Pierre Touchette

(Translated from French)

Photo Pierre Touchette

Vice-President appointed in 2013, elected in 2015 and re-elected in 2021.
2017 National Capital Region Steward of the Year.
Steward and Executive member since 2007.
Participated in the latest round of bargaining as part of the bargaining team.
PIPSC IT (CS) Group member for 24 years
Shared Services Canada Consultation Team member

Dear Members,

I am seeking your support for re-election as Vice-President of the national executive of the IT group.

With the end of the pandemic, which had put a serious brake on all forms of union activity, a new challenge has arisen. The nature of work has changed enormously with telework and a minimum return to different physical locations. The disappearance of a place of identity leads us to think differently. There will always be opportunities to meet members face to face. But now we have to add the virtual approach. We will communicate by e-mail and telephone.

Since my appointment in 2013 as Group Vice President. I had the pleasure of representing members at official and unofficial events, discussing and debating issues and listening to concerns. I've also had the pleasure of working with Group President Stan Buday, who gives me some very useful advice.

My focus during the last round of negotiations was to obtain fair and equitable monetary redress with the CSs of the Revenue Agency. I'm pleased with the agreement we have, despite the Treasury's stubborn refusal to recognize the impact of outsourcing on our jobs while ignoring the problem of retention and recruitment.

I would love to continue the work we started to safeguard our interests and protect our collective agreement.

I worked on the various projects associated with each of the positions. From the generic job description and a new definition of the Group, as well as proudly attending the CS Sub-Group Presidents’ Annual General Meeting, I am always proud of participating.

My activities within the union, Annual General Meetings (PIPSC, IT Group), Regional Councils and Stewards Council have given me a platform to speak out [on issues] that sometimes do not go unnoticed. [sic]

For the last four years, I have been an active member of the Shared Service Consultation Team for the National Capital Region. As opposed to the private sector, I am a strong believer in the public sector. I also believe that as public servants, we should always strive to deliver the best possible services.

Thank you!