The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Selena Glover

Selena Glover

My name is Selena Glover, and I am a physiotherapist with DND in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I have been fortunate to be the OP representative on the SH Executive team for several years now, and I have gained valuable experience in many of the background roles that the Executive provides on behalf of the SH members. These last two years have been challenging for everyone, and the SH Executive is no different. Although we have not had the ability to meet in person, we currently have an excellent team of representatives from each of our nine health care professions, and we have been doing great work virtually in reviewing and updating key roles, by-laws, and practices to continue to provide relevant and efficient work on behalf of the SH group. As the OP representative, it was rewarding to work with our OP Bargaining rep and to be part of the communication and advocacy over the last few years to achieve National Rates of Pay for the OP’s in the last bargaining round. In this next round of bargaining, we will not have an OP on the bargaining team. If chosen, I will continue to provide a key link of communication between the OP members and bargaining team. We have essentially doubled our OP numbers in PIPSC over the last two years, and I look forward to touching base with you all to canvas you for your ideas and priorities for this round of bargaining. Thank you for the opportunity over the last few years, and I would be honoured to continue to represent the OP’s and the SH members as a whole for the next term.