Krista Puddester - CFIA-VM

I have been a VM steward with PIPSC since 2006 and I am your current VM Atlantic representative, seeking re-election. Before becoming the VM Atlantic rep I was mentored under my predecessor Dr. Tom Wright, with whom I attended many Atlantic Area UMCC/OSH meetings. I took over for Tom in 2013 and since that time I have thoroughly enjoyed working on behalf of our Atlantic members. I am a former employee of the CFIA Newfoundland and Labrador region and currently on an acting assignment with International Affairs Branch, Food Import/Export Division. I continue to attend quarterly Atlantic Area/OSH meetings in person or via videoconference, as well as meetings with the National CFIA-VM PIPSC Group Executive. I represent Atlantic members individually in informal conflict resolutions and/or in the grievance process. I also make time to speak to members about concerns they may have and help with interpretation of the collective agreement. Finally, I keep our Atlantic members up to date on collective bargaining, group grievances and other PIPSC issues that arise. I have a passion for supporting vets, especially those in my home Area! Thank you for your continued support and I hope to continue to support you!