighting of changes. Bylaws were ratified at the NEB AGM. Scott will reach out to the NEB Group and discuss the reasoning behind the high quorum number required in their bylaws.

c.     House of Commons Group Bylaws Amended (Michael Kenny waiting for Group Ratification)

d.     CRPEG Group (Michael K, pending group ratification)

e.     BL 17.4 - Elections Appeals Committee. Scott McConaghy recommended that this decision be forwarded to the 2024 committee for finalization. The recommendation from this meeting is to revise the structure and requirements to reflect the Panel of Peers.

f.       Edmonton By-Law Amendments (Christine Freeman) Christine has not heard back from this Branch.

g.     Retired Members – Request for clarification from BoD (Scott McConaghy) The existing Institute bylaw, while providing clear direction, is not being enforced. It was recommended to forward this matter to the next BLPC meeting for a fulsome discussion.

h.     BCFNHA Bylaw Amendments (Mike Chow) The major issue with this Group has been resolved. The requested bylaw changes have been reviewed and some minor changes are in line with our recommendations. Recommend that this be sent to translation and then the Board for approval.



7)               New Business

a.     Place de Ville NR SG (Michael K) – Michael Kenny will review the proposed changes and bring them forward to the next BLPC meeting. If required, Michael will reach out to Yves Cousineau for clarifications.


b.     CLC Committee Appointments The committee will review the briefing note prepared by Mark Muench (Tony to copy into the BLPC meeting folder of today’s date) A decision to incorporate the wording from Institute Bylaw 17.12.2 and expand it to include “communities of interest”. To be fully discussed at the next BLPC meeting.


c.     NCR Regulation Changes It was explained that the BLPC and Board of Directors do not need to approve regulations. The NCR submitted these regulation changes to receive input from other Regions on the methods used to select delegates for Councils and AGMs. The consensus was that the regulations, as presented, were acceptable to all present.


d.     Northeastern Alberta Branch (Christine Freeman) Chris will review the revisions and report back to the next BLPC meeting.


e.     Policy on Accessing IT Equipment The meeting did a thorough review of the recommended changes and revised the policy accordingly. This can now be presented to the Board for consideration and possible approval.


f.       House of Commons Group (Michael K) (see also 6.c duplicate item)

g.     NEB Group Amendments (see also 6.b duplicate item)


h.     IT Ottawa Metro SG Amendments (Michael Kenny) Michael has reviewed the requested changes and recommends we send these bylaws to the Board for approval. Tony will send for translation and then to the Board.


i.       AFS Group 2023 Amendments The revisions presented are a simple substitution in the AFS bylaws. Tony will send for translation and then submit to the Board for approval.


j.       NWT Branch Amendments Christine Freeman has reviewed and will suggest to the Branch that they expand on article 6.2 to better refer to “Members-at-Large” and then bring to the next BLPC meeting.


k.     Halifax Branch Scott McConaghy has reviewed the changes. The only change is splitting the Secretary-Treasurer position into two (2) separate positions. We should also change article 5.8 to reflect “review” before sending it to the Board for approval.


8)               Parked Items



a)               Senate Clerks Group (Amended)



b)               IT Vancouver SG (Mike C)


Branches / Chapters













Action Items

1.     Follow-up on September 23, 2023 minutes (Tony).

2.     Send revised model bylaws to translation and then the Board for approval (Tony).

3.     Move cell phone & internet provisions from the Policy Financial Support for Member Participation to the Policy on Constituent Body Allocations & the Policy on Consultation (Manny).

4.     Add F-6 resolution wording to Policy (Tony).

5.     Add P-10 resolution wording to Policy (Tony).

6.     Policy wording for international travel (Christine).

7.     Policy wording for acting president while on international travel (Scott).

8.     Relocation requirement for FT-VP (Tony).

9.     NEB Bylaws revisions (Scott).

10.  BCFNHA Bylaw revisions (Tony).