(Translated from French)

Montérégie Branch AGM Minutes—April 20, 2023

  1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks by the Chair

H. Vanasse, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed the Branch members as well as to guests Sandra Guéric, ORE, and Pierre Potvin, Quebec Regional Manager. He explained that our president, Mrs. Jennifer Carr, will not be able to join us because she is busy in Montreal on union business (Public Service Alliance on strike)                     

  1. Introduction of the Interim Executive (members present):

Steve Parent, Vice-President

Manon Duchesne, Treasurer

Lucie Dubé, Secretary

Claudine Morin

Giovanni Giolti

Maya El-Haraké

  1. Approval of the Agenda              

The approval of the agenda is proposed by Benjamin Blanchard, seconded by Steve Parent.

  1. Approval of the 2019 AGA Minutes/ Business Arising

The approval of the 2019 AGM minutes was proposed by Louise Brisebois, seconded by Manon Duchesne.

  1. Report of the President – Hugues Vanasse

Hugues explained that because of the pandemic, there were no events in 2020.  In 2021, the executive held 2 Zoom meetings.  In 2022, operations resumed.  The executive committee met 4 times.   During 2021 and 2022, the Executive made 2 donations of $2,000 to Moisson Rive-Sud.

  1. Financial report – Manon Duchesne, Treasurer

Manon presented the Financial Statements as of December 31, 2022.  After a few questions from members, the financial statements were adopted on a motion by Philippe Fortin, seconded by Sabrina Provost.

  1. Elections Committee chair Report – Mario Lamarre

Mario explained that, due to the pandemic, all executive positions had fallen vacant.  He mentioned that he has received the applications of Hugues Vanasse for the position of President (1-year term), Steve

Parent, Vice-President (2-year term), Manon Duchesne, Treasurer (2-year term) and Lucie Dubé, Secretary (1-year term).  Giovanni Giolti, Claudine Morin, Féthi Boutaleb and Maya El-Haraké have applied for the Director positions (2-year term) and Frédérik Daunais for the other Director position (1-year term).  As there were no further nominations, all candidates were acclaimed.

Mario points out that there are still 2 director positions (1-year term) and invites interested members to come forward.  Alexandre Gentile, whose candidacy was proposed by Philippe Ouimet, and Vahid Raissi Dehkordi were elected unopposed.              

  1. Elections

All positions were acclaimed.

  1. Introduction of the new Executive:

President (1-year term):                       Hugues Vanasse

Vice-President (2-year term):              Steve Parent

Treasurer (2-year term):                       Manon Duchesne

Secretary (1-year term):                        Lucie Dubé

Directors (2-year term):                        Féthi Boutaleb

                                                             Maya El-Haraké

                                                             Giovanni Giolti

                                                             Claudine Morin

Directors (1-year term):                       Frédérik Daunais

                                                            Alexandre Gentile

                                                            Vahid Raissi Dehkordi


10- Other Business 

Nadie Bourcier asked for an explanation of the fact that retired members sit on the executive.  Steve took this opportunity to explain the role of the sub-group (services to members in the workplace, representation, grievances, etc.) and the chapter (support to sub-groups, union orientation, etc.).  He specified that a retired member who pays union dues can participate in union activities and sit on a chapter executive.


11- Adjournment

Hugues thanked all the members for coming and reminded them that it was important to support the Public Service Alliance in its pressure tactics, because what the Alliance obtains will be used in the next PIPSC negotiations.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. on a motion by Sophie Coderre, seconded by Frédéric Hivon.

12- Guests’ speeches

Pierre Potvin, President and Director, Québec Region Executive

Pierre reminded us that it’s important to support Alliance members by making small gestures of solidarity (coffee on picket lines, etc.).  He encouraged members to get involved in the union, explaining that they are always welcome.

Sandra Guéric, Employment Relations Officer (ORE)

Sandra told us about unpaid leave for members who refused to be vaccinated during the pandemic.

She recounted the cases of 2 nurses in Ontario and explained that judges are reluctant to rule in these situations and tend to ask the parties to try to reach an agreement.  She pointed out that there are several files in the hands of the Labour Relations and Employment Board, which has yet to render a decision in 2023.

She invited members to consult the EROs if they have any questions about employment relations.