Terry Petrow

To all S & A members,

As a member of the national executive I will strive to address the rights of members and help with keeping members informed of national initiatives.

The following items are just some responsibilities and areas I have been involved in:
- member of the national S & A executive for eleven years;
- treasurer of the national S & A executive for ten years;
- currently a member of the National Occupational Health and Safety Committee (NOSH), co-chair of Area Occupational Health and Safety Committee (AOSH) and a member of the local worksite OSH;
- currently representing member interests at the National Union Management Consultation Committee (NUMCC) and Area UMCC;
- participated at member learning sessions offered by PIPSC, for stewards; and
- currently participating as a member of the S & A bargaining team.

I am seeking re-election as the Prairie/Northwest Territories Regional Representative and look forward to your support. I will endeavour to raise your issues and concerns with the executive as you bring these items to my attention.

Thank-you in advance for your consideration.
Terry Petrow