Retro pay delays for RCMP civilian Computer Personnel members unreasonable and unjustifiable

To our surprise and disappointment, we were advised that retroactive payment for civilian members is not expected to be completed until July 28, 2021. When we inquired about why there is a delay, we were advised that the guidance from the Treasury Board to the RCMP is to complete implementation within 180 days.

President Debi Daviau wrote to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, urging her to intervene so retroactive payments can be processed as soon as possible, and no later than 90 days from the date the collective agreement was signed.


This retro pay delay shouldn’t affect the new pay rates for RCMP civilian members in the Computer Personnel classifications, who should have received their new rate of pay on March 25, 2021.  

There is no justifiable reason for the RCMP to delay the payments to these members for 180 days. The pay increases were processed in a timely manner, so surely the retroactive payments could also be processed in a timely fashion.

Not only is this delay unreasonable and unjustifiable, it is an abuse of a process established as a direct consequence of Phoenix, intended only for public servants who are paid through the Phoenix pay system. RCMP civilian members were excluded from the extended 180-day implementation period and the corresponding payment of $500 as compensation for extended implementation.

If the RCMP requires 180 days to pay our members their retroactive payments, this should be on the same terms: pay the $500 as compensation.