2021 CP Election_Elaine Ewers
Dear Colleagues,
After great contemplation, encouragement from my PIPSC peers and workplace colleagues, I declare my candidacy for Regional Representative and ask that you please vote for me.
I have been a Federal Public servant for 24 years, am a Senior Analyst at ISED and Returning Officer with Elections Canada. I am a member of the ISED and OSB Labour Management Consultation(LMCC), local Health and Safety(OHSC), and a steward.
I look for opportunities to serve such as on parent council, workplace or community. I have a Masters in Social Work and utilize skills developed working on issues in equity, anti-oppression and community building. I am intent on listening to other’s needs, whether a child with Autism or CP member with workplace challenges, so that I can advocate for their betterment.
I will work to ensure that the employer addresses needs/concerns through collective bargaining or the National Joint Committee. Those who reached-out to me concerned that your pay levels haven fallen behind others in the Group, I will work towards pay parity.
Others have voiced concern about the Group’s deficit budgeting practice and Audit report findings of unapproved charges. I will be vigilant to ensure these practices cease.
• Encourage virtual meetings at Toronto Subgroup so members at 4900 & 151 Yonge, Mississauga Center(PSPC), Matheson Blvd(CBSA), can participate.
• Revitalize Southern-Ontario Subgroup through virtual participation from Hamilton, Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo.
• Develop
o Western Ontario Subgroup for members in Windsor, London and Essex-Kent-Lambton counties.
o Kingston Subgroup for members at DND/Frontenac county.
• Encourage those not represented by a Subgroup to join the Group’s Advisory Committee, so their needs can be presented to the Executive.
• Facilitate Ontario-wide virtual Lunch-n-Learns with experts from NCR to share collective-bargaining/labour-related information.
• Encourage participation of young professionals and racialized groups.
Elaine Ewers
(Original Version)