The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Rachel Boyko

Rachel Boyko

RN BScN 2010, working on a Physiology/Pharmacology degree, Nu Hos 03 since Jan 2011, experience as a staff nurse on Female Secure Unit, Palliative, Dialysis, Health Care Clinic, Clinical Practice Lead, acting as a Nu Hos 05. Steward, Treasurer of SH Subgroup, Member of Saskatoon Branch, Member of Prairie Youth Committee. My asset qualities are organization, ensuring administrative tasks are completed, planning fun events and connecting and communicating with others. I am happily fully vaccinated and support increasing vaccination rates through education and encouragement not coercion, force or duress but will always support members with a variety of views on this divisive issue and did not agree with PIPSC blanket stand. I am interested in applying for this position as it was so nice to have Colleen represent us at the National Level and would like to see that continue for our site.