CFIA S&A Group Election 2019 - Hussein Hussein

CFIA-S&A - Hussein Hussein

I am a Science Specialist with Food Safety Science Directorate within the Science Branch of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. I have been a PIPSC member for over 9 years (both at Health Canada and CFIA) and have taken on the role of steward within the S&A Group to further my engagement and commitment. I’m the CFIA-S&A representative for the NCR Union-Management Consultation Committee.

I believe in strong leadership and transparency. If elected, I will work with others to solve problems facing the S&A Group and effectively represent our concerns within PIPSC and to management.


  • Protect your rights and benefits.
  • Support our bargaining teams to ensure fair salaries and benefits against inflation.
  • Helping members to resolve the pay issues caused by the Phoenix Pay System.
  • Represent members’ interest on all issues such as working conditions.
  • Promote scientific integrity and professional development.

I am seeking your support for my election on the CFIA-S&A Group Executive as your NCR representative. My goal is to represent and contribute to improving all S&A members’ interests.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your voice on the Group Executive.

Hussein Hussein