James McGrath

James McGrath

Over the past 3 years, I have had the privilege of serving in the position of Nutrition and Dietetics representative with the SH Group Executive. I am pleased to reoffer my interest in continuing to represent you and our profession at the national level. I am committed to being a voice for our members and will provide continuity of strong union values and hard work throughout another term. In having previously served in this position, I have accumulated a wide array of knowledge and experiences including having had the opportunity to hear and understand the views of many disciplines within our group. I will continue to advocate for all health professionals within the SH group. I believe the strength of any union is in its collective membership! Over the past year, we have all proven both our individual and collective strength as SH PIPSC members in rising to the challenge and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. I have been a member with PIPSC for the past 15 years and this last year was certainly my most challenging, as I am sure it was for many of you. During this time, I have reflected and continue to appreciate the benefits that belonging to a union can have for its members including job security, better wages, access to benefits, and improved working conditions. As your representative, I will continue to listen to and voice your concerns, advocate for our profession, and will stand up for the protection of our positions. My strengths include having a strong passion for our profession, believing in each individual member’s talents and strengths, and being present for the members I represent. Once again, I am ready to represent each of you. Together, we can achieve more!