Sacha Nandlall - RE Group

I’ve been active in our union since becoming a defence scientist five years ago. I became involved because I believe it's important for all of our members to have a voice in shaping our workplace.

I joined my local sub-group executive in 2017 and have served as its president since 2018. Through the activities we’ve organized, I've seen the vital role sub-groups play in keeping our membership informed, fostering team spirit in the workplace, and feeding the grassroots of our union by giving local members a forum to express their views.

I became a PIPSC steward in 2018 and have since been part of my workplace Labour-Management Relations Committee, and more recently the Joint DS Pay Plan/SAS Committee. It's been rewarding to work with both members and managers successfully on a range of issues, such as ensuring that someone could present their work at a conference, or strengthening a policy to protect members' personal information. These experiences have shown me that the work our union does makes a huge difference to both our quality of life and the effectiveness of the agencies we serve.

My approach is to combine respect, knowledge of the rules, and a strong sense of fairness with perseverance, patience, and creativity. I would like to bring that ethos to the RE executive and to some of the big challenges we face as a group, such as protecting scientific integrity and enshrining the vital role our work plays in sound, evidence-based decision-making. If elected, renewing and strengthening the RE group's connections with sub-groups and members across the country would be my top priority.

If you'd like to know more about me or my position on a particular issue, please feel free to reach out to me at Thanks for voting in this election!

Sacha Nandlall