PIPSC AV subgroup - North Central Vancouver Island Branch Executive Committee Meeting:  September 11 2018, 12:00 to 12:40pm


  • Bernie Taekema (Spring 2019) President
  • Jennifer Mollins (Spring 2019) Treasurer
  1. Quorum reached, Bernie called meeting to order at noon
  2. Review and approve agenda (m/s BT, JM)
  3. Treasurer's Report
    1. Approve expenditures for two events in October(m/s JM, BT)
  4. Old business
    1. Purchase of visibility items for AV subgroup for rallies - complete
    2. Publishing proceeds on the PIPSC website - complete http://www.pipsc.ca/groups/av/subgroups/av-north-central-vancouver-island
    3. New stewards - continue recruiting
    4. Phoenix - still affecting many staff.  Continue to support and monitor.
  5. New Business
    1. Debrief on
      1. EWSP session - June 28 - well attended, joint with SP subgroup and the branch.
      2. Fix Phoenix rally in Nanaimo – August 23 - well attended, joint with PSAC, BCGEU, media coverage
    2. Upcoming events planned:
      1. Oct 3 lunch and learn with Rob MacDonald
      2. Oct 18 lunch and learn with Peter Gabriel
      3. Oct 19 BC/YK AV stewards caucus
      4. AGM
        1. Plan for February 2019
        2. Bylaw to be reviewed
        3. Elections for president, vice-president and secretary
    3. Jennifer sent a subgroup update to Angela Cowie / AV group (Sept 10)
      1. Jennifer will send to all our members
  6. Roundtable - nothing further to report
  7. Next executive meeting: November to plan AGM



Jan 1, 2018 - NCVI AV subgroup exec meeting

Feb 2, 2018 - NCVI AV subgroup AGM

March 6, 2018 -  NCVI AV subgroup exec meeting

May 4 and 5, 2018 - AV subgroup presidents and AV AGM

May 13, 2018 -  - NCVI AV subgroup lunch and learn (AV AGM debrief)

June 28, 2018 - NCVI branch, Nanaimo SP subgroup and NCVI AV subgroup - EWSP info session at PBC

August 22, 2018 Phoenix Rally

Sep 11 2018 -  - NCVI AV subgroup exec meeting (Lunch and learn planning)

Oct 3, 2018: -  - NCVI AV subgroup lunch and learn -   Rob MacDonald, BC/YK regional director (pay, grievances,youth, engagement, regional activities)

Oct 18, 2108: -  - NCVI AV subgroup lunch and learn - Peter Gabriel (bargaining, EWSP)

Oct 24, 2018 -  - NCVI AV subgroup exec meeting

- AGM planning

-- elections for all 3 positions pres, vp, treasurer/secretary

-- Send invitations (3 weeks notice minimum)