Joanne Papineau - SP Group


• My commitment: Serve all SP members with integrity and timely manner

• PIPSC Positions Held :

o SP-NCR Sub-Group executive 2017 and VP since 2019

o PIPSC Steward since 2018

o SP Member since 1993

• Women in Science Task Force member and co-facilitator at Learning Lab: Inclusion, diversity and fair gender parity for women in science across Public Service.

o Everyone wins with equity, equality and allyship!

• Engagement and commitment: Active, outgoing and committed participant at national/regional AGMs, Advisory/Steward Councils, Lunch and Learns and Branch/SG activities

• Extensive experience working at Environment, Natural Resources and Health Canada, largest number of SP members, offered me deep understanding and empathy of member issues

• Collaboration and consultation are my focus. Work at the Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation Directorate (ECCC) is increasing cultural competency and contributing towards government’s promise of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples

• Giving back to community: Volunteer support to Museum of Nature, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Association Québécoise des troubles d’apprentissage

o ECCC Loaned Representative for Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign

• My belief: Integrity, inclusiveness, teamwork and transparency. We can make a difference one day at a time!

Your confidence and support matters!

Joanne Papineau