William Stewart - 2023 Election Autobiography

Thank you for considering my name for the position of President of NUREG. Many of you know me through my work in DNCFR and the Uranium Mines and Mills Division. Many more of you know of my work as a NUREG steward over the last 18 years. Being a CNSC steward has allowed me to speak to and support many CNSC staff across the country. I have been awarded the Prairie NWT Regional steward award twice. I have served 3 terms on the NUREG executive. I facilitated the formation and am President of the first NUREG Sub-Group, in Saskatoon. I am also the current President of the Saskatoon Branch of PIPSC. This experience places me in a unique place to lead NUREG through the next term.


As president of NUREG, I will focus on the ongoing issues of harassment, and opportunity for professional development of NUREG members. I will also focus on the important task of communicating with the membership and stewards. I commit to ensure that your issues are raised for consultation between NUREG and CNSC management.


If you have any questions, or concerns please reach out to me at WilliamNUREG@hotmail.ca

In solidarity

William Stewart