Yves Cousineau ing. (Regular ENG & OIQ member)

I submit the following to continue serving you on the NR Group executive.


Senior Certification Engineer, Transport Canada Civil Aviation

Institute (PIPSC)

As a regular member, Steward and National Consultation team, I will continue representing PIPSC and members.

Converted TC AP subgroup into Place-de-Ville NR subgroup.

Lead two rounds of NR Group Bargaining (2010 & 2018), was NR group president for two consecutive terms (2016 to 2018).


PIPSC gained a stronger voice and presence in the workplace.

I am privileged to represent you, NR professionals, nationwide.

Improved Collective Agreement & Professional Recognition

The scope of our work often lies or moves beyond provincial boundaries. We even represent Canada internationally as professionals. Based on facts, evidences, regulations and sound judgement we protect the safety, security and economic prosperity of Canadians. I am the instigator of article 47 - professional integrity to the NR collective agreement, a first in PIPSC. Much more remains to be done considering the workplace transformations.

NR group governance

Governance also needs upgrading. 

I solicit your vote to continue representing your best interests.

Please consider electing more women to the NR group executive.


Contact me at cousiny@pipsc.ca