
PIPSC Executive Meeting 16 May 2017

Lake Melville Branch

Location: Mariners Galley Restaurant

Time: 12:00 pm, Tuesday 16 May 2017

In Attendance:

Tony Chubbs (President)

Colin O’Brien (Vice President)

Trevor Kennedy (Secretary/Treasurer)

1) Welcome - Meeting called to order at 12:10 pm

2) Adoption of Agenda – Agenda approved as presented

3) Review of Previous Minutes – No additions or omissions –passed

4) Review of Finances

  1. Annual allocation received, supplemental amount for northern not.  Trevor will check with finance.  Will include mileage with claim.

5) New Business

  1. Phoenix discussion – a few members have been experiencing challenges but are handling them through internal HR, no action required by Branch at this time.
  2. Trevor to take minutes for this meeting and post them to the PIPSC website. Unsure if previous EC Meeting minutes were posted, Trevor to check, if not then to have them posted.
  3. Trevor updated the group on Constituent Body Training – very useful training and would encourage all to participate.  Tony has already attended, Colin will look into new offerings.
  4. Discussion of PIPSC By-law 11.2.3 – The Executive shall meet at least three times a year.  We will be careful to comply with this.
  5. Trevor to check with PIPSC if funding is available for events such as PSW outside of our annual allocation.
  6. Colin will check with St. John’s branch on who provided their retirement/financial planning session.  If possible we may host the same as a Lunch and Learn or a separate event.

6) Round table

  1. General discussion around Union/Management Committee, Lunch and Learn budget underutilised, potential synergies with our branch and others (ie. Colin has been interacting with our St. John’s branch, may be some things we can replicate)

Meeting ended 1:15 pm.