2025 Annual General Meeting

200 Rene-Levesque West and Montreal AFS Sub-Groups and Montreal Centre Branch 

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meetings of the AFS 200 Rene-Levesque West Sub-Group, the AFS Montreal Sub-Group and the Montreal Centre Branch on:

Thursday, March 20th, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. 

Elio Restaurant (Anna-Maria Buffet)

351 Bellechasse street, Montreal

Zoom link : https://pipsc.zoom.us/j/93933790360?pwd=cFQxcy9GcUxWdlVVZUljUGZETms5UT09 

Guest Speakers: 

Benoît Pelletier, Quebec Region director

Jean Couillard, AFS Group Regional Representative 

Important notes:

A meal will be provided to the first seventy (70) registered participants.  However, all members in good standing can attend the AGM (first part).

In order to register, please send an e-mail to Ronald Pétion by March 13th at RonaldR.Petion@cra-arc.gc.ca.  Select your meal choice between steak, fish or pizza.  However, all members in good standing can attend the AGM (first part).

Here is the Agenda :

  1. AGM opening remarks
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and business Arising from the Minutes
  4. Guest speaker
  5. Report of the President
  6. Annual Financial Report
  7. Guest speaker
  8. Approval of Budget
  9. Guest speaker

10. Varia

11. End of meeting

See you there,


Sophie Laporte 

President Montreal Center Branch