Northern New Brunswick Branch Boat Tour


Boat tour & Finger food
Date: September 7th, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Ritchie's Wharf, Miramichi, N.B. 
Cost: Free

Please reserve your spot by September 4, 2024


The Northern New Brunswick Branch invites you for a boat tour, some finger food, and one alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink per person on the Miramichi River.


The activity beings at 7:00 PM at Ritchie's Wharf. The Northern New Brunswick Branch will pay for the finger food and the boat tour. There is only enough space for 40 people, so reservations are necessary. Only the first 40 people to RSVP will be accepted. Please reserve ASAP by September 4, 2024, to secure a place for you and your spouse/friend.  


Note: We will pay for the finger food and the boat tour, plus one alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink for the member and his/her spouse or friend.  Each member can only invite one person each.

If you need more information or to reserve your place, please contact Gilles Comeau at 506-226-0121 or by email at


Gilles Comeau
Northern New Brunswick Branch president